Post dream Switch games.
HARD MODE: games that actually benefit from the 'on-the-go', 'multiplayer with the joycons', etc gimmicks
Template in the next post.
Post dream Switch games.
HARD MODE: games that actually benefit from the 'on-the-go', 'multiplayer with the joycons', etc gimmicks
Template in the next post.
A Mario Party game that doubles down on the traditional friendship destroying elements, instead of trying to get around them like the last few.
benefit what way do you want it to benefit beside just "one more minute or one more level"
seems like it'd be fun to play a mission or two during your daily commute, or to marathon a portion of it on a plane or something.
would be even better if it had a co-op component.
>destroy friendships, now on the go!
if the joycons had pointer/motion controls like the Wii (extremely unlikely) and it had a touchscreen, it would be cool to see a Trauma Center game where you can switch between the touch and the pointer controls (pointer when docked, touchscreen when in portable mode)
Actually, it's not that unlikely.
please nintendo I need more fat jew in my life
On the plus side
>can play Smash in 1v1 with a single console
But then again
>no D-Pad so no taunting
So taunt them for reals
you could also name it
>switch 3rd party support.
but as far as 'split-screen' multiplayer goes, a stadium/battle revolution type game or mode would be neat.
battle in pokemon 1v1 on one screen.
Will never happen but it's a gem of a game and the Switch would be a good platform for it.
I don't think it has been portable before.
Oh shit, I just noticed all switch consoles have joysticks.
Can we FINALLY get momentum+jump in Smash bros back now that nobody will be using D-Pads for movement anymore? The problem is no longer there.
ebin, simply ebin! screencpd! ;)
I just want a new animal crossing game
I can't wait to play Blood- oh.
Reminder that this is a Cody thread.
Oh look a sonygger who is also a shitposter, what a surprise.
Steam In-Home streaming client. (for playing real games)
You little shit.
Well played.
i dont get it
kill yourself etc
Neither will Switchfags
All a Nintendo handheld needs to be successful is Animal Crossing and Pokemon. Neither games will be a launch title though because Nintendo is retarded.
Neither of those would be enough to save the Switch. Too big for a handheld and 250 dollars price minimum guarantees a failure.
My fucking nigger
This is a home console though. They don't have full control over Pokemon, and rumors say it'll be out by the next holiday season anyway, so it'll be successful. As for Animal Crossing, it'll come too, don't worry.
>I won't buy it which means no one will
And that's how I know you have autism.
It's not a handheld like that though, that Tegra is going to drink juice like no tomorrow (like every other Tegra ever, >implying nVidia magically got it right this time - if they did it'd already be in expensive tablets, not some junk nintendo device.)
This is for very short stints of remote play in-between charging sessions while docked.
SC is dead though. Just make an SC like game with FE characters instead.
Rocket League
Would be also easy as shit to port since switch supports UE4
Melty Blood Switch
In the bottom left there's that "if you don't reply to this post" shit and so some actually retarded faggots really do reply.
I don't get it either.
Report and don't reply, you autistic faggots. If it said "send $1000 to this bank account or your mother...", would you fucking do it?
Your mother will die tonight if you read this, and you can't prevent it. Have fun.
Monster Hunter
>In the bottom left there's that "if you don't reply to this post" shit and so some actually retarded faggots really do reply.
oh shit i thought he made some epic joke, didn't notice that
fuck you
yeah no faggot
Please please please
I want to HENSHIN A GO-GO on the go-go.
>people think this shit matters/works
>he doesn't
I'm sorry for your mom.
>I want to HENSHIN A GO-GO on the go-go.
you should be ashamed of your words and actions.