Battlestation thread Sup Forums

Post your setup!

Other urls found in this thread:

Here's mine





>tfw currently playing Yakuza 2 but want desperately want to play the PS3 games

what are you playing?



Yakuza Kiwami

I know that feel.


pls ignore the timewarp at the top, kind anons

Holy shit, nice chicken. Is it a silkie?


is that a fucking chicken

so, continuing from the last ass thread yes, move the rears back

Silkie hybrid of some sort, blue ear lobes, broody

She was living in the woods and given to me

thanks bruv.


Just flew over there for Thanksgiving, where you at?


eh it's boring

In the Mankato area, if you know whereabouts that is. About an hour south of the Twin Cities. It's comfy as fuck this time of year.

>random vidya figure
otherwise minimalist/pretentious as fuck but nice


looks pretty cozy to me user. nice pop filter.


>otherwise minimalist/pretentious as fuck but nice

Thanks I guess. Here's it from another angle

I don't know the area, but I'm staying in Lakeville, with my Dad's side of the family. My grandma died last year so he's been wanting to connect with his side of the family some more.

still can't manage to take a shot including the case because the wall is behind me, which doesn't leave much space to work with when taking the photo

Gotcha, that's a nice area of the state. Away from the ghetto of the cities but still close enough to enjoy all of its perks without hassle. Hope the holidays go well for you and your pops.

Yeah, the area seems nice. Last time I was around here was when I was like...4? Anyway, well over a decade and a half ago. I've lived in SoCal all my life, so having it snow last night and this morning was nice.

yea it is kinda cozy. though I definitely need a better desk. but my room's cramped so I gotta life with it.

What's with people not putting rear surrounds in the rear? You seem loaded so call your guy and move them as far back as they go. Might even want to consider putting them on stands behind the couch.

>subwoofer big enough to kill children
>pc speakers

Where at in SoCal, if I may ask? I spent my honeymoon in San Diego this summer and fell in love with the place.

keep fuckin' that chicken

Carlsbad, so in the north part of San Diego county.

I'm gonna upgrade my rig with some cyber Monday deals. What should be my priority of upgrading first?

please tell me that's an actual fucking chicken

Pardon the mess.

how good are you at playing keyboard user? have any demos on youtube?


I cant actually play any musical instruments I just play jap rhythm games.

eh Might as well

Can you tell me all about your rhythm game/peripheral set up? What is turn table thing, what's it connected to and what games you play on it?

you're halfway there user start learning

bit messy this time.

Bottom tier B&W.

It's a beatmania controller (specifically the FP7 EMP DJDAO) I have it hooked up to my PS3 (behind the TV) which has all the beatmania PS1 and PS2 games ripped to it. Also sometimes hook it up to my laptop and play cracked versions of the newer arcade games.

I cant even bring myself to play rhythm games at my local arcades.

That sounds awesome. I used to play tons of rhythm games at arcades and have only been playing a very mediocre selection of current gen rhythm gales, do you suggest I pick up that exact model controller? I want to do what you do

>you again

Suh dude, haven't seen your setup in awhile.

i tend to post in alot of these threads, you usually can tell it's me as i tend to use the same filename for my pictures.

Pretty comfy with this

Nice ikea catalog-core. Would drink hot cocoa and watch a movie with.

I suggest just starting with the official PS2 beatmania controller and a US copy of beatmania to learn the ropes, once you start really enjoying it the FP7 EMP is a great next step even though its $200+ for a stock unit. if/when you eventually get one spend the $88 extra to get the Sanwa buttons instead of the DJDAO ones they are worth the $88 upgrade.

>posting pics of your wife's son on Sup Forums
user pls.

I should become a famous voice actor any day now.

>I suggest just starting with the official PS2 beatmania controller

It looks pretty scrub though. This is for scrubs isn't it? lol. Come on dude, I don't wanna buy another down the line. I don't mind paying a higher price for something better that'll last but thanks for the advice anyway. I will get the game and start playing again thanks.

Same, it's comfy as shit.


>PlayStation clock
That's actually really cool.
I kinda wanted to turn my GameCube into a lunchbox.

lmao, reminds me of the chick I dated in 9th grade, she was so petite her room was literally in a harry potter under the stairs room.

upgrade your ram and your gpu and you'll beset for a long time

call local studios and ask if they offer a demo service, and then once you're confident in your work/ dont suck total fucking ass, send your demos out to talent agencies

otherwise you'll just be another retard with a microphone

also get an actual preamp you fucking scrub

just recently moved into my own office/room/studio

r8 me

I did what I could to make it comfy. I need more posters and better cable management, no bully pls.

>wii balance board
would fuck pls have long hair

decent laptop setup, you need a bigger desk though

super clean

nice but needs less clutter


sick setup, what leds behind/under the desk are you using?

so much vinyl



thats not even a desk its like a flower pot holder come on man

too much clutter

fake plant and tv stand are 10/10

different at least. not bad

super clean

super clean

pic of setup before moving

comfy corner

Dat daft punk desktop tho

your wallpaper displeases me. That hideous line through the top monitor is unsightly as hell

>yellow wall paint

I live near the headquarters of a very large anime voiceover company. I wanted to get some experience before I audition, so I've been doing voice acting online. I think there's also an audiobook company near here, I might audition for them, too.

I didn't even see the fucking air purifier bullshit.
You look like a digusting neckbeard overweight piece of shit, I'm betting. I would've guessed maybe a dad but you have 3ds and vita games on display.

looks like you have to maneuver your arm around your enormous computer tower which should be on the floor anyway


Although please stay away from me if you're a dude.
>That cringey homophobia ladies and gentlemen.
Also if that is you... wtf man, you need some sun or maybe a steak, holy shit.

>you need some sun or maybe a steak
Definitely some sun. I haven't left the house in months.

You need a bigger desk fampai

wat animu

thats a nice doggo you got there


Literally none of that is ikea

t. ikea employee

I go on annual family vacation to lake Kabetogama.

My favorite place in the entire US.

i can see you in the tv's reflection. Mostly because you're bending most of the light waves.

I love video games!

you're a little late to the beatmania talk

Late? That's a rather old picture.

Rate or Hate

look back about 2 hours in the thread.

I regret buying an Xbox one

this is the best set up in thread

Oh, I just popped in and posted without looking at the thread!


Ask nicely.

Hello Sup Forums

Hello friends
