what went so right?
Its PS2 all over again
not god of war
Even the 2 years of Dreamcast had better library than 8 years of PS2
It only took 4 years
this. the ps2 is really overrated
How many of those are exclusive, not remakes, not indie shit, and good?
all of them
Except FFXV.
They're 4ThePlayers
their commitment to providing exclusive games all through the lifecycle of their hardware was unwavering while Microshit, Nintendo and Valve didn't release shit for years
4 H O U R S
Gravity Rush, FFXII, FFXV, Tearaway, DQXI and Nier Automata are either remakes or not exclusive.
Vita doesn't count, as it sucks ass. The PS4 versions are the definitive versions, thus they're exclusive
A bunch of those are on other systems, not out or don't have a western release.
>Multiplats only count on PC because that's the go-to platform
>Sony exclusives somehow don't count on PS4 even though it's always the best system for them
the mental gymnastics people here go through are astounding
>dreamcast niggers
Is there a more deluded fanbase.
It's the shittiest console ever released with a non existent library of nothing. I remember a kid in my school got a Dreamcast back in 2000 and he got made fun off since he didn't have a PS2/Xbox/GC and this his console got discontinued and he had no games.
There isn't a single good game on Dreamcast.
There is like 1-2 good games on that list. Nothing compared to 6th gen at all.
I plan on buying a ps4 soon but only games that come to mind are P5, FFXV, gravity rush 2, Star Ocean 5, bloodborne and DOAX3
Anyone got some games to play for it that aren't vita/ps3/ pc games or shitty games like uncharted you use to pad your list for console wars?
cannon spike says hello
Disgaea 5
inFamous SS & FL
Ratchet and Clank
King of Fighters XIV
Yakuza 0
Vita definitely counts, and even if it didn't that's just 2 of those 6 games.
Let me go ahead and add
>S;G 0: already on PC in Japan. Also Vita.
>World of Final Fantasy: also on Vita
>Persona 5: also coming out on PS3
>DQ Builders: also on Vita
Also, Uncharted 4 is listed twice.
Nice job putting words in my mouth.
Also the point of counting exclusives is justifying the purchase of a console. Would you expect people to buy a PS4 if all of the games they were interested into could be played elsewhere, even if not "optimally"? A PC on the other hand is something most people own regardless, so you don't need to justify its purchase.
but where's knack on that image?
There is no magic left after 2010 like there was in 1999, so it's moot to try and recapture it.
Vita fanbase is the same.
But deluded isn't the right word for either. Perhaps id describe them as not normie add chuckle fucks more concerned with western game marketing than actual substance.
I could give you a list of good vita or dreamcast games, but you would just discard it as "lol i haven't heard of it so it must be shit!" cause it's not the top spot on ign or whatever shitty normie site you base your generic cookie cutter opinions on.
You need to justify spending $2,000 on a computer that's for more than just the internet
Vita is the better platform though in many regards.
It's a handheld.
I don't count shit like Danganronpa as PC games in this regard since id rather play them on vita.
Thank you this was actually a useful list.
Even if i don't like Yakuzza or KoF games. Ni-oh looks cool. Forgot about r&c remake and disgaea 5. Didn't even know infamous still existed.
If you're in Europe inFamous First Light is available physically, but it's digital-only in NA for some reason
I usually buy physical whenever I can but this Black Friday sale's been making it hard since I plan on getting Hitman physically but it's on sale right now for half off
A good list to be sure, but PS2 had quantity, and more variety honestly.
Stop disgracing the PS2's legacy by comparing it to this trash.
>unreleased games
>uncharted 4 twice
you have four games. FOUR GAMES.
4 more than PC :)
The PS2's legacy is being a glorified DVD player
The XBox Phat was better
ps2 legacy was that it brought too many normies and casuals into gaming
>Kojima's new shitty movie
Know next to nothing about the game. It could potentially release on 3DS, why is this trailer flaunted?
Oh wow, Uncharted 4 is really there twice.
>Dreamcast nigger literally admits he's an older version of the Vita cuck
Hahahahahahaaaa, what is it with faggots and being attracted to systems that don't have any games on them.
>IGN muh normie site
I get all my news from Sup Forums though. I don't visit gaming media websites. Why is it that Vita and Dreamcast fags try to cast their enemies as casuals, when in reality it's the more dedicated core fanbase of video games that dislikes meme systems like the Vita and Dreamcast because 0 games exist on those systems.
Seriously, Vita has like 1 fucking game, Murumasa. Not worth buying an entire handheld over. Everything else on it that looked good got a PC port. Pretty sure everything on Dreamcast got ported to PS2 or Xbox. Shenmue is the only thing it's got and I just emulated it. QTE shitfest.
MSR got ported? cool.
Na sadly.
Im a pcfag mostly so i try qnd get console games all as physical since it's pretty much impossible for pc and i miss it.
Not a single classic game, just like the PS2--OH WAIT
>Metropolis Street Racing
>mfw Bizzare Creations went on to make Project Gotham Racing on OG Xbox which was basically the same concepts but improved
Yeah it basically got a port/remake or whatever.
the only really good sony exclusive in close to 10 years has been gravity rush. persona might be good but i haven't played it.
I like how half of the games in the picture aren't even out yet and Sup Forums already declared all of them shit
I like how half of the games in the picture aren't even out yet and sonyggers already declared all of them are good.
>i get all my news from Sup Forums
That's probably even worse desu.
Let me guess yoh also believe PlayStation 4 (#4players) is the best platform and Uncharted is unfairly criticized?
I like how half of the games in the picture aren't even out yet and Sup Forums already declared them PS4 sellers.
>there isn't a single good game on dreamcast
If you like weebshit there is. Which is pretty much all there is in PS4 as well.
user did you not read his whole post.
Do you seriously think he likes jap games?
>let me guess, your a living meme
No. PS4 is a garbage console not worth owning. Naughty Dog are trash and Uncharted is garbage, so is TLOU.
Xbone is trash and basically Windows 10 lite at this point with 0 exclusives.
Nintendo is fucking cancer as always.
PC is filled with shit meme releases because Valve are trash and indie games are most of the time not even games at this point.
I only like old games. Old games are my specialty, they are pretty much all I play, and even then, the Dreamcast has nothing worth playing on it lel. Okay it has 2 games, pic related, my entire Dreamcast emulation folder. Shenmue, and a PS1 Star Wars game that got a port that made the graphics slightly better.
>There isn't a single good game on Dreamcast.
Hello underage.
>walking sims
>gran autismo
>dragon quest MXVIIIIII
>final fantasy: we should have stopped 9 games ago edition
>kingdom hearts: 2.98713, 3 is going to happen soon I promiiiise
Why should I care about any of these washed up franchises?
>There isn't a single good game on Dreamcast
What the fuck are you doing on this board if you know jackshit about video games? There is a board for neo-sonyggers like you and it's called
>Star Ocean 5
Don't do it, user.
Like what?
I just said before Murumasa was the only game the Vita had that looked decent. That is weebshit. I don't mind Jap games at all.
I'm not super into the fighting game scene, but isn't that just a remade Soul Edge, that's a PS1 game?
Also SoulCaliibre was ported to Xbox 360 arcade anyways.
>claims to like old games
>knows nothing about the Dreamcast, hates Nintendo, knows nothing about one of the most well known fighting games in history, emulates
What a poser faggot.
>perfect arcade ports
>only good 3D Sonic
>the best party fighter series
Dreamcast was great. PS2 was garbage for like 2 years and sold well mostly for its DVD capabilities
>hur no it didn't
literally google, up to 60% of PS2 owners in Japan and America bought it because it was a cheap dvd player
Don't take the bait, it wasn't a bad console by any stretch, it was just horribly marketed and sonic in 3D was a turd.
There were plenty of redeeming aspects but every other console made the transition to 3D with a great flagship platformer and sega failed to deliver.
>let me guess your a living meme.
Nah, im just a caricature of a Sup Forums gamer who hates everything by virtue if being new, focusing on only shit to better fill my narrative, not caring about good content that i miss out on.
>insert wrong generation meme
>insert back in my day meme
So your a living meme.
Got it.
Xbox One and Wii U went so horribly wrong that all they had to do was to not fuck up rather then actually be good.
Remember when Xbox One was first announced they apparently were gonna have this feature that basically you couldn't share your games at all and then Sony for their big presentation they said "Well WE let you share games" and everyone freaked the fuck out, as if the ability to share your fucking game was a god damn privilege now?
Since then Xbox One has become less shit but the damage was done, they've single handily lost entire console generation and the console wasn't even released. PS4 isn't good, it's just not an Xbox One or a Wii U so by virtue it did everything right.
>Dreamcast has nothing worth playing on it lel. Okay it has 2 games
Are you thrashing in your big boy booster seat?
>wii U went Horribly wrong
Only from a business/marketing stanf point though it's unironically the best console this gen.
>it was just horribly marketed
if you were in america it wasnt
>le sonic adventure 1 & 2 are shit games because my favorite eceleb said so may may
fuck off underage
Nintendo is trash though, their only good console is Gamecube. Trash company, trash games.
DC is a meme console that failed for good reason. Emulating the few games worth playing on a meme console is not a bad thing.
I'm not into fighting games as a genre.
Video games are very large user. There is more to gaming than a few small scenes like this. I'm not a poser because I never claimed to be into the fighting scene in the first place.
I am mainly into 90's and 2000's PC games, as well as PS1, PS2, and OG Xbox era games with a bit of PS3 and 360 too I guess but not so much.
Problem is shit like Mario 64 and crash bandicoot absolutely obliterated what was left of the arcade scene in favor of home consoles.
The only people that cared about arcade ports were people still clinging to the past while everyone else had been sitting at home eating pizza and playing final fantasy since the NES.
90% of those are trash
>ever good
I know PS2 was bought as a DVD player though, still was a good console at the time, though the OG Xbox was much better than the PS2. The PS2 still had a god tier launch year though you can't deny it, so many good games.
Zelda is literally the only good series they have left
wow the hate for ps4 on here is some crazy shit
>The PS2 still had a god tier launch year though
uh, no? the ps2 was notoriously known for having a piss poor launch when it comes to games
Not necessarily. The PS4 has a great games/price ratio if you don't own a PC.
Crash will always make my dick rock hard.
Those games are digital crack
>Nintendo is trash though, their only good console is Gamecube.
You have to be underage with a retarded statement like this, like a grown adult no matter how dumb couldn't even conjure up such a fucking stupid statement if they tried.
>DC is a meme console that failed for good reason
Once again you know absolutely nothing about history and should off yourself immediately for being such a stupid poser fuckhead.
>it's unironically has the best exclusive this gen
As a console it's the absolute worst one with a horribly intrusive controller/gimmick and technologically so much weaker then the competition most people don't even bother making games for it.
But yes I will admit, the couple good games in it are damn good.
Why is Automata trash to you? Most everyone else seems to be excited for another Platinum combat game.
Problem with trying to upsell these consoles all the time is everyone has a PC now. It's not like the 90s where pcs are for nerds and office workers and everyone has a TV for fun.
Even normies are starting to realize it's pointless buying a console when the PC they already own can run all their games.
yeah, keep telling yourself that.
You still wasted 500$.
Name one Zelda other than OOT and LTTP better than 3D World.
It's just the nu-retro gaymer who thinks that 6th gen is retro. Just ignore the obvious underage.
>You have to be underage with a retarded statement like this, like a grown adult no matter how dumb couldn't even conjure up such a fucking stupid statement if they tried.
Nintendrone detected.
Not him but if you go back amd play them as an adult they really do feel like children's games that play themselves. And not in a fun like disney way. That being said escape from the city level fills me with insane nostalgia
>i don't mind jap games
In that case vita also has
>all three dr games
>conception 2
>bullet girls
>freedom wars
>shinobido 2
>trails of cold steel
>steins gate
>gravity rush
>p4 dancing all night
>Valkyrie drive
>xblaze games
>cyber sluts
>criminal girls
>soul sacrifise
>corpse party 3
And is getting a fully voiced remaster of the zero escape series.
The list goes on.
But you will just tell me all these games are shit now cause
>muuh narrative
It's been almost 4 years and that pic is all you have to show for it? A good third of this pic isn't even out and several of these are multiplat. Your watered down PC doesn't hold a flame to where the PS2 was 3-4 years after launch.
>3D world
>the blandest piece of shit Nintendo has ever squirted out, that was then playtested within an inch of it's life
>better then anything
Not even Ratchet has eight direction movement..
I don't like the Gamecube that much, its alright but the Xbox and PS2 were better. Anybody who thinks its the best Nintendo system has to only think so from nostalgia, and I'm the last person to say things like that.
Uhh, nah dude they're shit.
I loved them when I was younger too but fucking let go man. Everything aside from chao garden and the sonic/shadow levels was absolute turd, and even the later sonic/shadow ones were pretty bad with all the rails and stupid shit.
Mario and crash were way better implemented.
Yeah maybe if you lived in Japan.
Europe and Australia didn't get it till right at the end of 2000 and only retards buy on launch anyways.
2001 was a fucking fantastic year for the PS2. So many god tier games came out that year.
>their only good console is GameCube
Could you be any more underage?
Hell it doesn't even hold up with the PS3, and it had a horrible start in it's first year.
>Is there a more deluded fanbase.
There are some deluded fans, but it was pretty fantastic at the time. If you weren't old enough to remember or not one of the few that had one from launch to cancellation, you just wouldn't understand.
It's easy to piss on it now since what it did has been refined and is commonplace alongside a lot of its exclusives being ported off the system, but it was a fantastic little box with unrealized potential.
To say the Dreamcast doesn't have a single good game is being just as deluded as the user you responded to. But is being pretty stupid. PS2 had a fantastic library also, but it took time to build.
I like this new line of defense sonicfags have. You aren't allowed to say bad things about Adventure or Unleashed because some ecelebs also said bad things, thus everyone is just a parrot/sheep.
fuck you sonic adventure is amazing and the dreamcast is the greatest console of all time you fucking nigger faggots that grew up with shit tier consoles like the ps2 whcih pandered towards normie scum dont know shit about anyhting in gaming
I have to user.
The decision was made for me before i even heard how shit it was.
>if you don't own a pc
I think the touchpad is more useful amd important to me than PS4s shitty apu.
Obviously the ps4 is much more powerful. But sony's library seems like they are targetting something even more powerful yet. Like they thought the PS4 had dual 1080s and now we are trying to run it on a toaster. With games designed for PC.
Nintendo and it's partners seem more self aware about the shit hardware and olan accordly. To the point where it feels like it doesn't matter. Dk tropical freeze for example looks gorgeous and runs fine. I doubt i would gain much getting it from steam.
Console were never meant to be about hardware really. I much prefer nintendos way if innovating over, "Look we have an APU that you current rig will already shit on anyway, now let's delude ourselves into thinking we can make Bloodborne run on it properly!!"
>Zelda rehash every fucking gen
I kind of got over this after windwaker. I know they're doing stuff different but I can't play the same shit over and over.
The best thing they've done recently is splatoon imo. At least it's different.
why do sonyggers even come here?
Do you like being where you're hated?
99% trash
I liked the DC library though. Adventure is just shit.
Butthurt Nintendrone. Kek.
Nintendo is the worst company in gaming. The Worst.
PS2 and OG Xbox are better than the Gamecube, but the GC is still Nintendo's only decent console.
N64 is one of the worst consoles ever released, the specs are absolutely shit which forced every game on it to look like ass with eyesore textures because of that fucking cartridge, and shit ram. I'd take PS1's wobbly polygons anydays, at least the textures on PS1 weren't a fucking mess.
Wii is a gimmick console with a few decent titles, but it's still a gimmick. Everything afterwards has been a complete embarrassment. Everything before that is nostaligafag tier.
I got Sonic Adventure at DC's launch and bought SA2 right as the DC died. Both were pretty fucking rough and not that great. Lots of great memories and nostalgia when I hear tracks from the games.
its just retards trying to fit in
they like to jerk each other off to every shitty jap game
I've been defending dreamcast.
Sonic adventure is just a terrible game.