Bravo Todd

Bravo Todd

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My monitor isn't supported by anything anymore, this is the first time I've seen what the sides of the power armour HUD look like

this only annoys me because i know there's somebody somewhere who's defended this with a snark remark like "well it's 200 years after the apocalypse, do you expect the mirrors to not be dirty?"

What did he mean by this?

you got something to say?

To be fair they could have just left it, that was just a cheeky nod to the players. Also it's a well known problem that has yet to be solved because the common way of making mirrors uses way too much memory. I seem to recall Prey doing mirrors well but I could be wrong.

Fallout 4 looks boring (haven't played it) but no need to nitpick

> Another settlement needs our help. I'll mark it on your map.

Shitposting aside, this game is a decent timesink, but holy fuck they dropped the ball with all these fucking radiant quests.

>Tfw your health has a redline
If you push it too close to 100, do you have a heart attack?

that is radiation you cuck

>Our farm keeps getting raided by these ghouls! Here, I'll show you where they're coming from
>Factory 20 miles away

>There's a totally radical layout just beside it


This fucking cocksucker. TWICE he sent me to go talk to someone at a settlement and it was the one he was at. It was Motherfucking Sanctuary. The guy who needed my help was right behind me. Fuck this game is trash. I'm glad I got the game on PC and killed him and the retard asking for help.

Fucking what? Elaborate

It's a max-decrease from radiation.

Agreed. I've played it twice, with this being first time through both DLCs. I have a long list of problems with it, but it's pretty fun.

I'd be okay with quests in the same settlement if it acknowledged it.

Sometimes the game sends you to dungeons you have no place being, with over leveled enemies and all. Thanks, Preston!

My game bugged out at one point, and always gave me raider troubles at Sanctuary.

The thing is, radiant quests were present at Skyrim, but they didn't force it down your throat. In Fallout 4, some fucker always gets abducted, some ghouls/raiders/supermutants are always troubling settlements, and it gets old fast.

My biggest gripe with the game is the settlement building itself. Like, if they bothered to add this rather elaborate minigame, why couldn't they polish it a little? I mean, I'm autistic enough to enjoy it, but I hate that though I can build walls around the settlements, and raiders will just spawn inside. I hate that no matter the defense rating, or the gear of my settlers, raiders WILL destroy some plantation/resources if I'm not present when they are attacking.

If you give me a base building simulator, at least allow me to build a fucking self-sufficient base, a base that can protect itself. The way the settlement building is now just doesn't worth the time.

I'd also want information about the happiness of the settlement and why it randomly decreased without anything happening and plenty of everything.

I'd be okay with the radiant quests if it didn't bog up your quest log. That shit is a nightmare late game.

I hear you. One of my settlements - county crossing I think - never goes higher than 60 happiness. What gives? There is enough food, water, beds, defense, even electricity.

At least the game could give me some pointers.

I think the whole settlement building/management is fundamentally flawed. It can still be somewhat fun, but it could have been great with some polish.

Cuts off the sides.

>There is enough food, water, beds, defense, even electricity.
What about bars, clinics, and stores?

I think he meant what monitor it is.


Also, I just recently got into modding, and it absolutely blows my mind what a huge fanbase Beth games have. I mean, just for FO4, there is a new voiced companion, with over 1200 lines, and a great backstory. And the voice acting is top notch.

Or one guy made a questpack (Tales from the Commonwealth, I think) all voiced, and they are pretty great from what I've seen so far. They are a lot like previous games, with skillchecks, and actual choices besides shooting fucking everything that moves.

Or there are guys like this who spend a fucking insane amount of time building their bases, and they can build some pretty cool stuff.

So, what gives? Why are these games so loved? Why do people continue to dump thousands of hours into modding and playing them?

Fallout is smalltime in terms of mods compared to skyrim.

If I recall, fallout 4 has 17000 mods on the nexus while skyrim has something like 100000

Wow. That's insane.

Also, remember the paid mod fiasco? Bethesda really doesn't deserve the amount of care and love their games receive.

Even the non-radient quests were just as garbage.

Fallout 4 just feels bad. I loved fallout 1 & 2. Fallout 3 was fun but New Vegas was better. This just seems off right from the start. I couldn't get into the story, the pacing was off, settlements were shit, side quests were shit and the landscape just felt meh.

Your games suck Toddy-boy.

And Skyrim Remastered only further brings Skyrim problems to light rather than fixing them.

How can some 20+ year old games have working mirrors but many modern games don't?

Anyway to post lossless images and take lossless ingame screenshots? What the fuck is the point of taking screenshots if they don't properly show off my resolution or ENB reee

>I'm the fucking general
>This impudent little-shit still calls all the shots
>Can build a settlement that's nothing short of Fort Knox
>They still have problems with a group of 4-6 Mad Max cosplayers wrecking their shit

The entire game I was waiting for the excuse to backstab the Minutemen and it never showed up.

Because in old games they can just render two versions of the game that you see when you look in the mirror since old timey games run on like 200 polygons as opposed to the 3000000 polygons of modern day titles.

Everything is multiplat now and consoles would explode.

Because new games are a lot more resource intensive to render, and mirrors make that a lot worse.

Mirrors are a huge pain to make work properly without requiring top-of-the-line hardware for next to no gain.

I'm playing survival mode and this shit feels like it just gets easier and easier the longer you play it.

Should I be limiting myself or something?

did anyone else think that was a black guy's butt in the thumbnail

The rad meter shows radiation in the area you're in.
The red part of your health is how much max health is blocked by the radiation you've accumulated. It's the same outside of power armor.


Cloning another room and another character model, mirroring it and making it trigger when you can see the mirror uses too much memory?

What about buildings with two rooms? Three?

Why did you think it's a good idea to trust Bethesda with balancing? Why didn't you just left the difficulty on normal and install rebalance mod(s)? This is Bethesda games moddding 101.

I've always kinda hated mods.

I think I lack the skill of identifying quality ones. I'd browse through them and to my eyes it's just thousands of pages of shit.

Could you give me some quality names? I'll restart over and try again.

You should be using mods

Here are my recommended mods to make fallout worth while

Features (v 2.5)
Adds over 260 thought-out spawning points.
Several patrols will roam the Commonwealth. More will be added in coming versions.
Various enemies are hidden. Look out for the snipers.
Five named legendary bosses with unique weapons.
>>>All added enemies should be spawned on a higher level than yourself, making much more of a challenge than vanilla enemies.
Leveled enemies that will spawn on certain levels. There are some pretty difficult locations even on higher levels.
Several new locations for Behemoths and Mirelurk Queens.

This is what makes fallout more fun since you'll encounter shit more often but not like war of the commenwealth or other unbalanced shit.
I only like girls in my games so this is a must have
This and bodyslide to make yourself and all girls you fight are thicc as fug
Makes grenade and explosives not shit. Makes baseball grenade explode on contact so it's not just a shitty version of the frag grenade. Adds like a shit ton of new and balanced explosives and c4 and poison greandes, incendiary grenades etc. Also brings back the grenade launcher 40mm from new vegas. It's all leveled list so your enemies can have them as well but it's balanced as well and you won't be seeing a group of 5 people all throwing bombs all at once.

Too lazy to share anymore but the leveled list one is a must have. Makes the game less shit.

Bit of both, you saying Fallout 4 doesn't support 4:3?

>Cover a whole settlement with laser and missile turrets, 15+ of the fucking things
>X settlement is under attack!
>It gets wrecked if you don't come help
What is the fucking point of investing in settlement defense if you still have to show up to shoot everything yourself

You're a fucking angel. Thank you.

I'd have to restart upon installing this, right? I think I'm level 50ish

>You're a fucking angel
woah dude

Are there mods to make Shelter less shit?

No I don't believe you do. I mean if you're bored and feel like it sure but I'm pretty sure that you don't. like 99%. Try it anyway. The only issues I've had with it and I think it's actually well known and can't be fixed is that occasionally some of the ambushes set up by the mod will have the enemies non responsive. Like you can hit them and they won't move or anything. It's rare but I have not had that happen with my new run but I did with my old so I at worse that might be the only issue. not worth making a new run if you don't feel like it.

I ignored those messages and nothing bad ever seemed to happen.

How do we go from this

If I ignore them, occasionally they'll fend off the attack successfully.
Usually though, they get rekt. In spite of having at least 3 heavy laser turrets covering every possible angle and a 150+ defensive rating.
Incidentally, if I'm there, the turrets fucking murder any attackers within seconds the moment they are within range. Yet they apparently do jack shit when I'm not watching

To this




i was in far harbor and a settlement defected
i dont give a fucka bout settlements though, never built anything but workshops n shit for convenience
fuck this mobile game shit i just want to wander

Can't someone give a little bit of context to someone who didn't play Fallout 4?

Technically speaking it was easier back then to make mirrors because in vidya mirrors duplicate a room/level, just in reverse. In Dook Nookem it's possible to glitch the game and jump through mirrors and run through the levels reversed.

Growing demand for processing power led to this becoming more difficult to pull off without severe limitations.

Is this a problem?

I don't see the problem here

My guess is that it's due to most modern games using the same frustum/occlusion culling code that can't handle mirrors (in general, non-Euclidean geometry).

The only real difference is, again, that "real" mirror rendering leads to potential non-Euclidean geometry. In the older games where they used a copy of the level, you weren't able to reflect a room so that the reflection overlapped other level geometry, and thus the optimizations just worked.

It's the same issues as rendering portals in the Portal games, but they managed, presumably because they have custom-tailored occlusion culling code in place in top of well-tuned levels.

This is just speculation, though.

Doesn't really need context. The mirror doesn't reflect the player because limitations, and they basically play it off as atmosphere in a really lazy way.

The actual context is I'm in a "Fun House" and there is a mirror puzzle room that is really shitty.

I'm realizing now that my females are too thin and they need to be more thicc around the arms and stomach. I don't know how I never noticed it before

sasuga howardu-san


Tits too big for that body.

Thanks for the response! Fun times ahead for me.


literally every female """""""armor""""""" in rpgs


works on my machine

have you ever made such a good remaster it contained 200% more bugs than the original?
ubisoft did with the AC2 chinese edition

How did they manage to make the game run as bad as it looks.

like wtf it struggle to run on an r9 390

It really depends on how thicc you're wanting to go, but yeah you need to mess with sliders besides the tits.

I don't think it supported 16:10 at launch day either.
How are people even using 16:9 when 16:10 exists

I got bored in about 40 hours on my first playthrough, but now I'm playing Survival with about 20 mads, including the enemy AI boost, less loot mod, more realistic timescale, darker nights, deadly storms mod and most importantly, 5x damage on both me and the enemies, and it's a blast, since literally every fight is intense, and the loot mod fixed the problem of the scavenging not being fun anymore.
I heard good things about the Frost overhaul, taht basically puts all the possible difficulty mods into one and turns it more into a Metro setting

It's on sale now. Should I buy it?

Assuming you're on PC, yeah might as well.

this game is hot fucking garbage. only a normie or shill would play and enjoy fallout 4.


you don't have to enjoy the game in order to play it
now you're probably wondering: why would someone play something they don't enjoy? and the answer is this is our own personal hell

I had a friend who still plays on a 5:4 monitor.

decide to do few of those settlement missions

>someone kidnapped one settler
>go to marked location
>enemies still didnt respawn since i cleared it last
>just one tied up guy being protected by nobody

another mission
>ghouls attack us
>location literally 5 steps away
>2 zombies in it
>run out of ammo
>keep running back while i reload
>zombie get shoot by one of my settlers....

anotehr one
>literally otehr side of the map

fuck this game man

creature defeat mods when?
i just want a deathclaw to rape me

looks like an ass in the thumbnail

I'm sure modders can make that happen.

looks like ass in game

Does he play Counter Strike?

The regular quest were dogshit kill/fetch quests.

Look like shit, literally looks like an ayy lamo trying to disguise itself as human.

Put this in your config ini

fUIPowerArmorGeometry_TranslateZ= -15.0000

The "games are more intensive argument now" is fucking dumb and makes no sense. It's not like developers back then only decided to use a small amount of the processing power available to them, and suddenly had all this leftover power to make a working mirror.

Games back then used all the processing power available to them. Developers today use all the processing power available to them. The difference is, developers now are too lazy or simply don't have the budget to implement working mirrors.

Nuka-World has it. Raid a Settlement, make an enemy of an immortal Preston forever.

You know the modding scene for FO4 is pathetic when the most voted ones are only sex mods

Its amazing how FO4 is so empty and bare that people went back and started making mods for Skyrim instead because it has more shit to do than a game that came years after


Why would anyone replay FO4? No interesting quests. No interesting characters. A world that only exists to wander around shooting shit. You might as well just play Borderlands.

FO4 is a joke.

That is what is sad about all of this, the punchline has allways been "mods will fix it". They literally made a game so bad, empty and broken that not even mods can help it, mods can only balance some shit that the developers could not be bothered with (Without mentioning the first wave of mods that fixed performance issues the developers could not)

Its just fucking sad because i love the Fallout franchise, you'd think the fifth main entry into the series would be a blast


True. I finished FO4 (put around 80hrs in) and was disappointed. I'm now replaying FNV (which I have 300 hours in) and it is far more interesting. More choices. More weapon variety. Better characters. Better quests. Speech and Lockpick are actually useful. They dropped the ball so fucking hard.