Does this game have the worst story ever told in a video game?
Final Fantasy VIII
No, it's the best.
Not even kidding.
It's a Japanese romance story, user.
It is indeed.
The best FF out there in every aspect.
OST is a miracle of art.
The music was the only good part.
squall is dead from the mid point of the game (when he gets pierced by icicles), the rest are all in a dream sequence
Not even the FF with the worst story
That honor belongs to IV
>He's an FF8fag
They don't even deserve (You)s at this point
FF8 has a good story.
Haters really are retarded. There are so many clues to the memory loss from talking to NPCs to viewing the computer in the class room and mandatory story scenes that they think the orphanage thing is "out of nowhere"
my only problem with the ff8 story is the shitty romance with Rinoa, she should have been a better character. Other than that, great game.
I thought the card mini game was the best in all of vidya until Gwent happened.
Am I the only person who was moved by the love plot of Squall and Rinoa?
Am I the only person who enjoyed Eyes on Me?
me too, i still cry like a bitch with it
dude i don't fucking care, i love it all together
>junction for a bunch of ridiculous shit you can do
>fucking triple triad
>the assault on the first town
>ya know ya know ya know
>also your school can fly
>now fight with your flying schools
>...which have ramps for assaults with motorbikes
>being shot to space
>invisible futuristic cities
>i'm about to die in space, i really could go for a FUCK YEAH LOOK HOW COOL THIS SPACE SHIP IS
>the assault to lunatic pandora
>laguna & co. with the special participation of leg cramps
>oh yeah, orphanage
The biggest problem is with the villain. Where she comes from and her motivations aren't explained at all, and "left up to the viewer to decide" but that just reeks of lazy writing. It's fine to leave these details ambiguous but good storytelling knows the answers to these questions and drops hints to the answers, even if they are somewhat vague.
what a retard
>Where she comes from and her motivations aren't explained at all
She's from the future.
She is afraid of the prophecy that a SeeD will kill her.
Unbeknownst to her, her fear of that prophecy leads to her actions fulfilling it.
What's hard to understand?
I liked the song and the idea of the romance plot with the star crossed pairing of Laguna x Julia being resolved with Squall x Rinoa. Awful execution though.
girls detected
FF7 truly was a mistake
The cool kid chocobo always cracks me up.
Her motivations are pretty clear when you put it like that. Maybe I just didn't understand because I was around 14 years old when I played this game.
They still never explain who she is or where she came from though. I always felt like a scene or two were missing, going into her backstory.
>Where she comes from and her motivations aren't explained at all
Did you actually play the game or you just watch spoony review
To be fair, that kid is probably pretty close to what cloud would look like IRL, Tifa has the biggest tits, and Vincent is an obvious edgelord. Besides the shitty sephiroth, this is good cosplay
it sounds like you are slow in the minds
It went off the fucking rails, but I liked the core concept.
w-w-was X?
Big floppy Tifa titties.
Yeah I know how you feel boner brother
They're just suddenly in love at some point in the game. Suddenly every character is pushing them together. They had not even one good word to say to each other before a certain point in the story.
It. Just. Happens.
This is the precise reason why I think the "Squall dies xD" theory holds any credence. It's like Squall just suddenly got his subconscious dream of getting this chick to fall in love with him.
Full of fucking contrivances
>ellone has an extremely specific psychic ability for literally no reason and the entire plot falls apart without it
>all from the same orphanage, and edea and cid were the caretakers
>randomly float by a long-lost spaceship in the middle of space
I like the setpieces and the characters and stuff but I just can't get over how poorly the plot is strung together, the only way it could've been worse is if there were an ancient prophecy or a "chosen one" somewhere in there
>They're just suddenly in love at some point in the game
Squall was hot to Rinoa.
Rinoa gave Squall a reason to care in that she was a stupid bitch who needed protection.
On that note, love is gradual, user.
It was realistic.
all the hate aside, what are people's thoughts on the old Rinoa = Ultimecia theory?
meant to add this link too
>spoiler brat fucks up by intervening with the mission
>squall already has enough problems with irvine missing the shot, has to face the target by himself
>gets stabbed while rhinoa watches
i believed taking in account something like the suspension bridge effect, after that you start to notice signs of something between them
Irvine didn't miss his shot. Edea blocked it.
>They're just suddenly in love at some point in the game.
Could be wrong, but I always thought it had something to do with her becoming a sorceress and thus needing a knight. Same thing happened that with Seifer
i always thought it that she blocked because he took too long to shot
my bad
Stylised art lives forever (see: Super Mario World) the pursuit of realism will always result in a slow decent into the oblivion of ehh.
it's that too
>Squall was hot to Rinoa.
This is from one line early on.
>Rinoa gave Squall a reason to care in that she was a stupid bitch who needed protection.
Now this is you projecting I feel. When they suddenly were in love Squall was suddenly an awkward school boy being romanced by Rinoa.
>On that note, love is gradual, user.
Agreed. Too bad the game didn't show that at all.
>suspension bridge effect
I don't think the writers really had anything like that in mind.
See this is more in line with what I was saying. It's so out of no where that it feels like there's something weird happening behind the scenes.
15th thread today what the fuck
squall died in the opening
No because Crisis Core exists.
And XV
Nothing can ever come close to Fire Emblem Fates
I love how hating on FF9 is a meme.
I like 8 as much as the next guy, but 9 and 8 being good are not mutually exclusive to each other.
This pic is honestly what happens every time
The "squall is dead" theory really does make all these things seem less stupid then they are.
it's kinda why people latch onto it.
7 is the shittiest one
The answer is 8, poorest values and the lowest score on metacritic
I'm not gonna judge that one till I play it myself.
Everyone knows the worst FFs are 2 and 13.
Any other answer is objectively wrong.
It's up there
9 has insane production values for PS1, and 10 undoubtedly had a huge budget and huge sales, so I say 8.
>think LR looks pretty cool
>would have to sit play through hours and hours of cutscenes in the first two games to be able to play it
Fuck modern FF.
I'm pretty sure yo ucan play LR without playing any of the other XIIIs, sure you'll miss a bit of story, but it's not like it matters
Have all the people that claim that FF8 is such a terrible game ever played a modern Tales of Faggotry or any other anime RPG involving little girls or teens all i nthe same uniform?
Lightning Returns is pretty far removed from the other two. It could have very well been it's own IP.
fixed your image, friend
Now I KNOW you ain't bad mouthing Trails of Cold Steel. I KNOW that ain't what you're doing.
So is hating on XV the new meme?
There's something in me that wants to at least give it a fair shot though. If anything to see the descent into depravity that led to Lightning literally being God and then real.
But man the hallway>cutscene>hallway>cutscene style progression sounds crazy bad. Do they even have towns to walk around?
I unironically like 2. It has a very intense story.
can't say i agree on the "every aspect" part, but goddamn you are right that the OST was something else.
To be completely honest, Fithos Luse from this game and one winged angel from Final Fantasy 7 are super overplayed and I'm completely sick of hearing both of them at this point. My favorite track from FF7 is probably Tifa's Theme, and my favorite track from FF8 is probably "The Man With The Machine Gun".
Read a cliffnotes version of 13, play 13-2 if you REALLY want to, as it improved on most of the gameplay loop problems, and then sure, go play LR.
I sure do love hitting my own teammates for hours to level them up properly.
>Hitting your own teammates
Scrub. You can easily beat the game without having to hit anyone on your team. I bet you didn't even use status effects.
MWtMG is more overused than Fithos Lusec in post-FF8 media
Is there any good II porn?
I usually avoid status effects in any RPG because, 99 percent of the time, bosses are immune, and regular mobs die too fast to waste a turn doing it.
No. The one after it did.
Technically. The worst ff ever was probably the original ff14. That or the movie.
FFXIII and FFXV are far worse.
>That Barret
I think everyone just passes original 14 off as a bad dream. Didn't they give the game for free to people who had the original anyway? Or did I imagine that
FF2 is one of the few FFs that make status effects useful. You just have to grind them up.
Nigga have you even played XV
Legit question. I hate meme opinions.
Am I genuinely the only person who enjoyed VIII the most?
>grind them up
And then we're back at FF2's main problem.
>Didn't they give the game for free to people who had the original anyway? Or did I imagine that
Was that Rebirth of the Realm or whatever? I vaguely remember it being a pseudo big deal.
I don't care how sexy David Bowie is. That game is not meant to be played or enjoyed.
That scene on Ragnorok had my little 13 year old ass giggling like a fuck
I'm right here with you man.
For a time it was my favorite. 9 took that spot afterwards though.
the battle system killed the game for me.
It's my 3rd favorite.
These games came out years between each other? That's incredible
I beg to differ.
The pacing of the game was the worst, but the story was fine and had some very memorable good stuff.
Honestly the draw system needs a complete rewrite.
Maybe give a random draw chance upon killing an enemy. I dunno.
5 > 9 > 4 > 7 > 1 > 6 > 12 > 10 > 3 > 13 > 8 > 2
I'd probably put 15 in between 13 and 8 judging from the demos I played
Due to my patience and love of grinding I had no problems with the draw system. And I found the junctioning system pretty easy to understand but was still a novice up until my second play through. Once you understand the system and how it works, you can just fucking exploit it and make VIII the easiest game in the series hands down. I can now beat the came without dying once. Save for like, timed sections or the minigame things. (Like that jetpack fight in the Garden battles)
Objectively good taste and if we're being honest I think XV is going to relegated to in between VIII and II.
I-III, V, and XIII all have objectively worse stories than IV
Man that jetpack fight was the coolest shit as a kid but seriously nowadays it's weird and awkward.
Not surprising, since the teens/tweens couldn't get with 9 at the time coming from 8
That's gonna be even more a pain in the ass grinding for enough magic to junction or create shit from.
Draw system is fine, no one's forcing you to spend 15 hours drawing magic from some weird dragonfly.