Anyone else think Valve is trying to kill TF2 so none will care when they launch TF3 and all the TF2 items become...

Anyone else think Valve is trying to kill TF2 so none will care when they launch TF3 and all the TF2 items become worthless? Valves handled the game way too well for way too long for me to seriously believe this is all just a fuckup. Especially with all the community feedback and valve radio silence. Plus getting everyone to gradually not care about the game anymore is a genius way of getting them to let go and move on to TF3 without porting over all their items. Does this mean TF3 is coming?

>killing a potential revenue stream
Valve's not rich enough nor dumb enough to do such a thing, not just yet at least. They're just keeping the game alive as a zombie to milk it.

Here's the thing, of all the Valve cash cows TF2 aged the worse, and it's player base was starting to dwindle when they started pulling the weapon skin bullshit way back when. If valve wanted to release a new version of the game like they did with counter strike (to similar success) they'd first have to convince the community to let go of their old inventories and move on to invest in TF3 thus making valve a ton more money in the long run.

They already killed it for me with shitty cosmetics that are not going well in the game atmosphere just fuck it up and randumb weapons.

(Critzkrieg is a valid weapon choice option but the other weapons are just stupid. I always stick with the default weapons.)

>TF2 aged the worse
>not L4D
Seriously? Also, it's as simple as killing off all support for TF2 and adding an incentive with something like carrying over backpacks or something to TF3.

Not dwindling fast enough. Fuck TF2

L4D was never a cashcow, it had no market economy which is where the real money is.

Man TF2 had it all though.
>Tons of maps, game modes, weapons, etc.
>(Formerly) great support, could run on anything
>probably the best community in any game except Fallout / TES
>tryhard servers, pub servers, custom servers (mario kart, bloon race, Saxon hale, zombie mod, prop hunt, and whatever else they could steal from gmod
>non-invasive but profitable enough to keep the developers interested in game market
>no random fucking countdowns that every developer these days feels are necessary to make you sit through before letting you play the fucking game
>quick paced, fun, skill-based gameplay with high skill ceiling fun for noobs and pros alike
>near infinite load out variation giving you tons of different ways to play the game
>everything was still perfectly balanced somehow
Man TF2 had it all, never seen anything else like it

Part of me is bummed I missed the golden era of TF2. Hell I would've taken the silver or bronze. Shame really.

So user, when did you stop playing? I stopped sometime in mid-2014 here, with the odd pick up game here and there every now and then.

Me too actually, are when weapon skills were added. Every now and then I'd come back sporadically but I just can't stand it anymore.

Thing is this game is just getting too old.
It's near ten years old and valve hasn't cared since many of them ago.
It's not about killing it off, it's about milking the players for what's left.

There's always someone quick to mention how the game still has xyz amount of players, but they're not old players that played it back in the games prime, they're new players who join because it's free and they can do silly taunts and meme spam, and that's the norm now.

TF2 is still running, but my tf2 is long dead.

Oh boy, another Valve title that'll never come out.

With the exception of 2002, Valve released a new title every year, until 2012. We haven't had a single new valve game, with the exception of Dota 2 coming out of beta, and their shitty little VR game, in 4 years.


The idea that valve will release ANYTHING is pretty funny right now. They're just sitting on their mountain of cash from steam, as well as TF2/DOTA DLC

>Valve handled it so well

I think it's sadder than that. They're neglecting TF2 for the same reason they're not making HL3: they make more money selling other peoples' games than working on their own.

I just don't like the matchmaking.

It's not bad. It doesn't take long at all to get in and you can still leave whenever.

>>non-invasive but profitable enough to keep the developers interested in game market
>The feature that killed game's aesthetics and then raped the corpse, all in the chase after the buck.

>pubbies are still complaining about demo 9 years later

It's not good either.

~2012 I think, maybe as early as 2011 winter. I was serving in the military for one year, came back and just moved on. Have 490 hours on account but they've only introduced total playtime in June 2011 steam update.

>yfw they cancel xmas to work on pyro update

around 2013, I used to be pretty addicted.

Tried to get back into it multiple times but it's just not the same. Had to remove it from my steam account because every time I reinstall and try to enjoy myself, it seems to be worse.

You could have least bulk sell all of your inventory desu

It's no worse than quick play was. 90% of community servers went to shit anyway.

did that before I stopped playing regularly

Would you play TF3?

I would play TF3

Nah, the new matchmaking was basically the last nail in the coffin for me picking up the game casually again. It's shit mate.

Not on name alone, but if it could call back to the golden age of TF2, then probably. Might go competitive again if it does.

There's no way in hell it'll have the same community support.

Plus you know it's gonna have fucking crates and CS:GO skins at launch.

TF2 was and is still an enigma, I want to say it's a deadgame but I have a weird feeling it has a couple more years in it.
TF3 just probably won't show up in my library.

TF2 went from becoming the best online team based shooter at the time to being a testing ground for everything steam wanted to do for other games.. especially dota 2
also seems a testing ground for a lot of other shit they could implement in future games they make

yes. i have somewhere between 1k and 2k hours on tf2, most of it tryharding in highlander lobbies, some of it trading (and a bit of idling) but the tryharding was so fun

>want to unwind a bit
>queue for some casual
>play a game or 2
>move on
still fun imo

I wouldn't expect the same sort of game from nu-valve, you'd probably see a huge emphasis on queuable game modes ala over watch rather than a focus on community servers. Also I would expect things like modability/custom mapping/custom game modes to get thrown under the bus in favor of valve jewelry.

>near infinite load out variation giving you tons of different ways to play the game
>everything was still perfectly balanced somehow

No way. It'll just be a MOBA, or whatever grotesque beast that genre has morphed into by then

Sup Forums is too hard on this game. I played today after not touching it in a while, it's fine. Granted I think it's not great that a mediocre player like me ends up carrying a team regularly but whatever. Pub teams.

The aesthetic problem is overblown as hell and the weapons function 90% the same. I don't feel a huge difference between now and vanilla.

Dropped it when they started selling keys

I'd play it if it starred the original mercs

honestly I'm not sure

I tried going back to TF2 after playing Overwatch and I realized that there isn't a class that I really love, none of them have a playstyle that is exactly what I like so I can't invest in one

Which class do you like in Overwatch?

When will the valve killed this game meme end? The community is beyond awful. For every decent content creator or decent person in the comp community there are 15 12 year old furry memelords.


He heals but he isn't a slave to his team like the Medic is, and the only tf2 loadout that's even sort of similar to his kit is Sidney Sleeper+SMG

TF2 is a decent game but it is completely outclassed by overwatch and paladins exists now to catch the garbage who can't afford OW.

Not sure why valve would do such a thing, they've got CSGO and DOTA to worry about.

TF2's entire economy is like 1% of how much money they make during a The International fundraiser thing.

medic isn't slave to his team, team is slave to medic

if you don't just blindly attach yourself to any retard charging straight into a sentry you can get your entire teams' movements to revolve around you pretty easily. It doesn't take long for every damage peon with an IQ above 85 to start going where the teams' only medic goes.

>releasing TF3
>when they can still milk Dotards

Overwatch outclasses tf2 as a casual shooter, but the people who put more than 100 hours in tf2 aren't the same audience for overwatch. TF2 is a much more stalemate prone fps with higher risk-rewards(you can actually drop uber in tf2) and more emphasis on DM skill and flick aim. Overwatch focuses more on using cooldowns and not playing like a retard 24/7 with much less reward for DM skill.

Sometime before the first Axtinguisher nerf.

In competitive 6v6 and 9v9 sure. But that was never TF2's focus and it was easy for comp players to simply blacklist items.

TF2 amazingly enough has more than 1 game mode.

6s is not TF2

it's an esport based solely on mobility laboriously shaped from TF2

>best community in any game
okay stopped reading right there

>people who put more than 100 hours in tf2 aren't the same audience for overwatch.

3000+ hours in tf2 along with 2 friends dropped it when overwatch came out

I mean I have 3k hours in tf2 and I play overwatch comp now too, but it just doesn't hit any of the same buttons. It's much less satisfying as a game.

5k hours in TF2 and glad I dropped it when Overwatch came out
TF2 is not satisfying to play

I haven't played TF2 in some time, what have they done?

Would you agree...
Old times in TF2 > Overwatch?

Dota won't die anytime soon. So we are fucked.

Could someone spoonfeed me what's going on?

Can you explain how Overwatch is satifying in any way?
If you seriously have 5k hours in TF2, you must have mastered every Overwatch character in 15 minutes. There's absolutely no execution involved in Overwatch and got boring very fast.

they aren't going to kill their science experiment, at least not on purpose

they use it as a test bed to see which bullshit to put in their other games

>playing TF2 after overwatch released
>implying valve has any interest in spending the money to directly compete with and attempt to one-up overwatch

>playing overwatch


Really what I miss about this game is how you'd just hop into a server and play for hours. You could pick and choose from so many servers, and some had great communities. You could even host your own. You'd make friends that way, simply by meeting the same people in the game over a period of time.

And you could just play as long as you wanted, the rounds were back to back, and once the map ended you'd just see the scoreboard and the next map would load. You can't do that now. You have to search for a lobby through the game's mandatory matchmaking system, wait for the map to load, and play one game. And then you have to sit through scores, rewards, replays, and other bullshit. It feels like I'm in a menu half the time I'm trying to play.

You can't join the same server since there aren't servers, as letting people host their own would mean server-sided customization, and everyone wants to monetize that shit.

I agree very much user. That update was the last nail in the coffin for me

You're kidding user. Valve is only going to make games when they fucking feel like their cash cow is getting thin and or when one of their huge communities die off due to their dev team fucking up again. Their VR game was okay, it mainly was just a quick test after all, and a way to fill up their wallets again with our cash.

TF2 isn't dying, it's just becoming less relevant since other games came out that ride off the success of it such as Overwatch that are more mainstream console playing audience.

top 50 right now in NA and playing on a semi pro team
It's only boring if you're like a plat shitter or something

If you're playing in a premade of 6's, I can understand how the game can be interesting. If you aren't and you're just playing matchmaking, it's a complete waste of time because individually the game requires zero skill.

I stopped playing regularly since mannconomy. At least valve left the server browser in as an option. In other games they don't give you that luxury.

What did the man in that picture find?

No. Because instead of improving the game atmosphere they'll just keeping adding gimmicky shit to milk cows.

>Story mode never

How did you know he found something in the first place?