>Quickplay gets turned into off-season comp permanently
>Off Season Comp is active
>literally 2 off season comp gamemodes
Blizzard confirmed retarded. Give us back QP.
>No hero limits
>Quickplay gets turned into off-season comp permanently
>Off Season Comp is active
>literally 2 off season comp gamemodes
Blizzard confirmed retarded. Give us back QP.
>No hero limits
I want to impregnate Widowmaker
That thing is blue
The game is not balanced around duplicate heroes and majority of the players play quick play.
Wasn't Winston originally nerfed somewhat due to multiple winston strats?
I do not know but that might have been the case before competitive.
you know there's arcade mode for that
Literally just play arcade mode.
Reminder that if you stack symmetras in the PTR, you all get 600HP. From now on, Blizzard does not balance around multiple heroes. No Limits will be a broken shitfest, and it's a mistake to want that for quickplay now.
This. It gives Blizzard so much more creative freedom when they don't have to worry about stacking.
Will Torb+Symmetra be the new meta?
200 HP heroes can reach now 350 HP
>limit teams
>limit options
>"""""""""more creativity""""""""""""
league fags are this delusional.
Plus the shields deplete before the armor, which makes the armor much more useful.
Yes. That's why he's bubble is weaker and on a longer cool down. Now that it's not viable though in any form of competitive gameplay he's really hurtin' as a tank.
And you're fucking retarded. Stacking is not a core part of this game and with it enabled it adds so many variables that trying to nerf and rework and design shit will get massively slowed down, that's why it's in arcade, everything is for shits and gigglges there.
This. OW was fun as fuck when teams seriously tried to go 6 d.vas
Yes it is tard. Every hero has hard counters. If they stack one hero, stack their counter.
It's just the game's retarded community didn't figure out that Torbjorn hard counters Winston, Tracer and Lucio extremely hard.
Stacking was a core part of the game and they encouraged it.
This is just them literally giving up on attempting to balance around it.
They literally have voice lines for double Tracer
You don't even know what you're talking about
>jeff literally said stacking is for quickplay while ranked is for srs kid
Then pick the game mode people actually want to play.
I still don't get why they fucked with QP, I play exclusively QP and found little improvement while any game I played became quite a bit easier
fighting against a team of Meis isnt fun. or even 2 Meis
No the game is definitely not balanced around duplicate heroes. If it was then why would there be hero limits? You make no sense user.
>picture for ant.
OP is a faggot.
Exactly. This is way better for balancing when you don't have to worry about that one retard stack who picks 6 of the same character
The hero limits exist because of community whining. The developers compromised on their vision of the game to cater to Lolbabies.
The game is less balanced with hero limits, not more.
She looked pregnant before opening the pic, I'm a bit disappointed she isn't
If everyone just picks the same character, you can easily hard counter them with a less stacked team comp.
I.e they got 6 winstons. So your team just picks heroes that wreck winston's ass like Reaper, Junkrat, Reinhardt or D.va and have a healer or two.
There was no 6 hero cheese that was good against everything. Even 6 soldier 76 was weak to a team comp with a couple good defense heroes and a reinhardt.
>"quickplay is for if you wanna just have fun, youre free to choose 4 meis and 2 lucios, but competitive play is for those who want to take the game a bit more seriously"
>2 months later
"Hey guys, since no one knows that you can press H and counter pick, we're going to change the main gamemode of Overwatch to fit the esport baby needs."
I haven't played in like a month what happened?
They thought stacking wouldn't be as hard to balance as it is, and as Blizzard they had the competency to perform this simple task
They were very, very wrong
QP is now competitive without the visible MMR
Tbh, the fact that we get free loot crates for playing the game modes I have fun with now is even better to me. I'm glad it's a separate game mode.
Quickplay now has a 1 hero limit
They claim it makes the game better
Well fine, not 6. Have you ever played vs 4 Zarya 2 Lucio comp?
More creativity for Blizzard, not more creativity for players, you illiterate fuck.
wow that is retarded
Just go to arcade mode and play no limits. It's just an extra click away
What the fuck is a 4 zarya 2 lucio comp going to do against a reaper stack? High burst damage, can easily avoid shooting shields and can escape Zarya's ult.
Etc etc there's plenty of comps that will massively hard counter that sort of strategy, especially if people are a tiny bit creative for a change.
Just google it. You'll even get a NSFW version for your efforts.
I always figured the change wasn't because the enemy team was stacked, but because your team has 3 Widowmakers.
And now you get a widow, a hanzo, and an ana who heals no one
Sup Forums, >reddit, and the blizz forum state 99% of the time you would run into a 6 stack.
which is bullshit because im level 637 and i only ran into them about once every 10 games.
and when they did stack, we counter stacked.
not sure why everyone is crying about it. go play league if you wanna play your esports shit.
i bought OW before competitive and 1 hero limit. I bought it because I enjoyed that shit. Now if I want to experience it, i need to go 3 menus deep like its something Sakurai came up with, and wait a week for a match.
At least a Hanzo ult has a chance to hit something and Ana will Nanoboost someone every now and again
Pretty much
Fixed little and I found the game easier since the change
>Nanoboosts the Widow
>no-limit mode is still available but nobody wants to play it because its garbage
>OP wants it reverted so people are forced to play
Looks like nobody wants to play that garbage.
But you know, loud minority and all that.
Win the game? Infinite shields and mobility
As someone who only played QP I ran into very few stacks, most of the time it would be like two of the same character on the team, and stacks were never hard to deal with, just stack yourselves and enjoy the madness or they were shit and stomp them, most of the community is just shit
no ones playing the game anymore anyway. players dropped tremendously after Sombra and QP limit.
Man quick play has been such trash lately. People don't give a shit about team comp. I've been in so many games where it's like a widow, mcree and hanzo on offense, or I'm the only tank character and no one will play a healer. And if you ask them to change they just ignore you.
>But you know, loud minority and all that.
Sup Forums summed up.
more like it was flavor of the month and now it's not the newest release anymore.
This, I've been having better matches in the brawls
Thats because Bliz wants its to be comp-lite, but no one got the memo
But when will they boost Sombra's teleport uptime and hacking usage?
>Play a healer on attack
>Ask if someone can go tank so we can break through chokepoints
>Dude we already have a Roadhog lmao
>more options are a bad thing now
Only Sup Forums would say such stupid things when there's been a massive history of this board claiming otherwise.
>advertise the game as hero swapping
>no one wants to swap
>lets limit it so their feelings cant get hurt when they get stomped because they wont counter pick
Zero killing power if you don't get charged up.
>Torbjorn hard counters Winston, Tracer and Lucio extremely hard.
>They just jump the torbs and turrets with speed boost before it is even set up and kill the torbs.
>Thinking 5 dvas wasn't anything but pure fucking cancer.
look. more options is never bad.
what is bad, is forcing a """esports""" scene and mentality on people that have been playing it casually since day one.
I HATE to use food analogies but
>go to Pizzeria since day 1 its been open
>order same Pizza slice - Chicken Bacon Ranch , everyday
>one day they decide to only offer pepperoni slices from here on out
>if you want Chicken Bacon Ranch, you can still get it, you just need to wait in the back alley until the shop is closed before they give you your slice.
>Take QP and tuck it behind a second sub-menu most players don't give a shit about
>Copypasta Competitive in it's place
More options are fine, but this is cancer.
>everyone picks offense heroes
>last guy doesn't pick until the last second
>picks Genji
Every fucking time.
I've been having to switch to healer a lot more since the patch hit. I wouldn't even mind if these fuckers could actually play Offense.
How do you counter 6 Mei.
I'm a bit heated Sup Forums. Just bought OW, started getting rather gud. On defense, I play as OW engineer and set up my turret. Make the motherfucker level 2. Get a 14 kill streak with it and my rivet gun. Tossing armor out to everyone keeping our Ana and Reinhardt alive. Sniping with my rivet gun to help out here and there.
Pop my Ult when reaper and DVA come around for flank. Me and our Bastion fuck them up stopping a rear attack.
Don't even get a commendation at the end.
This always happens playing as soldier76 or Tracer on attack. Doing as much chip damage as possible on enemy tanks. Pissing off Black Widow and Winston to keep them from focusing on our Lucio. Popping down emergency heals as 76, saving our Roadhog. Who hooks enemy Mercy, fucks her up, allowing me to Ult and kill 3 enemies with visor ability.
NOT A SINGLE FUCKING THANK YOU. From game or players. Everyone commending the roadhog. Man fuck.
6 Pharahs
with anyone just dont fucking stand near her.
hell, 6 widows would probably work.
I'm not saying go 6 torb, I'm saying go 2 torb at most with a mix of other useful heroes.
How u counter 6 lucio?
So you have no argument and instantly result to food analogies, typical.
we won
I had 4 golds
The problem is that the DEFAULT option was changed you moron.
Comms and PotG are bullshit. Comms are literally meaningless and 90% of the time whoever gets commended first will get all the comms, regardless of how well they did. No one is watching their teammates for the entire match going, "Okay, that was a pretty good job that D.Va did there, but was it deserving of a commendation?"
Even if you had gotten PotG in that match, it wouldn't have been from that time you headshot 5 people in a row, it would be from that time you shot one guy, then died, then your turret killed one other guy.
Have fun getting icicle'd to death
>Implying the vast majority of Mei players can aim and lead their icicle snipe
Freeze is a crutch
1 out of 6 of those Mei players actually mains Mei, the other 5 just fling icicles fuck all because they can't time it correctly. Don't even start with that shit.
my argument is that forcing esport shit months after the game was released is fucking retarded and so are you for wanting esport shit.
From the thumbnail it looked like Widowmaker was pregnant. What a shame she isn't in that pic. Imagine Widowmaker with a huge fertile baby belly, hnnnggg
I know I know. I just want a single fucking "good job". I'm playing my heart out here and someone doing like nothing gets the praise. sfsdhfusgfdsjgn.
shit happens even when I'm playing Mercy. Keep the whole team alive by the skin on my teeth and we BARELY cap the final point in the last 10 seconds winning the match. Fucking POTG is Genji deflecting, barely killing Reaper, then dying himself.
Thankfully I just ALT+F10 and save the last 10 minutes of gameplay as an MP4.
Am I being rused?
>He wants praise for doing his job
You sound like a bitch
Is this a bad thing?
If they can't hack it I would rather they didn't try and inevitably fail.
Or are you saying you want double winston double tracer double lucio back?
Majority of Mei players can't do shit with their right click, and when I'm playing Pharah they just keep left clicking and hoping I'll come back into range until they die.
It's rough when you come across a Mei that knows how to aim though.
I don't think I'd be so pissy if the POTG wasn't the same trash over and over. Only so many times I can watch an Attack character pop their ult, get free kills.
Be nice to see couple healer POTG's.
Only memorable POTG was 2 Roadhogs hooking each other into the well.
I'm pretty sure the child would die before she started showing.
>keep nerfing characters requiring skill and a brain like Genji and Zarya
>buff D.va, Torb and Sym
Fuck Blizzard.
Healer potgs boil down to Mercy waiting for her team to die and reviving them all in one swoop. Shit's pure cancer.
Just stop being such a bitch and expecting your efforts to be rewarded by the game and everyone around you
You must have missed the patch where mercy got potg every game for merely existing.
I would rather watch attack ults, the potg isn't a human it's a computer program.
Yea I just bought the game 3 days ago.
Overall who else is playing on PC? Is the community as quiet for you as it is for me? No one talks. Banter or otherwise.
>mfw having to wait an eternity of 25 seconds to find a match in any mode since the addition of arcade mode
>previous wait times were anywhere from 15 seconds to 1 minutes
>literally just finished a no limit mode match that took an entire 45 seconds to find where my defense held the first point with 6 torb
This is beyond ded, it's already decayed into compost.
I think they must have stealth patched that out, because I haven't seen a Mercy PotG in ages.
I feel bad for Ana players, who are basically guaranteed to never get PotG, since their Ult gives PotG to someone else.
People are always talking on my end
Sometimes I'd wish they'd shut up for a second. Espically the ones who disabled push to talk
I like it, now I can play with my gold friends as a daimond together and play something semi serious instead of the choice of people fucking around with 4 hanzos in QP and not being able to play in MM together cuz of rank limitations. Now if I wanna fuck around i'll just go play arcade.
>No Limits mode empty of players.
Yeah, a lot of people loved hero stacking!
You gotta play Competitive to get people talking, or at least play with friends. No one wants to talk to random strangers in Quickplay or Arcade. If I'm playing those and someone shouts, "Heeeeeeeeeey! How's everyone doing!?" they're getting muted ASAP.
>The sadness knowing that one of the best highlight intros in the game will never be seen in a real game.