Guess this

Guess this

> *slaps knee

>clutches sides

>wipes tears from eyes

Other urls found in this thread:

The next Duke Nukem Forever

Yeah me got me dunglan yama kunglan and the busted bashi dunglan at the mall with the with the squishy squishy flow nigga on them hoes nigga you wanna peepee on my body like a hoe nigga cause I'm an old nigga a bitch ass hoe nigga

I'd say low to mid 70s is the best it'll do with most major websites. Likely bolstered by a few emotional nu-journalists hiking the scores up because of misplaced nostalgia for those other shitty team ico games.

>payed 'for 'professional'' reviews
>system wars trolls user reviews

OP is an inbred retard.

Somewhere in between 75 and 85

Will you fucking stop acting like a goddamn retard?

>Game we've been expecting for 28 years
>It's just an HD map pack for a mediocre 16 year old game

Any person who pre orders a video game should be injected with cancer.

FFXV has taken that crown already.

>it's not a game because I don't have a HUD and 30 side-missions in addition to 20 main story missions!

Cry harder, negro.

>stop spending your money on things you want!


Riding a giant Bird-Doggo>Pushing a broken car and looking at dresses

>implying he's not right about bloodbourne

>Make stupid decision with your money
>You, the people around you, the people who share your hobby, the economy, people starving in Africa suffer due to your selfish, mindless consumerism
>People find you to be degenerate scum
>"Lol don't tell me what to do with my money"

I'll tell you whatever I want, because you'll still take your five dollars and shove them right up your ass. Way to kill African babies you fucking Nigger faggot.

Sonygger damage control everyone

He isn't.

He is though it's s shit game on a shit system that can barely handle 20 fps lmao sonyggers are out in full force today

Spending money on things you want is ok.

Getting hyped to high heavens because marketing, bullshots and advertisement lies, preordering a shitpile and then whining on the interent how you were wronged isn't.

It also sends a wrong message to the devs and publishers.
>No matter what pile of shit the actuall game is if you advertise hard enough and con enough fools it's a raging success.

Even if we assume that it's a shit game, the fact that it runs as intended means it's at least a 1/10. 0/10 means the game is unplayable, like a release date Bethesda title.

Yep, Conan already proved it.

Fuck right off.

Why would you seriously reply to retard troll?
Chances are it's Ricardo himself.

Mustard envy trolling everyone

Oh man this board must have been hilarious when that came out.

>He wasn't here during prime conanposting

Nice meme word, kiddo. Try something other than false flagging.

>shitty team ico games.

Nice opinion, bub.