Memes aside, most Final Fantasy villains are evil for the sake of evil cliche garbage characters and Caius is one of the most decently written ones.
You can hate XIII all you want but this is a fact.
Memes aside, most Final Fantasy villains are evil for the sake of evil cliche garbage characters and Caius is one of the most decently written ones.
You can hate XIII all you want but this is a fact.
Other urls found in this thread:
Caius and Noel were two pretty great characters in an otherwise really bad trilogy
What did he want again? To save a girl or something?
Garland did nothing wrong, the King of Corneria was a fucking cunt so one day Garland got sick of his shit and kidnapped his daughter to teach that fucker a lesson
>Oh thank you brave Light Warriors for rescuing my daughter and Princess of this kingdom Corneria
>How about I build you a bridge so you can get the fuck out
I liked Caius as a villain, but the game's story as a whole is one big, convoluted mess that just ruins the game and makes it impossible to care about any of the characters.
too purple for my tastes
Those hair though
Well xiii lightning returns was objectively the best final fantasy,
Caius is not in XIII though. Such that he won't make it as a Dissidia character.
they were great characters in a GOOD trilogy.
XIII series only got better towards the end
Golbez was better
>One garbage game, one pretty ok game, one retarded game with a good combat system
XIII is garbage no matter how many thread you make
>guardian to girl who can see the future
>seeing the future shaves off your life each time it's done
>all these girls die young
>always reborn as simular girl with simular name, but somewhat different interests and personality
>Caius guards every single one of these girls for generation after generation after generation
>always there when she dies young and often unhappily or at the least without a decently full life
>centuries of this and can't take this shit anymore, SHIT HAS TO END
>Guardian's duty is to protect the seer
>Seer is doomed to die young; the curse of being a seer
>Guardian figures he can fuck with timeline to keep her alive
>But seers are doomed to die across all timelines
>Guardian can't do his job because of the curse
>Time is an endless cycle of guardians failing to protect their seers
>Guardian decides to unmake time so the seer will be safe "forever."
Yes, but I still love Kefka, as one dimensional as he is,he's hilarious
>"You're way off! Where are you aiming?!"
>"Whoa! More to the right!"
Is it just me, or is Dissidia Kefka only the Kefka in the first half of the game? In the second part of VI he seems far more malicious and full of hate than his Dissidia counterpart, who mostly incarnates Kefka of the first half.
>Well written
No, Caius was terribly written because he acts continuously like your average anime villain. He talks in mysterious ways that make no sense, mocks the protagonist cnotinuously and enjoys what he's doing, he swims in the destruction he created. I understand that he felt what happened with Etro and Yeul was unfair but there is not a single sliver of doubt within him nor moral dilemma. He just woke up one day and decided to destroy everything for the vague chance of getting what he wanted, which in the end did cause an apocalypse that could not only kill but wipe out the very souls of every single human being in existence.
The problem with people thinking that characters like him are "good villains" is because they think that the initial call to action they received is good and this somehow justifies all the rest of his shitty dialogue, often by going with the sentence "Oh, but he had to do that because X happened". Instead what they are is a single character trait that is nowhere expanded.
>I am crazy lol!
>My mom is a space alien and my life is a lie
>I heard SeeD wants me dead so I'll become evil
>I don't want to die
>I am a literal machine, feed me more summons
nope. It was one OK game, one helluva good game, and one truly great GOTY-tier game.
it can't be, as it's better than FF2, 5, 8 or 12, for starters.
XIII= mediocre
2= bad
LR= good
But 8 is the best final fantasy user, we all agree on that.
XIII-2 is definitely worse than XIII. It has more exploration but the combat suffered since it actually became an automatic "press X to win" for most common enemies fights. They often have so few HP they'll die before even getting staggered, making that entire mechanic useless.
Yeah he was kinda shit... didnt even realize that anyone actually thought he was decent.. this idea of caius being anything else than a dbz level villain never ever entered my head because its sooo far fetched.
Oh well people create the best thing they can in their heads with the stuff they are given.. Souls series and the borderline 50%made up head canon story in the community is prove of that.
Uh, nope.
8 is a total black sheep of the 5th gen FFs.
FF7 and 9 shit all over it.
That is a pretty on the spot review of the whole trollogy (lel).
>XIII-2 is definitely worse than XIII
How can you even say that??
It introduced TONS of good improvements to both combat and exploration. Top-notch OST and graphics too.
Combat in XIII-2 is trash. They added some quality of life (switching leaders, customizable 3rd party member) but ruined the combat flow by making enemies die too quickly. There are some good fights from time to time but the distance between them is too small. Removing the focus on stagger and only keeping it relevant for boss fights was a mistake and that alone kills the entire combat, no matter how much QOL they can add.
I find it hilarious that both XIII and XIII-2 had good combat on paper that got ruined by terrible encounter design. Lightning Returns is the only good game in the trilogy and even that comes only after ignoring a ton of problems it has on its shoulders.
>8 is the best final fantasy
his theme was the best part of XIII-2
True that is one badass theme.
>still no FF has as good of combat as X-2
>X-2 will never be taken seriously because of its story
Its the worst out of the three in the second golden age(ps1) of FF.. but being the worst FF in the ps1 times still means that its a borderline masterpiece compared to 99% of non FF rpgs at that time :)
It's definitely better than 7.
6 and 4 are the best in the series.
Final boss was hype as fuck
>muh 6
The fucking genwunners of final fantasy everyone.
Fuck you I liked it
What kind of fucking retard at Square thought that Glam rock would've been a good design choice for a villain
That can be justified on the basis that he only put his plan into action, when everyone was already dead and had fucked up their chance. Also he actually did buy humanity 300 more years, if we go by results.
Well dissidia versions are all just their pre character development selves.
That's a pretty good point. He decided to erase time after the only other people that were left were a terminally ill girl and and a potential apprentice that had failed to succeed him. As an immortal he would have just ended up being alone for the rest of eternity. His job of protecting the reincarnating girl was null if there was no way for her to reincarnate. At that point what other choice does a person have other than to just fuck with time and see what happens.
Though I wish we got to see more indepth results for the paradox endings.
This game would've been received much better had it not been tied to LUL LIGHTNING XD trilogy. Like, if Serah and Lightning had literally zero connection to the original game, it would've been just fine.
You what?
Genwunner would be saying the first Final Fantasy is the best one you idiot.
Hell I would have given you pointing out 4 over 6.
4 and 6 are the best deal with it.
you only mention 5 because either you haven't played it or because you suck at it
>4 and 6 are the best deal with it
Actually, the best FF is the one between those two.
I can get behind Noel as a fighter, but I hate the idea of an Amano wet dream being beaten by 2 people (one being a tiny no combat experience little girl) and their pets. At least with XIII you could have Fang, Sazh and Lightning.
Snow, Hope and Vanille best team actually.
Is that Sombra?
why is the third one so retardedly named? what's wrong with just XIII-3? it sounds like a shitty movie
actually no but I do agree that 5 has it's moments and is up there.
You must be 18 to post.
That's rich coming from you
The Soap Opera Fantasies. No thanks I'll take V any day of the time line. Exdeath is best SNES era FF Villain.
He's just a boo hoo mai waifu type villain. You see them all the time in anime
He took the bait, found the retard
Maybe you took the bait.
Alright user.
Shit i got reverse baited, fuck.
Caius dub actor is also glorious tier.
Best voice. I especially loved him as Grimoire Weiss and Asura.
I was thinking the exact same thing the other day. I just beat it for the first time recently and the two games are just so wildly different in both tone, themes, and scope. 2 made the first games shitty ending make more sense, but pretty much entirely negates the themes and story of the first one and just kinda makes it seem pointless.
Final Fantasy And sucked shit though.
Pretty much, yea.
I liked 12's villains.
Mainly since when they're beaten they seem willing to accept that they've been beaten and doesn't bitch about it.
So kudos to you Cid and the little shota's big brother.