Is this the greatest Metroidvania ever made?

is this the greatest Metroidvania ever made?

>Cave Story
>incredibly linear

This it has more in common with Megaman X than metroidvania games

>Sup Forums complains about linear games
>Sup Forums complains about backtracking

Jesus Christ make up your minds

>fucking game makes forces me to restart just to save the girl.

It's a good platform shooter but I wouldn't call it a Metroidvania. Progression is completely tied to story rather than movement/weapon upgrades.

There's just a few points where you can backtrack for something nice.

>Sup Forums is one person

Aria of Sorrow is the best metroidvania

Cave Story is linear done right though

>Sup Forums isnt a circle jerk

Die monster! You don't belong in this world!



pic related


Way too fucking short, and anti-climactic



>Cave Story
Pick one. Also, the best Metroidvania is La-Mulana.



No, but this is.

That's not a metroidvania. It's just a Metroid-like.

It's a damn good game, though.

>Axiom Verge
pick one pls

How can it be a best anything if it's not even a good game?

It is indeed one of the greatest games ever but it's not a MetroidVania for sure. You don't have access to a giant maze where you gradually unlock more rooms as you collect items like you would in Metroid/Castlevania.

most sublime


Cave Story isn't a metroidvania at all, but it's pretty good.
Kero Blaster is better, though.

metroidvania isn't even a real genre. it was just some babby's first platformer.





the paint by numbers of 'vanias

technically its a metroidvania, although the only place that you return to and reach a new area from your acquired powers is mamiga village

la mulana is a fucking myst vania because everything is so fucking cryptic it's not even worth playing