I've played it last free weekend and I got addicted to it, I wanna play more pls guysss
my battletag: aiminnano #1607
[email protected]
I really wanna play it so badly
I've played it last free weekend and I got addicted to it, I wanna play more pls guysss
my battletag: aiminnano #1607
[email protected]
I really wanna play it so badly
Sent ;)
dick pix first faggot
Get a job.
Would you send me one if I post mine? Not that guy thou...
>Addicted to a shitty game with a skill ceiling 1 inch high AND made by nu blizzard
Has anyone on Sup Forums ever bought something for someone else that wasn't for gets or whatever? Why do people keep coming here and doing so?
be nice please
Someone got fax'd a dota code when it was in beta
sent ;)
>see this picture
>cat immediately meows outside my door
this isn't the first time how the fuck does she do it
get banned forever you giant faggot
sent ;)
put a timestamp with battletag etc on it faggot
Sent ;)
check your PMs ;)
I mean, I'd do it because I've always wanted to make some person's day or whatever but $35 is still kinda steep for me
Hold on, signing you up for a bunch of mailing lists
where are the mods???????
sent u a pm ;)
You know you can get banned right away for begging?
You should wait for Christmas threads, people always give a shit ton of stuff and one might actually buy you the game, but your best bet is to get some money instead
Would you buy me a game for Xbox one?
play paladins its just much better
also shame on you ow ask for a good pc its very shitily optimised
if you have that pc you should not ask for freebies
I opened this thread just to make sure the old ways were being honored. The oldfags smile upon you.
I'd buy it for you if I didn't blow what money I had left on figures.
I've gotten a fair amount of gifts over the years for other reasons.
But the game I want is only 20$
Ive always wanted rocket league on xbone
No you aren't even slightly cute faggot
Eh, you don't eem desperate enough