Spindash Let's Plays - Sonic Unleashed (Part 01)

>Spindash Let's Plays - Sonic Unleashed (Part 01)

Who's ready for the initial excitement and joy of the intro and daytime level, followed by mild acceptance of the werehog levels, followed by hellish tedium as the medal hunt escalates, followed by angrish at Eggmanland and wishing the game ended hours ago?

I swear they're just trying to upset me at this point. How much effort do they put into finding a game no one is interested in watching?

I dunno. Ask Liam. Not only is he shit he picks LP poison everytime. Megaman is barelly getting 20.000 views. Granted, it's a Woolie and Liam Lp but still.

>Ahh well people have been asking us to do a Persona let's play but honestly RPGs take forever to play through, have you seen the Chrono Trigger videos for crying out loud
>Yeah that's a pretty legit reason for not doing a heavily-requested video series I suppose
>Hey you know what we SHOULD do though

They probably should do P5 blind when it comes out, but a P3 or P4 LP would suck since they all know everything that happens and it's not like the thrilling gameplay will keep butts in the seats.

Besides, no one will ever beat the P4 endurance run, so why try?

>INB4 Silent Hill fags infest the thread

Don't see them doing a Persona run but I do see them doing a spoilercast and/or defending the atrocious localisation.

Pat will never venture outside his safe zone as long as he lives.

Are people still complaining about how he thinks SH4 is shit? (Which it is, the good monster/ghost designs don't make up for all the horrible gameplay decisions)

Good thing I watch them with Adblock

I don't fucking get it either. Their whole thing is playing complete dogshit that they can make fun of or doing something they love but can make fun of.

That's why Resident Evil and DP were so good. Because they could make fun of it - you could shittalk Ashley or Quinn all day and it never stops being funny. Where is the hilarity in making fun of Mega Man or Sonic. There's nothing there to ridicule because it's so relatively bland or it's jokes we've heard a million times already - and I seriously don't think they have the stones to outright make fun of all the furry fanfiction that came from Sonic.

I used to frequent these threads a lot back when I still gave enough of a shit to complain about let's players. I used to post about Matt being a manchild, Liam being an obnoxious twat, the usual shit.
Then I decided to eliminate them from my life, considering it was just subjecting myself to frustration every time I opened one of their videos.
That was two years ago, and these threads keep reflecting the same old shit I would get frustrated about.

I feel I've made the right decision overall.

Yes, literally every thread

>wait OK so he needs a pick ax to get past this element, what other element counters that and who has it and what color are they and where are they but hold on I want to check something in the menu and we had better talk all these guys and figure out what elements they have currently and which ones they need to counter and I need to run in circles a dozen times because I have the memory of a gold fish and can't remember any of that or where the guys are and I can't tell left from right so can't even walk down a hall without getting lost

Why is woolie allowed to touch a controller let alone make decisions

If Matt's in I'm not even bothering. Poisoned the Sonic Adventure Lp

Best Friends haven't been funny since Woolie and Liam became part of the main cast instead of occasional oneoffs.

>eceleb cancer

But the part where he revealed that he publicly embarrassed himself at school so badly he had to change schools was the best part.

Report it and move on you literal autist

Well, there's a reason they are getting less and less views.

This LP was Matt's choice, right? Since Liam doesn't like this game, so he's making him play it


the Sonic



>Complaining about eceleb cancer
>Posts the most cancerous bitch in gaming

>That last thread where fags were trying to get it deleted posting traps and porn
>Didn't work. Thread kept going
Got to see some good shit.

I didn't know about the level skip in the casino, that was really neat. I don't think it would have been very bad at all if it wasn't for Matt crying about everything the whole time.

You have to be at least 18 to post on 4chidori.

It was just better when it was just Matt and Pat. And Woolie was just some faceless character they made fun of ad nauseum and Liam was "Rising Superstar Liam".

The Akuji Mystery Box. That's what it's all about. Two guys just shooting the shit over life barely paying attention to the game. In fact, the best part of the whole Minecraft playthrough is simply because of that.

They were developing this ridiculous mythology about Woolie and they just don't do that anymore because he's right there.

>whatching lets plays

They've gotten so bad that I started watching Team Four Star videos instead. At least they play games that are interesting.

If it makes you feel any better, this thread is going slow and is probably gonna get archived fast

>e-celeb cancer

How is up up down down?

They are pretty fucking terrible at the games they play. Sonic Unleashed is a good game but it would be way to hard for them. Love the guys but they fucking suck at most games.

I only keep up with the podcast.

yet they're respected enough to have cameos in real games and a personal wiki

>sonic unleashed is a good game


Not criticizing them personally they're one of the only youtubers I watch but they aren't the best at everything and this game is pretty hard near the end

>SU is a bad game

lol back to ign

why would you play such a awful game

actually I was criticizing their fans for worshiping their shitty cocks

>the medal hunt escalates
This is why I never finished this game

I could fucking put up with the werehog shit, it isnt as bad as people mad it out to be. But FUCK you im not going to redo missions to hunt for fucking medals, especially in werehog levels.

>Matt is so fat and unathletic that he doesn't know what cleats are

Because the Liam vs. Chip feud needs to be cashed in on eventually.

I wanted Sonic Unleash and Megaman X Command Mission, suck my dick.

You have to actually go out of your way to not get medals, many are thrown at you in both levels and hubs as well as giving souvenirs to doctor pickle

Every person or group that plays this game for e-celeb bux has the same reaction, roughly around the tropical island levels - "wait what the fuck HOW MANY medals? fuck I gotta back and play these levels all AGAIN?" and then the rest of the videos after that either they're crawling through the werehog levels super burnt out, or they do all that shit off-camera

>sonic unleashed is a good game

user it says here I need 100 sun medals and 120 moon medals to do that so I'll have to decline

gotten angry at

>Sonic Unleashed is a good game

oh fuck off, SU fucking sucks. The story sucks, the characters suck, and the majority of the gameplay sucks, just like most of the 3D Sonic games.


That being said these guys are too lazy to do any editing. The only person who does editing is Liam. Boy do I fucking hope Liam is editing this.

I suggested something like this the idea being Hey Liam play something you hate and can suffer through.


The only one I'm not interested in is Megaman LP.

Sorry Megaman.

[Groose theme intensifies]

>m-m-my favorite game's not bad
>g-go back to ______


>Where is the hilarity in making fun of Mega Man or Sonic

Are you really asking that? Sonic is an endless goldmine of memes and hilarity, the Spindash lp's are usually pretty great.

>and I seriously don't think they have the stones to outright make fun of all the furry fanfiction that came from Sonic

Looks like someone hasn't seen the Shadow/Dreams collection lp's.

>Woolie so worried about being wrong about something he refuses to let Pat see the guide
>ends up being super wrong anyway
>instantly displaces it all on David Cage
Never change Woolie. Actually no, wait, do change. You being an ignorant know it all is fucking annoying.

And before someone says I'm defending the game, no, it's dumb too, but that doesn't change anything

Anybody know how far they are into Omikron? Please tell me it's almost over. Every time a part doesn't have final in the title, I die a little.

>entering this thread

It's payback for Pat making him come over and spend that half an hour getting past that part they were stuck, obviously.


last podcast Pat says they were "legit 65% through." How that relates to the videos exactly depends on how much backlog they have, which probably isn't much