>Game tries to be funny
>It isn't, in fact it's pretty cringeworthy
Game tries to be funny
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Gameplay looked comfy as fuck. No xbone though. It's probably good but faggots on here are always anti xbox
le cringe meme
>Kid Icarus Uprising
>Conker's Bad Fur Day
>Persona 4
>Portal 2
It's humor is the worst part of SO.
Overall though the game was pretty fun.
Gameplay is pretty good. So is the music.
Compared to Jet Set Radio, how does SO play differently?
It's fairly hit and miss.
Gameplay and music is fantastic, however. Looks pretty, too.
It's alright, missions can vary from fun to fucking boring.
Games like jet set radio future and crackdown are really chill to me and this looked like it had elements of both.
Easier then Jet Set Radio imo.
>Basically press X and RB to grind/dash/etc
>LT RT aim shoot and all that generic stuff.
The game isn't all that hard either but being aware of your next move and environment is good to get chain bonuses and not get surrounded.
However it did make me appreciate Trap/AoE weapons. I feel their the most broken weapons in the game.
The writing is trash, but thats about it
also the game is a waifu sim, it's insanely hard to make a decent looking male character without treading into /fa/ wannabe territory
this is the Xbox equivalent of Bloodborne for me, in that I really want to play it but I don't want to buy a whole fucking console for one game and immediately experience buyer's remorse
>Kid Icarus Uprising
t. Pittoo
Necropolis, its fun for coop but the "funny lore" is awful
The first half of Sunset Overdrive really lets the game down in my opinion
It was honestly GOTY 2014 for me. Liked it that much. Made a THICC redhead waifu.
>Kid icarus
Story/missions were the epitome of tedious. But the gameplay itself was really fun, despite being kindof slow+goofy.
>game tries to be funny
>it works
I thought it was great. My girl had sugar skull face paint and I always had her in a skirt for those delicious panty shots.
First one did it better
buddy cop banter > bratty scientist backtalk