Mods are deleting BattleStation threads

>Mods are deleting BattleStation threads

Let's get another one going.

Other urls found in this thread:

In I guess

I love video games!

It's about time they did. I get you fuckers have no friends and just love to show off your toys, but seriously, grow the fuck up and just stop.


I'll contribute.

what game is this?

Your kind always goes back to lleddit.

it's a game called look at this sick PC setup my mom bought me

>The PS3 is a decent console now

Oh Sup Forums.

have you guys played rollercoaster tycoon 2 yet? it's fucking awesome

No. This shit doesn't belong on Sup Forums, nor does it here

>decent console

No, I only have it for BDs and Star Ocean 4.

My fat PS3 died since I took that picture. May it rest in peace, I loved it.

It's not much but it's mine

>it doesn't belong here
Last 6 years I've been here says otherwise.

>can't post the place where you play games, with your collections and consoles
>posting e-celeb drama, pasta and Sup Forums tier meme threads is OK

I still find it odd why the threads always get deleted for no reason after being up for hours.

Cute panda in the fourth picture, second row. Where can I get one?

eh it's not much but it works

6 years of shitposting and bad moderation doesn't invalidate the rules. I outrank you anyway.

Pillow pet, I bought that at Fry's.

Smaller ones were from San Diego Zoo when I saw their Pandas. The Domo Panda was a gift from my BM2.

You try too hard user, you must have a miserable life.

My apartment

Yes thats a 360 kinect ducttaped on top of my second monitor as a webcam.


How poor do you have to be, to get so rustled over a BST?

Oh I see, I have two but they don't really look like that. Thanks for the information.

>raging new fag doesn't know how to change filenames


>not having a shitpost-defence gun
How are you supposed to defend yourself against shitposters without one?

>10 round mags
>acog for cqc

I live in Canada

It's just a cheap 2x red dot

oh. Sorry ur a leaf. At least you got a gun.

My desk has lods of flight/racing sim gear littering it, nothing to do with money. Everything to do with you fucks being teenaged attention whores.

It takes a truly miserable NEET to derive pleasure from posting the hole he wastes away in for the adoration of strangers.

Hi again user. Was that pic i had really you? Cute socks if it is.

>complains about rules
>complains about moderators
>complains about people wasting time
>on Sup Forums

You should lurk more.

>>Mods are deleting BattleStation threads
No, mods were deleting off-topic threads. couldn't you tell by the ass taking up half the pic?

quiet you filthy gay faggot

Proud idort

Yeah and thanks. I have several of them because I think they're cute.

There's actually a surprising amount of guns in Canada

None of those things belong here either, you're justifying the act of making this place worse with the fact that it's shit. Well, no fucking wonder Sup Forums is a hellhole with people like you around.

Post it please.

all i play is doto

love the flag brother


>making this place worse
>BST threads have been here for 10 years

user, lurk more before coming here from your social media website.

is that your litterbox?

I couldn't not get it. But I didn't wana be a fag and put it on my truck so I put it in my room.

Go for it, try not to get banned though.

Might have time to release not one, not two, not three.. but six D'va animations today!

>he doesnt even have a 2,000 plus post count

The difference is that there's usually one /bst/ at most at any given time, there's no shitposting and the content is relevant to video-games and video-game culture, whether you agree or not, while you can go to the catalog at any time and you don't even need to scroll down to see at least 3 threads completely off-topic with many more that are thinly veiled bait threads where no one even discuss games. But yeah, can't show your actual vidya place pictures, even though people have been doing it for years.

Here you go


your keyboard makes me want to murder you and your family and even your dog

Oh wait no, that one totally isn't me.

my litterbox? what do you think i am some fucking animal. Bro i shit and piss outside not where i fucking play vidya you piece of shit.

Oh? No pharah?

Oh okay, my bad then. Share one plz

So you actually make SFM stuff? Link some shit.


Sorry for the shit quality

I'd rather not get banned again.

Do an edit

I do not think that would keep me from getting banned.

>delete cookies and resetting router is hard

how do you get banned?

Then just post something that's sfw like your stocking collection or something. That's all i really want to see.

I'd rather not get yelled at and made to suck dick to make up for having to turn off the router.

I have that case, it's nice

I look at these threads and wonder how a functioning member of society that can hold down a job bother with this place. Because NEET bucks can only get you so far

It's better than any mechanical keyboard!

Nah, she aint my thing.

Cant do that, this is a christian forum.

Mods don't like me I guess?
Nuh-uh, that'll get me banned too!

Then just tell us what name you go by or whatever.

I will admit that I've spent a lot less time here ever since I got a full time job.

Boo. Also links are fine, no excuses, user-sama.
It's fun posting, clover also makes it easy.
Then link something, dear

I'm gonna blame you if they ban me anyway!

now I know why these threads are deleted

do you listen to cute weeb shit like this?

It'll be okay.
You'll still love me

Not like that, but I do like weeb shit that you might call cute though.
I don't even know you though.

Nika La Kitty on steam if you want to be friends and play vidya then.