what does Sup Forums think of Mega Man? Which one is the best?
>never played any Mega Man >buy this on sale for $7.50
I've only played 1 and 2 so far. The first one is kinda too hard for it's own good. The second one is maximum comfy. The music is just 10/10. Can't wait to finish it so I can play the other ones.
Just enjoy them I like 4 the best because it has 2 castles and Kalinka a qt
Lincoln King
Play it and do the challenges Then, if you're man enough, play the X series
Jonathan Perry
Snake mans theme makes me cum myself
Eli Russell
Parker Perry
>never played it >just bought it >sup guys let's discuss this and not play it
Go play it. just go in linear order.
Kevin Perez
You already played the best one, it's all downhill from there.
Jose Watson
Megaman X is so good Legends is pretty decent too
Blake Watson
9 is the best one
Lucas Rodriguez
Get megaman 9 and 10 actually while you're at it
Luke Murphy
Well i meant in that collection.
Tyler Miller
When you start 3 stay on the title screen for a while You have to listen to that godly title screen music
Gabriel Johnson
I'm playing while posting here...?
I haven't finished 2 yet. I still have Quick Man and Heat Man. The level for Quick Man is a real bitch and shows no mercy
Thomas Turner
I thought about getting that collection on Steam several times, but then I always read the reviews and forums discussion and don't.
Jacob Wood
thats a weird way to spell 10
Adrian Ross
I've been waiting for a sale to get it. $7.50 doesn't seem like much for 6 games
>inb4 buying a nes emulator ishygddt
Carson Perry
The thing is not just a NES emulator, from what it seems, even if they are emulating roms.
Jaxson Jackson
I know you're baiting because 10 is pretty average
Cooper Sullivan
I actually know you're bating because 10 is better than 9, objectively, in every conceivable way.
Henry Garcia
OP is innocent, don't lie to him
Owen Rivera
Not him, but I found some of the backgrounds in 10 repulsively ugly and the music was downright annoying at times.
Parker Brown
I'm sorry but how? The levels and music are better in 9, as well as all the weapons. 10 has useless weapons and meh level design. Honestly, 2, 3 and 4 are all better than 10
Angel Campbell
explain please, the concept of paying for digital copies of NES games is amusing
Nathaniel Stewart
You get artwork, easy menus, multi level chanllanges and leaderboards and music and stuff in the collection
Liam Diaz
Ayden Flores
They added a bunch of challenges and shit. I'm all for emulation but when they sell it for a decent price you're just a piece of shit if you emulate. It's $7.50. That's like 25 minutes of work. Come on man go be poor somewhere else
Eli Evans
X is the easiest game in the whole series, the only casual filter is the last fight with Sigma.
Xavier Howard
don't jump on conclusions like that, i was just asking a question
I think x8 is super fuckin' solid, too. Could've done with 1 less vehicle stage though.
Joseph Gomez
You are in for a hell of a ride. If you're having fun now, just wait until you get to Zero, Legends, and Battle Network.
Chase Brown
MM8BDM is amazing too, check it out after you're done
Incorrect Zero > X = Classic
Gabriel Fisher
Better keep OP away from the zero games for now, his anus is far from ready
Jason Powell
>make the artwork accurate to the source >"fuckin retard"
wew lad
Austin Jenkins
I don't think neither pixel perfect: the game or ridiculously easy: the game should be running for best mega man game
Samuel Butler
>9 >pixel perfect Scrub identified
Joseph Gonzalez
Ryan Rogers
I bet your fags play it on """""normal""""
Elijah Ortiz
I find NES Mega Man harder than the Zero games.
Robert Adams
how would you call a game where the only difficulty comes from edge jumps?
Nolan Jones
fuck the original's disappearing platforms
Julian Walker
No There's only one super hard jump in the game and that's the bullshit in wily 2
Jose Cox
Which GB Megaman had you fighting all the robot masters that represented the planets in our solar system? Been so long but I remember enjoying that all the way through.
Connor Davis
gosh that metool got a little too excite
absolutely disgusting
Sebastian Sanchez
Kayden Williams
Benjamin Reyes
Charles Harris
Mega Man 9 and 10 re-release onto PC (or at least the eshop) when?
Cameron Evans
it serves as a more than adequate introduction to the series before later games throw hellfire and brimstone at you
Matthew Garcia
not really on topic but has ANYONE got that megman.exe figurine that looked custom made thats like covered in shitloads of actual glue to simulate hot glue, and if they DO, any idea if they made that completely custom or took another figurine and posed it that way?
anyways, vidya. megaman soccer snes was the best megaman
Jacob Hill
a shocking truth revealed
Liam Morgan
Thanks. Is that one worth playing again/ how does it stack up to the others. Can't remember if it was actually good or if I just enjoyed the themeing
William Young
It's pretty good if you can deal with the tiny screen
Connor Long
i think the focus of action over platforming turned off some fans but it made it more approachable imo
Benjamin Long
this is the #1 reason i will never fully beat classic mm
Dylan Richardson
Use the magnet beam moron
Zachary Williams
yeah X2 and X3 are a huge step up in difficulty from X
Owen Reyes
6 was the easiest man, and this is coming from someone who's favorite game in the series is 6
Robert Harris
X2 is the best X game. Just thought I would stop by and let everyone know that.
Mason Ward
Now I remember why MM3 left a sour taste in my mouth. the game lags like hell, worse than any other I think its just too fucking bad, I have the 3ds legacy collection and it sucked there, played the original version still lag, emulator still lags.
What the hell went so wrong with MM3? Some bosses and mini bosses are so hard and frustrating due to the lag.
Michael Hill
Yup. 6 is drastically easier than any other game in the series. Like, if you're retarded and MM/video games give you trouble, I'd suggest playing 6.
Easton Bell
For the record, you can purchase any WiiWare title on the WiiU but you have to open up the Wii emulator to do it.
I only just recently found out that the WiiWare shop still works. Shit like Bonzai Barber and Muscle March and LostWinds and Promethea and Excitebike World Rally and Tetris Party and all that shit is still purchaseable.
Gavin Young
Laughing @ ur fuckign life rn.
X2 has the worst soundtrack and the worst Mavericks of the original three X games, sit down. Only Flame Stag's stage theme and X Hunter 1 theme redeem it.