Why is the competitive community for Overwatch so autistic???

>dude let [insert player here] play [insert character you chose here] because we want to win
>remember it's the lowest rank that causes the loss not anyone else
>the other team isn't good, [insert lowest ranked player or person that refused to not choose another character] was [insert character they played as here] so we lost
>[insert players name] didn't choose [insert character] so he must be a troll!

Other urls found in this thread:


It's really not worse than any other competitive gaming community, on-the-fly hero switching just makes it even easier to blame a person if he's playing the "wrong" hero for the job.
If you couldn't switch, they'd complain about you being bad. In a team game, people always try to blame others.

>tfw you let the other person switch to the character you were using and lost
>tfw somehow it's still your fault

Everyone likes to point the finger. The course the game takes is a combination of many hundreds of choices made by all 12 players throughout, no one person is wholly responsible.

protip when you use brackets you dont have to say insert, we understand what you are trying to say


Why are you so autistic for letting it all get to you? Better question, why are you so bad that you can't carry out of your rank

>inb4 I'm 3700 faggot.

You're bad

>not being so emotionally vulnerable everything gets to you
Even someone on the internet saying I'm stupid hurts me on the inside and scratches at what's left of my self esteem.

Its not just overwatch, its every team game that has a solo queue competitive mode.

That's what happens when you attract MOBAbbies into the game

>Competitive mode in team game allows solo queue

Always a recipe for a disastrous community.

>try free weekend
>no server listings
what the fuck is this shit

>i am never at fault

In Dota 2 well over 90% of heroes are usable and are used in even tournament level.

In Overwatch you have maybe 8 heroes that you can pick without some autistic fuck to starting to scream at you.

>plays soldier
>gets potg with quad kill
>over 1 minute in objective time
>yet they're still at fault for picking said character

Because they are playing a game that is nearly impossible to balance due to the amount of factors involved (mainly because of the unique characters thing). On top of that the game still has to appeal to the normalfag audience so they cant make skill the only factor.

If that wasnt enough they queue up for "competitive" thinking they are going to be put with other people like them. Oops, you got put in a team full of people who own iphones. Hope you didn't want to win tonight.

They paid $40 or more for the privilege to play the game with people who dont actually like games.

You're not wrong but the pool has nothing to do with the point that user was making.

Why do Dota players feel a constant need to compare their shitty game with every other shitty game? I would've assumed it'd be league people whining about shit like that since at least lol actually has a player base

Blizzard rig Overwatch

Every competitive community is full of autistic retards who think their life will be over if they lose and that they are the best players in the world.

>World of Tanks
omg you let me die after I tried to rush enemy alone! XVM shows you guys suc, I'm going to tell enemy where my team is located.

You picked a hero I don't like so I'm going to feed all game.

We lost two rounds in row time to go AFK.

What's the best strategy to leave competitive hell?

i think every game that involves respawning, should just blacken your screen when you die, until you respawn.

most sperging out moments come from when someone is dead, and they don't have to do anything so they become hyper-critical of the players they are watching who are still alive

>What's the best strategy to leave competitive hell?

Learn how to aim, play with friends, get a microphone, learn situational awareness, don't use your ult "because the enemy is grouped up" only to find out you have no teammates to back you up, play the objective, kill their healers first, look behind you for reaper, look up for pharah

But lol had almost as many viable characters as OW so there would be no point comparing it

Okay I know that, my problem is my teammates don't know that.

true but there are objective numerical ways to approximate player contributions

Having good player sense is not the same as having good team sense. Overwatch is a team based game, learn how to work with others.

>tfw you try to do shotcalling and half the team just leave the channel and dont ever focus targets/help confirm kills to trickle

>Okay I know that, my problem is my teammates don't know that.

Play with friends. Also your aim is shit, people like Seagull (actually I don't know if he specifically has done it, but other memestreamer pros have) can literally go to bronze and carry to Masters just off skill

happens in all team games that's why they are so shitty

I'm still not even 25 yet but I'm looking forward to playing competitive.

Once you get to 25, comp is the only thing you should play.
Seriously, Quick Play will ruin you.

What's a good way to improve aiming?

No idea bruh, I hear osu is good

One or more always apply:
>Your Lucio charges in and dies alone
>Your widowmaker can't hit shit
>You have a D.Va
>Your Reinhardt constantly lets his shield break
>Your Zarya bubbles others while they're not taking damage
>Your Winston ignores the enemy widow
>Your Tracer misses every ult
>Zenyatta ults and runs from the team

Meanwhile on the enemy team:
>Lucio hasn't touched the floor since the game started
>Lucio flawlessly ults for every big push
>Zenyatta always discords you and rapes you
>Widow doesn't know what it's like to miss a shot
>Zarya is always above 80 charge
>Tracer is impossible to kill
>Mei constantly trolls your team

Worse: You're the only one taking down a fucking torbjorn turret. If you're dead that turret is up and your team is ignoring it and dying. Fucking low Diamond rank.

zylbrad is that u

That pretty much sums up my experience in the same bracket

>play 3v3 to get the free loot box
>get matched with low gold premade while I'm high diamond
>they take sombra+76
>"take mercy"
>pick widow because fuck them
>carry the fuck out of them
>"report widow he's trolling"
even when it's non competitive people are retarded
it's like league of mongols, it's a easy casual game. every fucking retards play them

it's every community when it's competitive

Widowmaker's butt is fantastic

Reminder that based Blizzard is now threatening bans if you pick off-meta heroes.

Wait really? Source?


>redcuck defending blizzard

>In Dota 2 well over 90% of heroes are usable and are used in even tournament level.
This is only a recent thing, cut the bullshit.

>Team asks me to play Mercy
>Constantly being killed by their Winston despite always being next to my team.
>Lose round. They complain that I'm doing shit healing.
>Go Zenyatta since the other support switched off.
>They complain and tell me to go Lucio.
>Every time Winston jumps on me I fuck him up.
>Farm every Flanker they use to try and kill me.
>We destroy them and I never needed to use my Ult.
>Top healing.

I'm not going to listen to my random teammates anymore.


Holy fuck as a widow main those reddit comments trigger me

if you had a brain and some balls you wouldn't have to listen to them in the first place

I go under the assumption that people who play the game more than me know better. I was wrong.

Your picks throughout the game should determine your placement.
>stupid shitters who don't change their character when they're getting slapped around are placed lower
>people who change character to complement their team/counter the enemy are placed higher
Getting real sick of these dumb cunts who pick one character and never switch.

>Ohio State University
Thanks Google.

>Competitive is for serious players, and real strategies. Are you implying that if I want to play Torb on attack I should be able to? Just because I want to? When your character choice isn't good for the team you should swap, period.

The idiot did not changing and kept playing the same hero.
Cries when he gets banned for not co-operating with his team.
Welcome to overwatch comp. Where shitters like him are almost in every match.

>Unironically defending their decision
Goddamn this game is cancerous

>no 12v12

>COMPETITIVE ranked mode
>getting upset people get mad at you for shit picking and playing poorly
Every online game right now is bad because games like League of Legends bread this shitty community of babies who can't any personal responsibility and cry whenever anyone insults them.

Its an objective based TEAM game and I got tired of whiny faggots treating it like its team death match.

Solution: Make rank depend much, much more heavily on personal performance (and how it helps win the map, not just your k/d or whatever) than on your team winning or losing.

A win is the collective work of your whole team. Games where you play extremely well but still lose can happen just as easily as a game where you play like shit but your team pulls through and wins. That you should earn points for a victory you barely contributed to, or lose points for a loss incurred by half your team not pulling their weight, does not make sense and does not produce an accurate picture of your personal skill level. Your skill rank is supposed to be YOUR skill rank, not the skill rank of you and a bunch of strangers.

They can track accuracy, the frequency & efficiency of abilities, the position of each player throughout the match. There is a lot of information that they ALREADY record from which they could deduce a much more accurate picture of player skill instead of having the rewards locked to win=gain points, loss=lose points.

The only problem with this is that they might end up with what they believe is too many players in the higher ranks, but I don't see why that's a problem. It's not like there's a limited supply of high rank slots to go around.

>Being bad at the game is now a bannable offense
I don't know how to feel about this

>No new content comes out
>People leave in droves a month or two after launch
>But blizzard still pushes the e-sports meme
>Competitive shitters continue playing
It's not hard to figure out

This is why the rule for online multiplayer is

>Free for all or fuck off

Team based games are cancer.

Is... is D.Va bad?

All they have to do is just make the match play with the exact heroes on both sides. Hell the game might as well just pick the characters for everyone.

she's cancer now
on the flip side zarya's probably even worse than before the supposed nerfs

what makes it even worse if the ptr changes go through, rein won't see play ever again

it was ok 6-7 years ago it's garbage by now

>Play with friends
Good joke, haha...

He didn't get banned, that user is dumb. He was silenced, which means most of his chat privileges are cut off. He can still play whatever he wants.

Ironically, it means he will now be even less of a team player than before since he can't use team chat to talk to his allies. His only communication is the built-in commands on the dialog wheel.

Blizzard normally only silences for spam or abusive chat (crimes that actually suit the punishment) so I suspect he might've responded poorly to people demanding he switch class. Cursing at them or calling them niggers or something.

>ptr changes
What happen?

In theory if you're always a positive contribution to your team then eventually your rank will increase. If everyone was at amazing as they seem to think, if they played enough games they'll rank up.

mfw I leave chat channel and dont have to listen to people. just barely got into masters too. feels good man

sombra can hack through shields and barriers
ie. you can disable rein's shield when it's up

>She's cancer now
As in, you lose your fucking mind every time someone picks her despite her viability because you got nerfed too many times as a noon? Or do you think she is legit a poor pick? Because with the indirect Rein nerf, she is far more viable now than she has been before.

You know what else is a recent thing? Overwatch. It's achievable, and there is a perfectly good candidate for study. Overwatch being a newer game has (or had) the advantage of hindsight.

>tfw you're in this pic

Is this a Mad Lib? Let me try...

>>dude let [Booger] play [guitar] because we want to win
>>remember it's the lowest rank that causes the loss not anyone else
>>the other team isn't good, [G Gordon Liddy] was [spaghetti] so we lost
>>[Iron Man] didn't choose [RC Cola] so he must be a troll!

I'm getting major déjà vu from this.
Is there a copypasta similar to this?

Underrated post

she's usable now
as in you might not get raged at as soon as you pick her

meta's supposed to be 3 tanks + 2 supports + 76 right now, iirc (this, I have not seen personally yet, i'm hovering around ~3100)

Honestly in CSGO I'vd found that the higher I got in rank, the better-tempered people were. I got placed in Nova 4 or some shit when I started years ago, and that's when people were dicks. not so much now.

You have to accept, or at least assume, that most people you're playing with are fucking idiots. Just be positive, use the mic as much as possible, never say anything negative to a teammate and try your best in spite of the average shitter. Humour works wonders in my experience.

If you aren't on a full team you don't have any right to complain. Get a team or fuck outa here. Il do what I want.

am i pro yet desu

>competitive scene is autistic
In other news, bears shit in the woods, the pope is catholic, and OP is a faggot

Shut the fuck up brad.

>implying pre-buff symm doesn't wreck shop on attack

People don't know how to counter bizarre shit.

this is why i love the 3vs3 mode

META isnt so autistically adhered to, there is usually more switching, but between rounds. dont get a lot of time for blame to start going round


Ehh any competitive scene is full of autists who don't understand the meta as well as they like to think

>why is the OW community fucking retarded
>game has puddle deep skill ceiling and has mechnics which specifically cater to the lowest common denominator
>why is the OW community fucking retarded


>"I need healing!: NarutoBoy1999 (Genji)
>"I need healing!: NarutoBoy1999 (Genji)
>"I need healing!: NarutoBoy1999 (Genji)
>"I need healing!: NarutoBoy1999 (Genji)
>Get to him to start healing
>He jumps away immediately to 1v3 at 30 hp and die
>"Fucking useless healer"

I just play quick play now and this never happens in my experience outside of competitive.

>It's achievable, and there is a perfectly good candidate for study.
Dota 2 in its current form may be the single best balanced game in history. So your statement is kind of like saying
>Micheal Jordan showed us whats possible in basketball so being anyone being any worse than that is unacceptable

Just because something is possible in a certain instance doesnt mean it should be the standard across all games

>Winston jumping into a group of four people by himself without ult
>Healing him as Mercy
>Obviously gets erased off the face of the earth


>Winston jumps into crowd
>Everyone targets him, already had low health to begin with
>Amp it up with Lucio near him
>He dies
>"So nobody is healing then gg"
>Everyone was targeting you and you're a fucking huge ass gorilla
>"lol no they weren't"

Tank players can be bro tier, but the cancer ones are really fucking bad.

>win 3 matches in a row
>finally think I'll be able to get to 3000
>new match
>someone instantly picks Sombra
>another player sees this and goes "fuck it" and picks Hanzo
>no one takes the game seriously
>we lose
>play again
>group of 2 asks soldier to change because one of them want to play soldier, he's on a win streak
>guy changes
>other guy in the group picks dva and loses the fucking robot every 2 seconds
>spent 90% of the match as dva without the robot
>we lose and I'm back to the mmr I started the night with
>"it's still your own fault user because you're bad otherwise you'd have reached 4000 by now"

those are the types you find the ips of and torture their familes to death over

If you're not playing a combo of Roadhog + Zen/Ana + Soldier/McCree you're doing 3v3 wrong.

>solo queue only
>mute chat every game
>never join voice
>play what I want (within reason)

I know being Diamond isn't impressive at all (since I'm p bad) but it's a comfy experience. Took me ~20 games to realize that nobody ever says anything of worth.


how do you mute chat?

It's on the screen where you select the voice channel. Click on the speech bubbles to mute general/team chat.

>playing competitive with guy I met a couple days ago
>he can kind of be a tryhard at times but is mostly just a loudmouth joker
>get in match with a group of three
>they're talking about something
>he interrupts them for some joke that was also sort of making fun of them
>they get pissed and talk shit the entire game
>but it all worked out because we were able to take shit talk without being little faggots and still coordinte

It's a grind you turbo autist. Like every other game. You fucking play enough till you get the rank you want. Why the fuck would they hand it to you. They match make you with retards to balance it out.

The game is shit. I've lost 13 games in a row. Stop being a bitch.

>Map so large that half the match is finding one another before the game shows you where each other is

Yes, it's just a video game.

I find it hard to believe that any of you who value your free time off from a full time job (assuming you're not neets at home all day) would just shrug off losing hours of hard-earned victories to some faggot who just has to be Hanzo and not get any kills, or Mei/Bastion on attack etc.

The worst is when you queue up and get put in a great map, with two balanced teams, and some dude just leaves. And then you queue up another one, get a game instantly, only this time the matchmaking is completely gone and you've been stuck on Eichenwalde.