If you like Soulsborne.... Play this fucking game!!!

If you like Soulsborne.... Play this fucking game!!!

My first Souls game was vanilla DS2. No DLC.
I'd come here and see all the hate on 2. I'd try to understand everyone's complaints, but without having played any of the other games, all of these ideas and opinions were purely abstract.

After beating NG+ I got bored, so I'm going thru the whole series, starting with Demon's.

Holy shit, this game is amazing! Within the 1st 10 minutes I understood everything wrong with DS2. Everything in this game just feels so good in comparison. And I like the less opaque plot as well.

If you're a Souls fan but haven't played Demon's, you're really missing out. It doesn't feel clunky to me at all. And the graphics are still great. That's all.

Other urls found in this thread:


Demon's is definitely a great game, and my personal favorite. I do enjoy every game in the series though, and you're in for a treat in playing through them all, as they are all quite similar, but each of them offer a unique enough experience. I'd personally rank them:
DeS > BB > DaS > DaS 3 > DaS 2

As for DLC:
BB > DaS > DaS 2 Old Iron > DaS 2 Ivory > DaS 2 Sunken > DaS 3

The only one I've beaten though I haven't really focused hard on DaS and been playing it casually off and on. Should be getting a PS4 tmrw for BB.

Good Job, OP.

Demon's Souls is the underrated gem, which started it all. The atmosphereis unique in this game. Have fun playing it

Congratulations on seeing the light. Pay attention to the world and descriptions so you can find out some neat stuff and then go straight to dark souls 1 and then bloodborne.

Don't play dark souls 3.

What's wrong with Dark Souls 2?

I played Demon's on release, no one cared about souls games until Dark souls was released. Given awesome Demon's was, that just goes to show that the large majority who hopped on the bandwagon later are normies and their opinions should be discarded.

>start up Bloodborne
>talk through door at top of stairs in Iosefka's clinic
>"hey, that's the voice actress who did Yuria in Demon's Souls!"
>beat first couple of bosses and return
>talk to her again, but it isn't Yuria's voice actress
"oh, I guess it wasn't her after all..."

do you have some sort of mental disability that does not allow you to compare and contrast?

True, but
>no one cared
is just not true.
There were alot of people importing this game from japan, because of word of mouth long before it was even released in the west

Well, Dark Souls was made available for more platforms, so it follows that it would get more popular as a result of that. I will say though that the Sup Forums community for Demon's Souls was one of the best around, and it was sad to see it become so distorted from the popularity of Dark Souls.

It just bothers me that Sup Forums only started riding the souls series dick when Dark souls came out. I learned about Demons from a couple of friends who always had a good eye for games. Legend of Dragoon, Persona 3, All the old Naughtydog games, Natural Selection, Onimusha, Nightfire, were all just random discoveries they shared with me when we were kids. They were the ones who introduced me to steam back when steam looked like pic related.

Demon Souls was advertised to me as "A ridiculously hard game where you'll be dying often, but players can leave messages for each other in order to progress, also bloodstains so you can watch how they died and try to avoid doing the same."

The thought of a game that makes itself possible via a large number of players dying in order to move forward together was awesome. The dark fantasy setting, spooky venues and combat was just icing on the cake. Game was fucking good.

Then Dark souls comes along and everyone's telling me about this great new game they discovered, and Sup Forums is losing its shit over it. There are STILL faggots who don't know that Demon's souls was the original game in the series. I will always resent the large majority of the gaming community.


If only we knew at the time ;_;

that's some weird weeb elitism you got going there.

>souls games

There was only one at the time, dumbo

I really need to go through DeS again some time soon.
OP, if you're going for STR, I can't recommend the Meat Cleaver enough. It just feels so fucking right.

fucking redditors

Demon's Souls is a great game that kicked off an amazing franchise, but there are some serious flaws with Demon's Souls that keeps it from #1.
Take for instance 2-2, 4-2, and everything about 5 that isn't Lady Astrea.

The Japanese trailer for Demon's Souls is the entire reason I bought a PS3. It's the only game I owned for the console for over a year. One of my all time favorite games.

what was it about it that made you fall in love?

>All that time pestering Atlus to bring it over
>About to bite the bullet and just import a copy
>Atlus finally announces it

Damn good timing I suppose.

fuck off

Imagine this board without all of the degeneracy

>What the fuck was his problem?
>Is it going to flop?
>What went wrong

There's a reason Sup Forums is so shit now, it's because too many stupid normies mixed into the group gives the whole thing cancer.

How did you feel about the announcement of Dark Souls and From Soft's future projects after Demon's Souls?

I just love medieval fantasy. Fellowship of the Ring is my all time favorite movie and Oblivion is in my top 10 games of all time, so when my friend showed me the trailer I knew it was destiny.

hnnngh youtube.com/watch?v=sVxeiLxVajc

I was confused at first as to why they didn't just call it Demon's Souls 2, but had no problem with them continuing on in the same vein regardless. Dark Souls 2 though, I started to get the feeling they weren't really putting much effort into everything. Haven't checked out 3, or Bloodborne yet.

Developers are at their best when they first create a new ip, and while that ip is fresh in their minds. the modern internet pollutes people's minds and kills creativity.

>ending song , last cutscene on the trailer

holy shit i never seen that part where the dragon god attacks the character from the opening/teaser whatever

wasn't Demon's Souls made in response to Sony wanting their own Oblivion?

how so?

Dunno about that, but Dark Souls came about because Namco wanted their own Demons Souls.

If someone didn't start with DeS in 2009 then their opinion doesn't count.

OP here, your logic is flawed.

Marketing plays a huge role (even if the "marketing" is word of mouth). Meaning: if people just didn't know about Demon's Souls, that's not their fault. If, after Dark Souls blew up in popularity and they were looking to go back to the start, and enjoy Demon's Souls, that's not because they're normies trying to fit in. It's because they only just discovered a new, awesome game. Cheers


You are literally just being a hipster. Just because people found out about your favorite game later than you doesn't mean you're better than them.

Not him but it literally does.

Needs a bigger power gap between DeS and DaS3. Also was trying to play through buddy's version of Scholar and holy fuck they made a meh souls game into something insanely tedious with shit like 'lets not fix that weapon degrade bug' or 'lets just haphazardly throw enemies all over the places because 'muh difficulty in souls'. If they're going to standardize just running past enemies to the fog gate they could have at least not done something retarded as fuck as 'hurr u get hit and knocked out of fog gate traversal'. Jesus christ. I did Forest and Heides before quitting. On that note Bloodborne has ruined me; it's just too god damn good. You don't even really notice how big something like the rally mechanic plays into the game (and how much it affects player behaviour and game flow) until you go back into a game without it. Shame about the whole lack of build variety though.

What was wrong with 2-2? I liked the different paths.

100% agree.
Demon's Souls atmosphere is the standard for me. No game ever matched it since then. (One I'd say that precedes it is Shadow of The Colossus and Silent Hill 2. BB is deadlocked with DeS in terms of my favorite

I first discovered Demon's Souls because it was named on the back of the Dark Souls cover. Like others in the thread, my main draw was the medieval aesthetic.

>from the maker's of Demon's Souls

OP here, I just started using the Kilij. Never went for curved swords in DS2 but I'm loving it here. Obviously still plenty of weapons I haven't really tried. Not sure what build I'll do. I went tank-y in DS2 so I'm going for dex/magic.

OP here. As soon as I turned it on and that intro movie started I knew it was the one. Compare that to DS2 and even though I ended up liking the game I thought the intro was weebshit garbage.

What order have you done/are doing the levels in? I like seeing where different players go on a first playthrough.

Sup Forums absolutely talked about Demon's before DaS came out, I remember it

My opinion that DeS is a great game, much more fun than DS2 doesn't count because I didn't play it when it came out years ago? Fuck you.

I have a life and not a lot of money. I got a PS3 about a year ago. That's when I can afford shit, when it's used and cheap. I'm always way behind the curve, and that doesn't bother me. And I only started with DS2 because that's what the store had in stock.

they didn't put effort, ds2 was a shameless money grabbing. Miyazaki was already doing bloodborne when ds2 was being developed. Bloodborne is really good, it was really hard for me to get into it , but i think it's almost as good as demon's souls(if only there were more sane people in this game, you are alone for most of the game, there isn't a safe place with people like the nexus)
ds3 is way better than 2, but it's nowhere as good as des or bb. But I think it's still worth playing.

Kek. Good to know autism is alive and well. There's a reason people hate hipsters. Arrogance isn't attractive, user.

Tough shit I guess. Communities only ever get worse when they get bigger. By the time DS2 had come out the community had gone from great to final stage cancer. So you get lumped in with the "sunbro" scum.

So yeah, anyone who started with DeS near the beginning is forever better than anyone who started later.

At least you're better than people who started with DS3.

There's an archive if you feel like digging deep back to posts from pre-Dark Souls

There were daily generals.

See that post. Communities getting big is only ever a bad thing. Wanting to feel original has nothing to do with it, wanting shitheads to not take part in things I like is. Can you name a single time something you enjoy blowing up was a good thing?

No matter what it turns out to be, The Mark of the Conqueror is significant.

Before I say why I need to divide the Souls community into two general groups - Conquerors and Conquered - and quickly define both.

Both have basically been around since Demon's Souls, but the very nature of the Conquered demands that the Conquerors come first. Why? Because Conquerors beat the path and light the way. Afterward, like mold or a rot, the Conquered seep into the community, ever at the heels of the Conquerors.

How is that? Either by a lack of information upon release or due to a self-imposed restriction, the Conqueror goes in blind. Conquerors embrace the challenge From Software has extended with each release in their Souls/Bloodborne Series while the Conquered abhor it. While Conquerors scratched and clawed their way through levels and boss fights, the Conquered poured over FAQs, Strategy Guides, Wiki Articles, Google Search Results, Let's Plays and How to Videos.

Therefore the Conquered subsist by virtue of the illumination spread over From's games by the Conquerors, entirely dependent on it. Overtime they've let themselves forget this, fancying themselves old hands as they bring their borrowed knowledge and tactics to bear on each successive release.

And then here comes f***ing Nioh, reminding the Conquered who they really are. And with little to no documentation in sight they hide behind s***posts so they can cling to that "gud" status they worked so hard to attain. Eventually they'll be back. Once the Conquerors have shown the way, that is.

And that's why The Mark of the Conqueror is significant. No matter how superficial, uselessly cosmetic or quickly outclassed it is, it still says I'm not this guy . No, I'm a Conqueror

agreed, by far the best entry in the series
all the other ones blatantly try to emulate and usually fail, but Bloodborne came pretty damn close

I got into DeS from all the threads on here when it was the only Souls, then when DaS3 was only on console it was mostly fans of DeS, but when the PC release hit the entire fanbase went to shit

i never came close to understanding World Tendency and didn't meet like half the people on the loading screens. loved it though

DeS was my first souls game and I played it in 2013. It's also my favorite souls game.

And I played all of them blind.

But really, I guess it's the year and hipster mentality that matters.

God do I wish I could play it when it's servers were populated.

It's a total slog. It's almost, but definitely not quite to the same degree, as bad as 4-2 aka run past every single enemy and rush the boss door. Except this time with a dropping shortcut.

So I did Boletaria first, that one seems pretty obvious. Heck I didn't even check to see if other levels were open before that. I went as far as I could (Tower Knight) before being blocked off.

Then I skipped to shrine of storms. I cleared out all the paths until the giant monster that's the same as the tutorial boss, at which point I noped the fuck out and called it quits for the night. As you can see I just had my first playthrough for a few hours before posting here.

>but when the PC release hit the entire fanbase went to shit

That's usually how that goes, yep.

I'm glad that you think that, most people that play ds2 first are autists/become autists, and they always ruin everything, their fanbase is pure cancer and they believe that dark souls 2 is better than all other souls games(and they think the other souls games are shit)i'm surprised they didn't ruined this thread yet.

>but when the PC release hit the entire fanbase went to shit
that's 100% bandai fault, just look at their trailers, ''prepare to die edition'' holy fuck bandai whyyy
In dark souls 2 it becomes obvious that bandai think that the only reason people play dark souls is the difficulty and that the only quality about the souls games is being hard and making people die.

Not that guy but my first playthrough -

>Shrine of Storms
>Tower of Latria
>Valley of Defilement
>Boletaria again

Nice start, I'll refrain from telling you which ones are easiest to do since that dictated my playthrough more than I would have liked.

World 3 is everyone's favorite I believe, get excited for that.

This game wasn't fun at all. I'm glad i havent played the rest. If the game played faster it might be okay that you keep dying on the first level. The whole thing is a great time waste and its repetitive.

im surprised they're allowed to do that since sony owns the ip

I sort of agree. But basically your complaint is only valid in regards to PVP. That's the only thing that community affects the game. If you're buttmad about more people posting online, get the fuck off the internet and go enjoy your game.

In regards to the PVP thing, more trolls and newbs and the like will become a part of it for sure, but does that really ruin a game for you? We're not playing on PCs, no one is hacking. If someone's being a troll, just kill them.

I don't get what your deal is, except what you probably hate is the online community and the like. But again, who cares!? You don't need to talk about your precious game on a forum. Just go play it.

It was on the Xbox cover too


I didn't really liked it, It's my least favorite area, it's not bad but it's not my kind of thing. My favorite archstone was the Boletarian castle.
By the way why the fuck is ostrava armor , shield and sword there, did he died in Latria? He is not in soul form.

Lol. OP here. I haven't read or watched a damn thing about Demon's. My only knowledge is what DS2 provided me. I'm a "conquerer" if you will. But your post is gay.

>If you like Soulsborne games then play this Souls game

quick Sup Forums post

>favorite weapon

>favorite armor set

>favorite npc

>favorite area

>classic schimmy
>dark silver

>the maneater comic

That actually convinced me to pick up the game

dark silver
shrine of storms

its a copy pasta , dont take it so seriously

OP here. DS2 sort of ruined video games for me. I've tried some other things but nothing else has been nearly as fun. I know these games are praised to the point of overrating, but that's my honest experience. Of course, I hadn't played any of the others in the series, until now.

I already love Demon's and I full on expect that I'll love DaS1 more than 2.

Though people still say 2's PVP was best. I gotta say PVP was really important to me. I spent countless hours on the Iron Bridge.

anyone experienced with the souls games knows exactly how you're feeling, your opinion is one shared by many who never surpass the learning curve. you are a typical sort.

once you get good at one souls game the rest become a breeze.

if you ever watch a speedrunner do souls, a lot of players do actually start to approach being that good where they can run past any enemy without being hit and kill bosses in 20 seconds. it's not something out of reach of the average player, if you put in the time.

or instead of all that i could just say git gud

Do people number them from left to right?
Boletaria being 1, Shrine of Storms being 4 or 5?

I know everyone does that, but again I haven't spoiled shit for myself, and the game doesn't number them.

das1 is basically des but with slightly improved mechanics and a different setting
das2 tried to do its own thing but didnt pull it off well
das3 feels like des/das1 but relies on them a bit too much
bloodborne feels very original, like playing des for the first time again

Probably thought it would sell more copies. People way more likely to buy if they enjoyed Demon's than take a chance on an unknown IP.

>Fluted/Ostrava's set

The iconic knight look really drew me into the first game. Seeing Ostrava being job and helping him out through Boletaria castle was a lot of fun, so that armor set has a lot of good memories for me.

Scirvir I actually didn't find until NG+. I remember seeing his splash art during loading screens thinking how cool he must have been, and his dialogue/personality really surprised me.

As for 3-1 that world still scares the shit out of me, but that's what makes it memorable. The atmosphere there is unreal, especially if you didn't save Rydiel yet

They can play them and enjoy them, I just don't really respect their opinions on them the same way.

When you put it like that you make it sound retarded. But you're retarded for not realizing you can like all the other games and not have played this one. Liking those games doesn't mean you like ALL of the games.

Imagine if someone said, "You like cake right? My mom just made this amazing chocolate cake with a new recipe, you have to try it!" And you tried to make fun of them because they said they like cake but haven't had their mothers'.

the thing about ds2 pvp is that you connect really fast, des pvp and coop are dead, in das1 it was always been buggy on pc because of games for windows live, so you had to wait minutes to get a single invasion or to be invaded, i remember having one invasion each 10-15 mins when i used to do dark souls 1 pvp.
What ruined other games for me was mostly the gameplay, it feels bad, i want to have freedom to roll and attack and defend, i tried to play some online games, mmos but on all of them you just press ''f1 f2 f3'' and that's it the combat, it sucks. Other famous rpgs like skyrim and witcher have really shitty gameplay too, but of course there are other things like npcs and bosses. I loved almost all des characters, specially Ostrava, Thomas and the maiden.

makoto(fuck the upgrade system, i finished the game with a unupgraded makoto)
fluted set
all areas in boletarian palace

Demon's Souls was wonderful. A shame that the Dark Souls PC port made the series unable to be discussed on Sup Forums.

>The iconic knight look really drew me into the first game.
same, i fell in love with it from the intro cutscene and made a knight very first playthrough, but got my ass kicked because I was fatrolling everywhere
made a wanderer after not getting very far and didnt die until dragon god, been using wanderer or the equivalent first playthrough in every game since

scimitar, but now that I think about it liked the falchion better

This is acurate

this made me remember of these guys i found once in ds1

That was Allant I suppose, the real one

I realize I've been here too long.

the reason ds2 is so shitty is because bamco don't want new things, they want a game just like ds1 to be sure to get money, they learned that lesson with ds3. I'm sure that they would make them reboot or something if they were doing something that have nothing to do with ds1 or 2 like they did with ds2.

wrong reply?

i hope they just remaster demon souls and call it good, i would buy that shit even if it was 60 bux

That doesn't make sense though. DS2 was really different in a lot of ways. They did try a whole bunch of new things rather than playing it safe. DS3 was a rehash nostalgia game.

I remember when people were bitching about the graphical settings and that guy on neogaf made the patch to allow more configurations

I don't get this obsession, not just you but everyone, everywhere. I see no need for a remaster. It still looks amazing. Sure graphics could always improve but this isn't a PS1 game we're talking about. It'd be virtually identical.

it would revitalize the multiplayer and they could fix shit like world tendency

>for like four months

That's when I poked my head into the threads and get hooked into the series

I'd only want it if it meant I could play it on PC, since that's where my other games are. It's a pretty far fetched dream, though.

I'd also take a game that can do what it did on release, but that's asking for a miracle. Not a lot of titles surprised me the way Demon's Souls did