Digimon blows Pokémon the fuck out yet again

Digimon blows Pokémon the fuck out yet again.

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Are they good games?

better than sun/moon

Did what first? Be forgotten?

too bad digimon can't hold a hundredth of the fanbase as most people generally gravitate towards pikachu

There's no such thing as a bad Digimon Story game

>Bandai Namco

How are these Japanese game companies not bankrupt yet?

And Megaman Battle Network beat them both to the punch in 2003.

Not really. Medabot games were better, shame we didn't get any past GBA.

Now that's what I call bitter.

Yeah just like Sony and Invizimals or whatever the fuck it was

All these posts do is make me realize other companies are shit and only Nintendo can do things right.


>better than sun/moon
Tapu Lele

>Making me defend Game Freak and this new trash pokemon

Did Digimon Story sell 10 million copies or whatever retard amount they're claiming SM Did?

The Digi-Salt is real

Yeah and nobody cares for them 9 years later.

>b-b-but muh sales

Why don't pokefags care about game quality?

I can't decide whether I'd prefer Agumon, Gaomon, or Veemon to be my boyfriend.
What am I saying? Of course veemon. Flamedramon is a top tier bf.

Those games sucked cock. The new Pokemon games also suck, but even the shitty DS Pokemon games were better than that Digimon trash.

Literally battleborn picking a fight with overwatch

>care about game quality

Is sales the only word you can read?

>implying you remembered, or even knew about those game before that twitter post

Show me your playtime, cuck

so you never played them

>all these people who say Pokemon had the better games, but Digimon had the better anime
Nigga. Digimon didn't even have the better anime. It was trashed compared to Pokemon until the ADV series

Robopon did it in 1999.

Sun, Moon, AND Star version!

Those games were fucking terrible and I speak from experience. I didn't even get 3 hours in before deleting the rom.

Digimon has better games AND anime tho.

Cyber Sleuth is objectively superior to every mainline pokemon game

Both anime are trash. Nobody remembers how trash Digimon was because it's not as prevalent as Pokemon is today. I can't comment on Digimon games.

nah fuck all ya'll pokemon and digimon

that's not really fair. They can slap pokemon on anything and it will do well.

You've never played them.

It's probably generic as fuck, but has piqued my interest anyway. I'd want to try the star one.

Digimon being in charge of being original.

>sun and star are different

>Both anime are trash.
Sorry Pokemon isn't moeshit enough for you. Pokemon was actually decent if not kinda good at least through the Orange Islands arc.

And pokemon did two handheld versions first.

There's also no such thing as a good one. The DS Story games are incredibly mediocre.

>sun and moon dichotomy is unique and digimon invented it


Isn't that what Pokémon is rumored to be doing with its third version anyway?

>Sorry pokemon isn't moeshit enough for you

But that's wrong. Pokemon is TOO moeshit. In fact, the new pokemon is so moeshit they literally redrew all the characters as moe blobs.

>literally every episode is filler

no. Pokemon isn't even a show, it's an advert

>impkying they aren't

Dusk > Dawn.

I rewatched digimon adventures and watch tamers recently for the first time. Both were good.

Pokemon on the other hand I couldn't tolerate for more than a few episodes. The new series(Xand Y at the time) seemed ok from what I watched, but digimon is still better.

Medabots is better than both though

Dude, they were garbage. They weren't even as good as Cyber Sleuth. Species Exp was the worst idea to put into a Digimon Evolution system, it basically made you EV grind just to evolve.

It's been 10 years since pokemon had a third version of a game why do people fall for this every single generation since Gen V started


why the fuck is the animation so good

You start out with fully leveled digimon before everyone's digimon get wiped to their lowest tier. I played it and its shit. Even the other digimon game for DS was better than those terrible games.

>Dead series

Looks like Digimon was going a little too fast for their time and WHOOPS they are irrelevant which leads to Digi babies like you to constantly try to make shit post like this.

Probably because it isn't digital


I'm afraid to rewatch. Most shit I saw when I was younger I've revisited and realized how garbage it was.

Why is Renamon so perfect?

Because that scene is from the intro where animators put 75% of the budget for the show

I want to fuck that mom.

It's not that good really. A lot of Japanese animation is overly reliant on smear frames and use very few in between frames because its cheap to do it that way.

The anime is actually legitimately good.
Imaishi even directed an episode.

Just popping in to say that the first English OP for Digimon is one of the best anime themes of all time and yall can suck it if you disagree.

Nintendo stole literally every single one of their "innovations".

This isn't news.

FUCK Digimon
FUCK Pokemon

FUCK Robopon

FUCK Mega Man

Telefang Power & Power are the best you filthy mainstream plebs

>new game coming
>Tri is one of the most hyped up things in all of anime lately
>Cyber Sluts singlehandedly gave digimon 400k western fans

Sorry fag, but Digimon isn't dying anytime soon

I didn't watch it until College and it was fine. I didn't watch the second season which is apparently bad though



Its still pretty decent for a toy/game commercial anime.

>implying the show itself didn't have good animation
kys my man

Pokemon and Digimon ripped off Megami Tensei.

You're wrong though.

Did they have a Guzma? That's the important question.

You know what to do now, user.

>literally every episode is filler
Going on a Pokemon adventure is filler. Good to know.

there really need to be more games with robots

>Cyber Sluts
Is it worth playing, game fly has it on sale for 18 bucks and free shipping

Is that seriously an example that you're trying to use for good animation, you can enjoy a show and admit that the animation is mediocre

but does it have any furry waifus like renamon

go to electric monsters world?

Go home pokebarneyfag

The animation isn't mediocre you faggot.

>Better than Sun/Moon
I played the shit out of Dusk and this is just wrong.

It's the best Story game, easily.

>10 years
8 years dumbass

Dusk and Dawn have actual gameplay.

But you wouldn't know that..

I love that game and I thought it was good as Pokemon Silver at the time. To bad the head developer keep making different mon games instead of sticking to one game and end up convicted of pedophile related crime, all the while, Nintendo count it as a pokemon copy and ban it from the US.

Which ripped off Wizardy.

There is nothing thicc about her.
Stop trying to fit in.

>Arcade shit


>don't know a damn thing about Digimon
>play Cyber Sleuth
>it's fucking great
Are there any other Digimon games as good as Cyber Sleuth?
Also is the animu worth watching?

Digimon story dawn(My pick) and dusk were average to me while digimon story cyber sleuth was both great and my game of the year.

My main gripes with dawn was the species experience which just added even more grinding, animations which were ridiculously generic and not being able to see your digimon on the field. Also the story and charecters where forgetable.

Cyber sleuth remmedied all of this.

Wizardy ripped off D&D though.

Yep, just like people love reality TV so that means all reality TV is good because people want it right?

Pokemon Anime Original Air Date: April 1st, 1997
Digimon Anime Original Air Date: March 7th, 1999

Pokemon Red & Green Release Date: February 27th, 1996
Digital Monster Ver. S: Digimon Tamers: September 23, 1998

Digimon is a rip-off of Pokemon.

Best 90's toy franchise anime

the anime is the best source for digimon
digimon xros is ok and so is tri but we have more episodes of tri to come.
the others are shit

Season 1 is good. The story isn't anything exceptional but watching this group of friends explore and survive in the digital world is fun.

season 2 is 1 but worse

Season 3 is more plot heavy, and alot darker. The best season.

>Fuck everything that isn't fossil fighters pokemon and digimon.[spoiler/]

Yall got nothing on my rosie.

Tamers>=Adventure>the rest

Just regular monsters. If there anything to describe it, it a combination of Pokemon and Digimon. You get to catch them all but instead of using pokeballs, you get their cell phone number and you call them to battle. Oh yeah, their people too and act like normal npc outside battle. It does 2v2 and Nature way before Pokemon does it and I would argue it as the best leveling system in any mon game. Just buy your monster friends stuff they like and they get a shit ton of experience.

>ranking Tamer that low
>ranking Frontier that high
Please fuck off and die. Frontier was the main reason Digimon is dead in the west.

>Grind till there's no tomorrow
>So much grinding that theres even seperate elemental exp
>To get the best digimon you need to digivolve and devolve a lot of times, even to just to get a mon's max level above 30

I'd say you didn't played shit.

I still enjoy Dusk and Dawn but it has a lot of problems to be even considered to be compared to Sun/Moon.
Now Cyber Sleuth on the other hand, manages to alleviate a lot of the problems from Dawn and Dusk, but not all mind you.

It's still a grindfest though.

I always wanted Fossil Fighters, but never got it. Is it any good?

>Season 3 is more plot heavy, and alot darker. The best season.
>The best season.
This guys gets it.