>Pro in Stracraft instead of some casual game
>absolute qt
>Asian master race
Is D.va /ourgirl/?
>Pro in Stracraft instead of some casual game
>absolute qt
>Asian master race
Is D.va /ourgirl/?
Absolutely. D.VA is cute! CUTE!!!!!
Zarya is actually the superior Overwaifu
Sorry for any confusion
Maybe Zarya can teach D.va one or two things
Like how to be a strong, loving, protective wife?
Absolutely fucking not, you ASSFAGGOTS plebian
go to /vg/ to post your dumb waifu shit
No Mercy is best Overmeme girl
She is not gay
She is not married to the Call of Duty man
>big breasts
Choose only one.
Do people like no eyebrows and long faces?
I fucking love D.va. Some guy in one of my first games said "D.va fags ruined this game. "
I fucked Mercy in her Witch costume
Mercys bongos are not that big though.
The girl with the largest breasts I knew in person stayed a virgin until 25. Then got pregnant on her second day of having sex.
You're right.
Cause she's married to Roadhog
>Pro in Stracraft instead of some casual game
Starcraft 2, by definition, is pretty casual.
If we were talking Brood War or a better RTS, maybe. SC2? Please.
The most micro you need to do in SC2 is
>muh concave
This is like when that guy sent the email to Riot asking to marry Lulu but they said he could marry Poppy instead
Jokes on them now
That's really sad
Right. That was why the playerbase of lower end scrubs left for LoL when SC2 was too difficult to git gud.
Nobody cares about the pub trash.
I'm talking about the Korean pros who themselves all talk about how they liked BW better because SC2 is too simple and are quitting SC2 one by one because they want to try to get back into BW.
BW has had its share of problems but when the only thing the casters talk about until the first deathball clash was which player was going concave their deathball better than the other player, the game is clearly not that interesting to watch OR to play.
No she is /mygirl/ so back off!
Yes. Sad story 4 u bruh.
Large titted indian chick, similar to that one indian porn chick people like but with C to D breasts, natural, not fake tits like the porn chick. (idk porn ladies name, not into porn).
Chick was homeschooled until 18, force fed muslim shit. Has 5 sisters and 6 brothers because parents want to make as many muslims as possible, dont really care about their kids at all, just more muslims.
Her family disowned her and kicked her out after forcing strict muslim shit on her until she was 21, when she stated she refused to follow islam or whatever was when they removed her. She struggled and got back in with her family after a few years to have her father disown her again right when she was about to finish nursing school. At that time she had already moved back in with her parents, so she was homeless too once again.
She fails the NCLEX twice, has to restart nursing from year one because that is how NY is. Is super upset the last 6-8 years of her life have meant nothing.... and sleeps with an ugly as fuck guy. Notices what she is missing by avoiding sex, and has sex again next day.
2 months later announced she was pregnant. Refuses abortion because she says she can't mentally handle it. Gained 70 pounds and has an ugly as fuck half retard half indian baby. Forced to live with some ugly fuck
Pic related. It is her, can't really find one of her huge tits or the fact she was into fitness, so she weighed maybe 110 at 5 foot 8. She deleted everything because she got fat.
good one kid.
>Nobody cares about the thing that keeps the pros/tournies with viewers and new competition.
If SC2 was easier to get into, and get good, then it would have a larger playerbase. Since it is literally the only RTS in the past 15 years with any competitiveness at all.
For proof, look at Overmeme, LoL, Dota, etc. Easy to get into and if you suck you either get put with other sucks, or your team can carry so you can feel good too.
I'm sure you can find at least one pic if you do a little digging
I tried. I swear.
No highschool stuff since she was homeschooled. No college shit since she went to the same college as my fiancee and you can opt out of yearbook or website stuff.
Her FB was deleted and remade with only 10 or so photos and they all are headshots (of her now fat face)
Even her photos on friends of friends FB are gone, but this is all through my fiancees page since I haven't had FB since 2010.
photo of her ass I saved 2 years ago?
The problem is that RTS was always a niche genre and despite what people want to believe about how to succeed in the genre, shit like rote-memorisation of build orders and response patterns and reaction time beat out strategy every time. The strategy part isn't that important compared to reflexes.
THAT is why casuals can't get into the game. The barrier to gitting gud is exorbitantly high and unreachable if you're over 30 or whatever the armchair neuroscientists are saying is when your reaction speed starts decaying.
Then shit like MMOs and MOBAs started coming out and people were like "My one dude can make more of a difference in a fight than my deathball in a RTS" so they all migrated.
As more and more SC2 Koreans leave SC2 for BW or other games, Blizzard's going to eventually stop throwing money at their dead e-sports scene because it does nothing and close the lid on Starcraft for another 10+ years until somebody else tries to breathe life into the RTS genre again.
What a shitty life: hyper-religious shitskin parents that would literally disown you since it's no loss to them, no prospects due to failing the most important test of YOUR LIFE TWICE, and getting knocked up by a hick who thought you were just a good screw. Makes you appreciate things.
>She fails the NCLEX twice, has to restart nursing from year one because that is how NY is.
This sounds ridiculous, is this actually how it works or did she just happen to lose all credits and accreditation or whatever?
>best starcraft player in the world
>an attractive female
Fuck off.
>plays Blizzard game
>is IN a Blizzard game
>le hot nerd girl
Wait a minute... maybe she is!
This is true.
>all these people comparing Overwatch waifus
I just want the Swedish dwarf daddy
And is this /ourboy/?
Waifufaggotry is a cancer that needs to be purged from all games Very, very few games need women in them and that should be reflected
It doesn't work like this at all. My sister is a nurse, and she was able to take the NCLEX until she passed.
But GAMUR GUURLS are bad at video games.
>Very, very few games need women in them and that should be reflected
Guzma will always be our boi
>hurr duurr you gay if you don't go out of you way to reaffirm your heterosexuality every five minutes
I do not need a bunch of shoehorned women to prove that I am straight, They are a distraction, and cringy, and undermine the setting.
How are the women in Overwatch shoehorned?
>shoehorned women
The only reason you think they are shoehorned is because of your deep seated misogyny.
>undermine the setting.
How would excluding over 50% of the worlds population from a setting 'undermine' the setting exactly?
If you weren't talking out of your ass, you'd know that he scene has already died because plebs care more about Overmeme and ASSFAGGOTS here in Korea as well. SC2 pros aren't switching back to BW, though at least one of them moved to LoL.
It's really sad.
Have you read their bios?
Or lines?
Or looked at their designs?
Each and every one of them are a carefully designed ploy to maximize saturation with the various undesirable groups that infest the internet.
thicc and strong.
>How would excluding over 50% of the worlds population from a setting 'undermine' the setting exactly?
Women don't fight, they bitch, they moan, they get other people to fight but when they do 'fight' it is the most pathetic display. Any action setting that actively have women fighting in it is hot garbage trying to force the kool-aid down your throat.
It makes Blizzard money and I'm sure that's all they care about
Waifus sell games, now get over yourself
>Waifus sell games, now get over yourself
I rather gameplay sell games.
What if they made a game about israeli commandos?
>the various undesirable groups that infest the internet
Well then what's the problem? They must be perfect for people like you.
>literally ever pro """girl""" rts player turns out to be a tranny
yep, definitely Sup Forums's
Who says it can't be both? People like fast-paced shooters and hot women and if you have Blizzard marketing it then you've made a money-printing machine
guys im really feeling it
>Women don't fight, they bitch, they moan, they get other people to fight but when they do 'fight' it is the most pathetic display.
I personally know women who would and have handled themselves in combat better than you could ever hope to. This is beside the fact that you are complaining about a fictional setting about the most extraordinary people on the planet.
Is it pronounced D V A or diva? My friends say diva but i think they're wrong
the best north american player is an attractive female
Scarlett is trans though so she kinda exists outside the argument.
>Who says it can't be both?
Considering we are talking about Overwatch, I am.
And those get shat upon by men trained half as much as them
maybe Dva is trans
>implying she wouldn't snap the fuck out of those heels to maintain proper squat posture
Shut your fucking mouth now.
>And those get shat upon by men trained half as much as them
And yet they are more capable mentally and sometimes physically to millions of other men trained just as much if not more. At this point I realize you are just baiting, but again, we are talking about literally the top 1% of humans, in a world where technology can further supplement their abilities and performance.
>I personally know women who would and have handled themselves in combat better than you could ever hope to.
No you don't
DVA is best girl
the sheer amount of cuckoldry and beta emanating from this post is unreal
>we are talking about literally the top 1% of humans, in a world where technology can further supplement their abilities and performance.
And the fact one would spent even an ounce of this incredible technology on women is unrealistic and disgusting.
>No you don't
Yes I do.
Super late reply.
She also was summa cum laude for her bachelors (which you need before you can do nursing in NY). So not entirely stupid. Just had lots of shit going on around her NCLEX exams. You can't even take the NCLEX unless you already pretty much graduated college and nursing school.
Imagine finishing a race first place, but crashing and dying on the turn into your driveway at home later that next day.
Oh also. It makes me appreciate life 1000000 times more knowing that literally 2 miles away families are like that and people have that luck. This area is expensive, it doesn't seem like that shit happens around here.
Again, pretty sure the NCLEX does not work this way. You do not have to start your nursing program from scratch if you fail twice, according to a nurse from NY.
>gamer guuuurrrllzz xD
>It's a "if you don't play exactly the way I tell you to I'll throw a hissy fit and do nothing the whole match" episode
I'm gonna assume this is like Sup Forums and reporting does nothing right?
Only someone that doesn't play any RTS games could have this retarded of an opinion.
SC2 is dead because the genre as a whole is dead. It doesn't pick up new players because the genre, no matter how hard it tries or how casual of a game you make in it, is inherently unintuitive and not in the least user friendly. Even flight sims make more 'sense' at a glance than RTS games. Unless you grew up playing them, chances are you wont ever give one a 'chance' because the barrier to entry is full-retard and requires way too much time and energy even to be mediocre at. Mobas were the nail in the coffin not because they're 'casual'(They aren't, no matter how much Sup Forums tries to meme that they are), but because learning one is a lot more straight forward, and 'makes sense', much in the way RPG games 'make sense' and fighting, FPS, racing, and flight games 'make sense'. There's still a learning curve, and even a barrier to entry, but they don't require specific ways of thought to play
>Says the guy with the generic wehraboo waifu.