Final Fantasy XV

Does FFXV have the best waifus in the series?

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They're barely even in the game.

Waifus are cancer. This came would've been a bit more bearable if they kept the female cast to just Luna.

lol no
They have like 10 minutes screentime each tops and are the most stereotype shit ever

Are you fucking serious?

I hope Noctis dicked Iris for the sake of the royal bloodline.

That said, it may have the best combat to date. Because surprise surprise, the streamers were speedrun faggots mashing attack and chugging potions. When you switch things up a bit there is enormous potential for combos.

They're not playable, what's the point

Yes. Gentiana is Shiva and Areana is Bahumat randomly too.

Someone post the WE ARE THE FINAL FANTASY webm please

Is Tabata trying to purposefully kill the series?

There's no point in comboing when the best DPS is playing it simple. This guy is just jumping around like a sperg wasting time because he thinks it looks cool. Like retards who walk in fighting games before the fight starts.

From what I've seen this game is holding down a button and doing QTEs.

Have you been under a rock the past week? Tabata already killed the series, the game is incredibly bad and bland

Every fight is warp spam, parry spam, and using your party members to iframe attacks spam. It's boring and cinematic, much unlike any good action game.

Cidney is the most attractive video game girl to have ever existed

waiting for sfm ports

Actually the game is built with comboing in mind. Jumping and phasing around gives you valuable i-frames and cancels your previous combo. And also using magic after breaking defense increases damage output and leaves the enemy vulnerable to the secondary effects of the magic, like Death, Poison etc. We don't have a full overview over the magic crafting either. Blizaga Death was just recently discovered.

>supposedly "good player" getting hit
>that slow damage output
>those awful animations
surprise surprise, the combat is shit

Friendly fire from party spells is a thing. Also Enemies attack in swarms and you will get hit, which is why i-frames are so useful.
Seriously though, you sound like the type of faggot who would just mash attack with Rebellion in Devil May Cry then complain over the gameplay being shit.

Only if that player is bad or the combat is bad. Judging by your post the combat is bad then.

>bringing up DMC, an elder god tier action game, in a thread with this shit
You must be getting paid for this.

>elder god tier
More like meme god tier.
DMC is good for its combos. Its puzzles and story are shit for mid 00s wannabe goths.

>with comboing in mind
It clearly isn't otherwise it would have actual combos. Most enemies have like 3 move and they're either slow as fuck or barely look like moves. Warp strikes and warp points are too OP none of the enemies AI can deal with it and the AI basicly just serves as a 5 second long invincibility state, it's the same shit as the people that switch weapons every 3 second and warp around all the time in the platinum demo when you can easily kill the iron giant by warp stunning it and hitting it with tempest over and over again,
It's one of the most style over substance systems out there


He said "elder god tier action game"
You left out the "action game" part so you could complain about unrelated elements of the game.