Motherfucker Mike has grown on me whats Sup Forums say

Motherfucker Mike has grown on me whats Sup Forums say

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He's grown on me as well, that faggot Ryan though needs to go away


It's only natural

Ryan's gotta go. And yeah both Mike and Bootsy have grown on me. They can do unscripted stuff a lot better than James can.

I'd buy him a beer tbqh

>grown on me
You could say that.

Mike and Bootsy seem like normal guys, James is awkward when he isn't playing a scripted character, and that fat guy tries too hard to be le intelligent commentator when he's actually just a dumbass. I bet he owns a fedora

Mike "Dick er' with my 10 incher" matei

bootsy is cool, the rest are fags. ryan is the biggest fag

Nope. AVGN also lost his touch. He tries too hard and doesn't let it come naturally like he used to.

You don't want him growing on you user

>grown on me
mike was 50% of cinemassacre, day one
>filmed the videos
>draws the titlecards
>did most supporting roles
>managed the site
>manages the youtube account
>manages the community

he also was the reason james didnt went bankrupt in 2007

he is the hero james needs

>Mike is pretty great. Love games and is good at them. And supposedly has a huge dick
>James is awkward. Bad at video games. Bad without a script. His movie reviews are good tho
Bootsy> hes ok. Doesnt say much
Ryan> knows his stuff more than james thats for sure

Used to think Mike was alright, but he gets too mad at video games.

He was really bad in front of the camera for a very long time though, I don't think anyone needs a reminder.

Gotta be honest, I hated videos involving Mike back when he first started being a bigger part of Cinemassacre. I thought he was obnoxious as fuck. Now I have to say that I like him as much as James.

I do agree that James can be a bit more awkward when he's off script. He's kind of hit or miss, but I still have fun watching him anyways.

Is this 10 inch thing just a meme?

I really wonder if it is himself that's constantly creating these threads or if it's just one or two anons who think it's a funny "meme" ? Either way, fuck off, but thanks for reminding me to set up my filters on this new work laptop

its him viraling his fake long cock meme. you'd have to be retarded to not figure that out yet

remember when mods on Sup Forums did their job and deleted e-celeb and other non videogames shit? Yeah, me neither

what if Mike/Ryan is one of the mods?

>knows his stuff more than james thats for sure

that's not very hard...

Just like the cuck meme, it's just a couple of anons who think is lol funny xD

He's not very funny. Should be James and James only when it comes to being on camera.

Do you think people like James and Dough from thatguywiththeglasses kick themselves sometimes because of missed opportunities? They were the first who successfully used the internet/youtube to get a crowd of fans interested in games/movies and reviewing content but what can they show off today? Sure, they got their hundreds of thousands subscribers but it's nothing PewDiePie levels. That swedish cuck is rich af while they're still struggling to make this pay their bills, even though they've been in the game for over 10 years

nth for bootsy

i like his PTSD

Fuck off. He's an obnoxious prick who thinks talking loudly over everyone else somehow makes what he has to say funnier or more important.

Look at this retard, he is seriously criticising a children's movie.
Not to mention his shit humour and crude jokes.

>while they're still struggling to make this pay their bills
Doug sure is thanks to his retarded business and financial choices, but James is perfectly well off. He's never have top tier youtube money but he's still very successful.

You realize that was like 5 years ago now, right? He was god awful back then, but he's gotten much better over the years.



>Doug sure is thanks to his retarded business and financial choices
Wait what happened for him to be in a tight spot?

Mike should fuck off and get his own channel. Oh wait, nobody would watch it so he has to leech off James' viewers. Eat shit Mike.

No excuse. He was still a 30 y/o man 5 years ago

I unironically love the minecraft gadget video. I die laughing everytime.


He spent hundreds of thousands of dollars buying a studio to make a show called Demo Reel, which was canceled after a few episodes because not even his mindless fanboys could stomach it.

James and Mike were born in 1980. Are they Gen Xers or filthy millennials?

Based on the stuff James grew up with, as well as him listening to bands like Nirvana and Tool, I'd say the former.

And? His age likely didn't reflect on that. Stage presence is a skill like any other, you get better at it with time.

Did it hurt?

how does james do it? Does he just look up lists of old games and buy them all? How do you acquire such an enormous collection of video games and consoles and not know fuck all about any of it?

Well at least he was self aware. I remember him saying that's why he didn't want to be in any of the nerd videos and only agreed to originally do so in the Friday the 13th video because he didn't have to say any lines and wore a mask.

People just mail games to him all the time, ever since he first got big.

Sup Forums is that way -->

It's weird that Brad and Doug are still friends after that channel awesome shit. I'm still glad brads doing movies, low budget as Fuck but they're actually entertaining and he's an okay actor.

ryan owns screenwave media which is the contracted publisher of cinemassacre stuff. Like screwattack used to be. He's not going anywhere.

I like mike ever since I learned he was 50% at least of the creative process for lots of golden age episodes, like nintendo power.

>watch video with James, Mike, or Bootsy
>"Hi, we're playing [game] today"

>watch ANY video with Ryan
>"Hi this video is SPONSORED by [SERVICE], check 'em out! ;)"

real question, how the fuck do you people expect them to make money to keep doing this shit?

Mike is definitely cool, ever since I learned he did and still does a lot of the work for cinemassacre. And he's only one inch bigger than me.

I don't expect them to make any money doing it and I think people that put all their eggs into the new (((media))) basket are retarded. That said I don't mind when people say they're sponsored by such and such; its a video, I can just click past it.

They've been making money doing that shit. Getting sponsors give you more money.

user your mind is filled with nonsense and your choices make no sense.
>captcha: arund jewett
it feels like google's trying to tell me something

no the guy literally posted his dick on reddit

I'm pretty sure it's one guy who's literally obsessed with Mike's penis to the point of hysterics. You can tell who he is because he always makes these threads late at night, and always types in lowercase with no punctuation whatsoever.

>Well at least he was self aware

Why the fuck would he do that?

Mike is great when he doesn't try to sing or make squeaky voices

Bootsy is great, seems really honest and cares about games.

Mike in mr meme and i cringe too hard too often.

Ryan is a fat retard who should stay behind the camera.

Because it's fucking massive.

This. Wish Bootsy and James would do videos together

His cock's grown on him.

My guess is that he posted a dick pic because he was showing off. His penis is huge but its not 10". More like 9"

That was the Board James character he portrayed. He says he only used the moniker for a while after that out of character because that's what people knew him as.

He has his own channel, Cinemassacre Extras.

>Get free games and maybe even money from sponsors
>While still making all the other videos you want

>This is a bad thing



he needs to go back to streaming weird arcade games

Truly the master

would suck and fuck

Link the real tweet or fuck off, Mike


>Why would he show off his girthy 10 inch ankle-slapper (no homo)

Yeah, why?

>comment about mikes cock
>100+ likes

I'm not gay but I really want Mike inside me.

If I won the lottery where would be the best place to move to for best living conditions + closest proximity to Internet celebrities possible?

I'm thinking Illinois, you've got based Brad Jones in Springfield then a three hour drive north you've got Spoony. On the other hand you could move to Philadelphia to be with the bro-est of bros, James Rolfe. That way you get Mike and Bootsy. Tough call. Tough call. Why can they all just live in the same state so it would be easier?

Although it might be worth living in Seattle just so I can hassle DSP daily.

First I didnt care

then I liked him for a brief period

then I got exposed to him for long enough to realize how retarded he is. He is occasionally okay but his stupidity shows through too often. Youll understand when they are playing any fucking game and Mike goes DURR I CAN DO THAT IN GTAV WHY ARE WE PLAYING THIS WHEN WE CUD PLAY GTAV GRAND THEFT AUTO FIVE IS BETAR IT LOOKS BETAR

So in other words, you're just jealous of his massive meatsword?

sometimes he can be kind of dumb but who wouldnt say stupid shit after thousands of hours of unscripted videos

Watch him play brutal doom is painful. I hope he gets good

what was wrong with it

Everyone who dislikes Mike is jealous of his gigantic hymenpiercer. This is a fact.

He just sucks dick at it


Your life is painful. End it.


Purist are pure cancer. Why not let people play how they want?

It's cute when he beats Mike Tyson in punchout. He really seems excited.

If beating Tyson doesn't get you hype, then you're pretty much dead inside.

>don't mind me, just modding this painting

That's even worse than food or shit analogies.

Just stop posting.

>j-just stop