Metal Gear Survive


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It won't be good

It will the Umbrella Corps of Konami

it will kill the series, which is ironic given the title.


It'll flop hard.
I won't be getting it, and I 100%'d PP.

Why are we still here

Hopeing for a quick discount. Might get acouple of hours of fun with friends

looks like a meme game taylor made for plebby redditers

Low effort mod using mostly (if not entirely) MGSV assets.

If it was a free zombie mod I'd think, "might be fun during a boring weekend," but as something I'd actually have to buy?


Whoa, man...

you gotta give it to Konami for hating Kojima so hard that they'll kill multi-million dollar franchise just to destroy his legacy

it will be shit, same as every other zombie game

I think it will be fun
I'm perfectly fine with stupid spinoffs, so long as they don't act like it's the next one in the series
Im worried about resident evil 7, because itseems like a spin-off that they slapped a 7 on

She shurvive?

that's basically mgs v was and that game was fine.

vocal minority autist brigade doesn't represent the majority of people that loved mgs v and the people that are excited for RE7.

Don't know how this new change has people more worried after the train wreck that was re6

It's fucking trash and the Konami executives should sudoku themselves before it's even released.

>204863 are co-ords to the bermuda triangle (gz helicopter crash) and iceland (ds trailer location)
>the pt radio talks about gateways to alternate dimensions (mg survive, norman reedus's necklace), the men in the sky and how "they" have been manipulating media, don't trust the news (the patriots / konami-kojima controversy)
>moby dick was released without an epilogue, the epilogue was included in later iterations
>kojima has posted an IRL silent hill health drink several times
>has made several tweets referencing "3"'s, like how much he loved the killing tv show but was disappointed how there was no season 3 (there was)
>the second low roar album is called zero and has songs on it such as "phantoms", "don't stop (chapter 1)" and "don't stop (chapter 2)"
>before GZ was even released low roar asked kojima if they could make music for him, point being he could've had this included in the ruse because they asked this before the konami / kojima rumors dropped
>the pt radio even talks about norman reedus hanging himself with an umbilical cord
>time winters (zero) narrates the mg survive gameplay, zero is literally showing us his latest experiment
>when asked about the cancelled silent hills project on stage with Mark Cerny kojima quickly developed a massive shit eating grin, started acting really agitated, both him and mark cerny started cracking up
>ford commerical called the phantom stars mads having a face transplant in cyprus wearing glasses kojima tweeted called 1985
>new playstation ad shows old kojima productions logo (that konami owns) in the background

>Paz warned us about the other bomb



are you saying we never got off the ruse cruise?

I'm sure it will be good, since it uses V's core gameplay mechanics. However there's shit that you just can't explain.

>Game takes place in 1975
>Game uses Diamond Dogs equipment and gear
>Game takes place in an alternate reality of Afghanistan
>Game is using gear from 9 years in the future from a PMC that doesn't exist at that point nor any reason to be in Afghanistan if Big Boss doesn't awaken.

Shit reeks so much of cash grab.

Should have been aborted.

The ruse cruise began at Dorito Pope's VGA show years ago. It will end at this VGA show in December. Kojima is confirmed to be there.

The gameplay video actually looked okay, but most of the work there was already done by Kojima Productions.

i'm pretty sure enough metal gear fans will buy it either way.
technically it is just coop MGS 5.
and MGS 5 played super fucking well.
i don't see how it could be a bad game.
it will sell enough.

It might be alright, but there's not really enough to be said either way. Animations are a bit wonky and item durability is always a shite mechanic, but how much they'll actually affect the gameplay remains to be seen until release. I'm actually a bit excited that they're bringing back LIFE and STAMINA, since it was disappointing that MGSV had zero pressure put on the player to manage themselves while out in the field, but again, it still has to be seen during gameplay to find out if it works.

It's also going to be an absolute bomb. MGSV was moderately ok and it still caused /mgg/ to collapse on itself because people were disappointed enough that they went scorched earth on any conversation about the rest of the entire franchise. Can't wait to see what happens when people already hate the game to begin with.

It'll be surprisingly fun but have nothing to do with the other than name

It has the CO-OP elements of Peace Walker but greatly expanded, and it should've been in V's base game.

Basically every mission could have been excellent in CO-OP.

Man, I miss /mgg/ and the craziness prior to V release. Last time I checked it was dead and full of Quiet shiposts

I think it looks fun enough. Not for a full price game, but fun to dick around it.

There really should have been melee weapons in V anyway.

>Game takes place in 1975
>Game takes place in an alternate reality of Afghanistan

It depends on how much they're actually going to explore with what they said during the gameplay footage. Already they stated the location you are in is more of just a crossroads between worlds, and there's animals like sheep that have been transported there separately from you. Maybe they'll explain it all away as being a temporal crossroads as well, which would allow them to bring in weapons and gear from all over. Maybe they'll just it as a flimsy "excuse" for why everything has the DD logo and the Mother Base in the trailer was the wrong model.

It's definitely the latter, but you never know until release.

It looks lazy and its sickening to think we will never get that Super HD MGS3...however, ive played every MG spin off so far so im not going to let this pass because I harbor hatred for Konami. Who knows... it could be okayish...

It's not like BB wakes up and they go "oh well let's build an army", DD and their operations in Afghanistan have been underway since before he's out of coma.

The embodiment of everything wrong with the anime and vidya industries.

Fucking hell, who'd have thought THIS would be our beloved franchise stands now.

Only retards love TPP and are excited for REVII.

Will it have PVP? Because if nothing else there is (very slim) potential for it to be the MGO that MGO3 failed to be, if the PVE tries to get people co-operatively sneaking.

I'm not holding my breath or anything though.

Venom didn't care about Quiet.

I will point out this fact in every single mg/s thread until all mg/s discussion dies.

I can't imagine it being worse than V

In all fairness, if it didn't have the Metal Gear name attached, this would make a pretty nifty new IP.
Plus the gameplay does look good, all things considered.

On the one hand the idea of MGSV's stellar gameplay + coop sounds great. On the other, buying this game would be supporting Konami, and I'm already uncomfortable for buying MGSV in the first place since I don't think Kojima or any of his staff get any royalties off of that.

Venom had the personality of a turnip. He didn't seem to care about very much at all from what I could tell.

>get forced into accommodating for shitty outdated hardware
>go overbudget
>Konami fucks you in the ass
The only thing Kojima did that was wrong in some way was go over the budget.

Please don't interact with the "Venom didn't care about Quiet" autist.

From everything I've seen, it comes off as a 7 Days to Die with an MGOish vibe.

I'm a fan of Metal Gear, but I'll be passing on this like I did with Revengence.

No he cared about his people, just not Quiet.