The official blunders of the 2010s

Which one caused the most butthurt?
Are there any others that should be added to the list?

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The biggest blunder


That actually sold and was received relatively well by non autists.

XV still isnt out yet

Oh man, you poor, memeing fuck. You are the blunder of 2016.

Battlefield 4
Assassin's Creed Unity

MGSV is great and XV isn't even out yet. Nice bait though.

uh no, non autists have never heard of the series

>weeb image reply

Mass Effect 3

>Non autists
DMC and other button mashers like it are only played by autists

>somebody really expected quality from AC game

with that merit we can put watch dogs on a list

>MGSV was great
Boy i do love having amazing gameplay but no level designed areas and awful, repetitive missions

honestly a lot of people enjoyed MGS5 but everyone acknowledges it could have been much better. It had the most boring "levels" and most forgettable boss fights in the whole series.

To be fair, that was the first actual next gen AC game which was coming right after AC4 which is generally considered the best in the franchise.


Of course, current Sup Forums doesn't know anything about that.

Only pcucks who have played broken 3 ports like it and defend it

And music. All these amazing mechanics wasted. And i hate open worlds with nothing in it.
At least a few missions allow a lot of creativity to finish in many ways

I remember well enough.

>NeoGA/v/ ruins everythread again

The list so far

For me personally DmC was the most insulting because it's one of my favorite franchises. The devs went out of their way to shit on the devoted fans of the series and now we've been robbed from the next installment indefinitely. Not only was the reboot unnecessary but the game on its own is trash and much much worse than previous installments in every single imaginable aspect.

MGSV was soul crushing though and the biggest disappointment in vidya for me. The core mechanics are good sure, but the actual gameplay is Facebook mini game tier bland. It was simply unfinished both in terms of the pure gameplay content and the story. I'm also past the point of caring as who exactly is to blame.

NMS I never gave a fuck about. I still don't care about Space Sim genre and I never watched trailers for it. It was a shitty indie game that got overhyped. That's all. At least we got few fun videos about it.

Never really cared about FFXV either. Still dunno what's exactly wrong with it. Last good FF was XII.


No. It sold the most on the consoles. So much so in fact that they released Definitive Edition only on consoles.

Personally, MGSV was so bad I don't even like Metal Gear as a whole anymore.

The biggest blunder overall has to be No Man's Sky, I think that dev studio literally got destroyed after what happened with that game

Bioware had a great run of blunders last gen with Dragon Age 2, Mass Effect 3 and TOR


it had problems but it's nowhere near the level of DmC or NMS.

Get ready with the last guardian

Despite the new Dante and the generous style system wasn't the gameplay relatively good?

Omissions have repetitive objectives that are limited but that doesn't make the game boring or any less dynamic.


Mass Effect 3 was great

You just proved my point you autistic fuck.


>Not including titanfall and sunset overdrive.

>amazing gameplay
so it's not a blunder.

I didn't. You have no arguments.

The thing is, everybody can see it coming with TLG so it won't cause as much butthurt like MGSV or NMS did

>no Battleborn
>no Watch Dogs

I waited so long for ff15. So fucking long. How do you develop a game for that long and still end up making it shit?!

except it was good. Stay mad please

It doesn't have amazing gameplay. It has solid mechanics that are wasted.

Gameplay involves actual level designs and game structure. And MGSV is literally browser grinder in that aspect.

At least it had games

the PS4 Pro is a fucking huge blunder

Add Evolve and Battleborn

>no Battleborn
If you actually expected something decent from Gearbox after Duke Nukem Forever and Alien Colonial Marines then you only have yourself to blame.

>watch dogs
Just another Ubisoft shit with false advertising.

dragon age 2 and inquisition

where the fuck is Halo 5, battleborne, duke nukem forever, and star wars battlefront. did you even try with this you faggot.

Does Battleblunder Stillborn even count since no one knew it existed until it launched?
Also how the fuck is Gearbox still making games after both Colonial Marines and DN Forever? I think both of those are more applicable too desu.

Except it was so bad it crippled the company.

You went on an autistic rant

Have we forgotten Destiny?

MGSV really doesn't belong with the actual blunders we've had this decade

Oh I wasn't hyped up for either of those games, I knew they'd be shit. But Battleborn's lack of sales was a definite blunder, and normies got so mad at Watch Dogs that it has led to it's sequel selling poorly.


fuck no they saved it hard with Taken King. It was never going to live up to hype, but it's a great game.

watch dogs

How was that a rant? Or autistic even? Are you one of those phone posters who can't be bothered to read a few sentences before suffering from ADD?

the division, fallout 4, mirrors edge

It was a blunder though. It's 25% of the actual game packed in such an embarrassing manner. They sold you the first level for 40 bucks for fuck's sake.

list is missing dark souls

How is FO4 a blunder? It was a trash game like FO3 don't get me wrong but it sold like hotcakes.


>list is missing one of the best games from the last generation

>i reply to bait like a fucking mouthbreeder

>Thread turns into Blunder = Game I don't like

Didn't even make it 30 minutes, good job, Sup Forums

Can't have a blunder thread without Keiji Inafune

if you expected anything more you're a fucking moron

>I reply to fucking mouthbreathers

>No Mighty No 9

Come on, son.

It was disappointing sure but it wasn't THAT bad.

I don't know how OP can even put MGS5 in the same list as No Man's Sky. They're on completely different levels of disappointment.

If you need more than one sentence to get your point across you are autistic.


That's false though.

You're just being tsundere.

DMC was a good game though
so was MGS V

Good hack and slash which I and most people enjoyed. Popular enough for a remastered edition, so this isn't a blunder.

Best Metal Gear on this generation of consoles. Sold huge. Not a blunder, either. Why did you put MGS V as a blunder but not MGS IV?

>No Man's Sky
Overhyped walking simulator that people were posting on this forum for months how the game would actually play. Made by an incredibly small development team. Anyone with a brain knew it wasn't anything special. Garnered a lot of attention and made lots of money. Not a blunder, just a overhyped poor game. If anything, it overperformed.

>Final Fantasy XV

Real meat of the trolling here. Everything I've seen looks like great gameplay, a huge world, lots of play time, and high replay. I could do without the Japanese style of the characters, but it is a huge Japanese RPG series.

The real surprise is how you forgot the biggest playstation blunder in your troll thread.

I'm sorry V im opening up Pandora's box right now of forgetten blunders

La Noire
Canceling Megaman Legends 3
Casltevania LOS 2
Metal Gear Online 3
Mighty No 9
Resident Evil 6

4 was a complete and refined game and offered the greatest online component of all time where you can easily drop over 1000 hours on

Dragon Age 2 is worst game ever made. Also, Mass Effect 3. Wii U probably biggest blunder.
Phantom Pain is great game, not great Metal Gear thou. Im sure Final Fantasy ok at least.

>Good hack and slash which I and most people enjoyed.

>there are STILL people defending DmC

>no Sim City
>no Duke Nukem Forever
>no Aliens: Colonial Marines
>no Other M
>no TOR
>no Dragon Age 2
>no Mass Effect 3
>no Battleborn
>no Mighty No. 9
>no The Order 1886
There's probably a bunch I'm still missing.

I'm not sure whether some of these haven't been mentioned because of newfags, or if they were just so awful people have totally forgotten about them.

>>no Aliens: Colonial Marines
Biggest offender desu. It's ridiculous to even talk about Battleborn without mentioning colonial marines, it's the very reason nobody was hyped for Battleborn in the first place. Disingenuous Randy.

There should also be the "Anti-blunder" list.

Games Sup Forums thought would be shit but turned out amazing. Like Deus ex human revolution and Fallout new vegas.

Always do the opposite of what Sup Forums says

Then I'd be a proud owner of nu male's sky right now.

Sup Forums was excited until it released

Haha tortanic am I right guys everything's a blunder xd

Not really, no. Shitposting was at an all time high right before release.

It was never close to Bloodborne, not even comparatively

ME3 is a good game.
>inb4 muh shit ending

Nothing will top Mass Effect 3.

That's when the hatred against the press and the industry began.

Sup Forums was always cynical but it was done in jest. After ME3, the whole environment just became really bitter.

Alien Colonial Marines
Duke Nukem Forever
Battlefield Hardline
Star Wars Battlefront
Dragon Age II
Halo 4
Tony Hawk's Pro-Skater 5
Mass Effect 3
Total War Rome II
Homefront The Revolution
Tom Clancy's The Division
Dead Space 3
The Order 1886
Resident Evil 6
Star Wars: The Old Republic
Too Human
Gears of War: Judgement
Dark Souls II
Metroid Other M
No Man's Sky

>There should also be the "Anti-blunder" list.

Spec Ops: The Line

I nominate Mighty Blunder 9. In terms of money, it's not that big a deal, as it's only a 3.8 million dollar affair. But it had huge hype, and it single handedly ruined Kenji Inafune's reputation.

DmC is utterly misguided, uneeded and sorta bad, but it's nto that bad a game.

MGSV is incomplete, and open world is a terrible idea, and the plot is terrible. There's a core decent game in there.

Nu Male Sky is a complete clusterfuck.

FF15 looks to be a disaster. Tons of padding, cinematic garbage, terrible pacing, button mashy combat.

Somehow it's ok for XCX but not for other OW games.

>The official blunders of the 2010s

The year 2012

No one fucking cares about No man's sky except retards who got scamned and didn't refund.

No man sky and i dont think FFXV will beat that.
But 2016 is still a really disappointing year for games imo


Take out FFXV since it's not even out yet you meming fag, and add Mighty No. 9, an ACTUAL blunder.

>Too Human
Were both released in 2008.

>Too Human
Other then that, good list


fuck i felt rused by that piece of shit, ruins the role playing completely by putting you in a completely pre determined character.