>9S with a pole-arm weapon? >enemies riding mounts which are also other enemies >enemies designed to be so cute they're tough to kill
Also, the Engine Blade crossover footage is out, and like everyone expected, it turns your dodge into Noctis' Warp Strike. The only interesting element here is it looks like the dodge-as-warp will teleport you to enemies in some circumstances Video: youtube.com/watch?v=uryIm2kDN7c
I think the forest/castle location they're showing here is the one they showed in the very, VERY first "new Nier Project" teaser from 2015, because I recognize this moss-covered enemy corpse
Benjamin Harris
where's the famous Nier boobies
Gavin Davis
New art favors hometown over life.
Colton Price
No boobies, no thighs, just castles
Joshua Anderson
>no boobies >no thighs how can it be Nier then
Logan Torres
Is that even a screenshot, or just concept art?
The lighting on that pole is weird, and where's the magic floating ring around it? It looks almost like a placeholder
Adam Garcia
There's none in any of the newest screenshots. It's not like they took the THICC away, it's just that it would distract from General Goofball and his army of adorable robots here
Hunter Cruz
Hopefully this game doesn't involve pushing stalled cars and perusing wedding dresses.
Angel Rogers
OH FUCK MORE WEAPON TYPES? I won't be checking out rest of the footage if it shows new areas. I'd like to see that myself. Still, sweet sweet news.
Carter Bailey
>toobie in a wedding dress
Colton Parker
Here's your reply
Jackson White
If it did, I bet Yoko could make it fun somehow. Or rather, he would make Taura make it fun
Brandon Sanchez
Picture 2B grabbing a car by the open driver's side door, swinging it around like a gigantic hammer-throw, and chucking it at 90MPH into a gigantic robot.
Alternately, picture 2B and 9S standing beside a very stubborn boar, trying to push it down an abandoned highway.
Justin Robinson
See It's not clear whether that's actually what they're showing, since the weapon isn't presented like all the others and it may be a placeholder.
Hopefully the December Famitsu (which hits stands today) has more info.
Asher Miller
Oh, sweet.
Noah Rodriguez
why does she hurt her own kind or are they just wearing armor
Hunter Richardson
>why does she hurt her own kind Because Taro is happiest when you feel shitty about yourself
Platinum games hires shotacons confirmed >9S is pretty cute, huh? Despite being something seldom seen, I thought that showing off his kneecaps was a must. I’m really glad I suggested it to Yoko that one night out drinking that we have a cute guy in the game (I doubt he remembers this, though). Actually, one thing that sticks in my mind is Yoshida-san’s rough sketch of him in a sailor uniformーit’s unfortunate nothing became of it……
Kevin Gray
>why does she hurt her own kind Don't we all?
Ethan Wilson
>Weapon Intro: Spear >Up until now, we’ve introduced the single-handed sword, double-handed sword, and gauntlet weapon types. Next up we’ve got spears. Compared to other weapon types, the spears are average class, but they make up for that in their power and reach. However, since they’re mostly a thrust weapon, they can become a disadvantage when many enemies rush you at once.
Jack Baker
>bothead mask Haha that's brutal 2b.
Bentley Gonzalez
Oh, fucking nice. I had assumed they wouldn't add spears this time. They're always god tier weapons in most games (except DoD3).
Isaiah Mitchell
>“We had a look at FFXV and visually copied it.” I was also able to include a Weapon Story for it. I thought, “Is this really going to be okay?” but the FFXV supervising team gave us the OK, so… I guess it’s okay……probably. ーYoko Taro
Aiden Nelson
>environment designer "stepped down" halfway through production