Steam Controller and Link are cheap right now, should I jump in...

Steam Controller and Link are cheap right now, should I jump in? I got an Xbone controller to replace old 360 one to play Rocket League, but the face buttons suck.

Is the Steam Controller worth trying, especially with Rocket League in mind?

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Guess the thread isn't shitposty or not-videogames enough for Sup Forums.

Oh it is, you're better off using a PS4 or Xbox controller and just buying a HDMI.

steam link is limited to 1080p and 60fps streaming. if you don't really need it right now you should wait for the next model.
i'm thinking of getting a steam controller for me as well. does it say somewhere how much the shipping costs?

Yeah I was thinking about it, too. How is the build quality of that thing?

I bought them a few months ago. The steam link is great especially if you have an ethernet connection. The controller is an annoying piece of shit. There are few times where I'd rather use it, but most of the time I just plug in an Xbox controller. I'd say definitely get it now though. You could build the same thing with a Raspberry Pi, but for this price why bother? The steam link comes with some nice housing and a rubber pad to keep it from moving around. Overall, it's pretty great if I just want to sit in my living room and play console games at 60fps.

if you set it up right, rocket league is a blast with a steam controller.
the main appeal for me is playing my favourite old favourite pc games from the couch.
you'll have to spend some time in order to find the right settings for you though.

I used to play with a 360 controller, but it hasn't left my drawer since I got the steam controller. I use the SC for almost all games except competitive stuff like TF2 or Dota. I guess user experience will strongly vary from person to person.

I mostly play fighting games and 2d platformers on PC.. Steam Controller sucks for that, doesn't it?

I like it t the more I try it, but you definitely have to get a feel for it. Keep in mind I also mostly play fps like Warhammer 40,000: Space Marine. I love the sc for town of Salem and whatnot.

Not as much as you'd think. It really only sucks for aiming weapons. You get used to the touchpad.

For replacing a controller specifically, you may want the DS4 instead. For Rocket League though, I hear it's the very best control option available period. They must have nice official settings for that game.

For PC games the SC is obviously superior, especially first person shooters with the gyro.

The SC is way more solid than the x360 one on the whole. If you emulate regular controller with it, you'll have to get used to some workarounds, like the using a gamepad+gyro instead of stick for camera and using the paddles instead of the harder to reach X and A, but it's definitely perfectly adequate when you get used to it

there's a learning curve for getting to know the clickless touchpad rather than a traditional d-pad or stick, but if you do not expending energy moving a physical part does become a nice feature

Don't steam controller is terrible you are WAY better off buying a xbone or ps4 one, i was using steam controller for a week and this was awful, the buttons are shit, you don't even feel like you are pressing anything, they are way too close to the center, the right pad is awful not even comparable to using a normal stick.

Especially now that steam added support for DS4 there is absolutely no point in buying steam controller.

You need a steam controller to initially set up the system though.

Got this on sale for $20 a while back. Aesthetics aside, its a fantastic controller, very solid, clicky mechanical face buttons, and programmable switches on the back. Once you program the switches and get used to them, you never have to move your thumb to the face buttons again.

Build quality seems pretty rock solid.

Build is OK. It feels a bit less sturdy than I would like, but doesn't shudder or flex, so it's more solid than it will seem at first blush. Give it a twist and you'll feel confident.

The big issue is rather acclimating to the controller.

First is just letting your hands get an intuitive sense of the thing. This one will immediately make you regret your purchase. Stick with it. The regret will disappear, but it can literally take hundreds of hours to readjust. You are going to be reminded what it is like for people who don't play videosgames what it is like to learn.

Second is just figuring out what all you can do with the configuration options. Where getting over the process of acclimating to the controller is one thing, it doesn't really do anything to "sell" the device. You may feel like it is OK, and in the long run that you didn't exactly waste your money, but you won't feel like you have gotten much value out of it for all of the trouble. Outside of Sims or turn based strategy games, you're going to wonder why not just use a standard controller, or KB&Mouse

THEN you start exploring custom configs per game, stacking activators, etc. There will be no going back at this point. THIS is what really sells the Steam controller. The trackpads are merely "different", and generally speaking, better than analog.

It's win win, but shit, ready your butt cheeks for countless hours of adjusting to it. If you could get a similar experience any other way I wouldn't say it is worth it, but there simple is nothing else like it. I now use my steam controller almost exclusively. literally tossed out my 360/PS3 controllers.

You can do a hadoken with gyro, pointless, but fun

Fuck should have read this before hitting post, I've seen people say that gyro for fine tune aiming is a great feature, just the initial configuration that's the issue

I can't verify your claim but it sounds like bullshit

It isn't just the initial config. It is getting your brain wrapped around effectively having 2-3 aiming inputs. Yes, the gyro does help. It won't be a competitive CS:GO help, but at least make things comparable/better than analog controller. It is mad awkward until you "get" it though.

You only have to do that once, however. From there it's usually pretty minor stuff for custom configs. "Minor" as in, you will tend to have a config format that you like and tweaking it per game won't be a big challenge.

Acclimating is probably easier if you use in a new game. That way it won't mess as much with your learned movements.
For me, it took the most time to get used to the position of the buttons. When I got mine, I was playing an Assassin in Dragon's Dogma and it felt really awkward. So I started as a Magick Archer and the controller felt great, especially with gyro aiming.
Now my 360 controller feels weird. The Steam Controller is an aquired taste, but I would recommend it.

>Is the Steam Controller worth trying, especially with Rocket League in mind?
No, just get a Dualshock4 which literally has every function the steam contoller has without any of its disadvantages. Not that it wasn't better before already, but now there's official DS4 steam support integrated right into its UI without installing drivers or 3rd party programs.

Yeah, there are ways to help smooth the learning curve. It still took me like 300 hours across multiple games before I got in a position where Using it in something like Dark Souls felt even roughly equivalent to a traditional controller.

That's a big investment for "I'm at least exactly where I was before". It wasn't until I started digging into the customization that I was 100% sold. At that point it wasn't a weird facsimile, but something all together unique.

This is now an interesting option thanks to Steam UI integration. it takes a lot of wind out of the Steam controller with respect to configuration. For someone who wants that degree of flexibility without learning a completely new device, it's an option, but I don't actually see it as a viable replacement.

Grip paddles alone are 2 'features' DS4 doesn't have. This is a big deal once you start getting into activators and mode switching. Once I really start fiddling I sometimes don't feel like I even have enough inputs as is.

Next are the touch pads. They're different, but at least at the moment you can't do the same UI HUD menus with analog sticks. You're stuck to scroll wheel and radial menus. This may be a fringe option, since the DS4 touch pad is still there, but once you get big into using these things, being able to modeswitch and have your thumb already at the menu input is super smooth, nevemind having two inputs for various menus.

DS4 is definitely, but it certainly isn't feature equivalent.

The learning curve is really based on the type of game since some are more suited for the steam controller. I've just given up trying to use my steam controller for games that expect me to be using the right analog stick. However, aiming with gyro/track pad with mouse emulation only took a few hours to get way better than I have ever been with analog. I wouldn't try it in a multiplayer game where other people are using a mouse, but I do find it more enjoyable when playing single player games. Gyro aiming should really become a standard for input method since most controllers now have it.

I've dropped mine twice because kids. On a scale of Nokia to iPhone, it's a Gamecube.

You have to update the firmware and the stock firmware doesn't support other controllers.

>I've just given up trying to use my steam controller for games that expect me to be using the right analog stick
I don't have much trouble. Mouse-like analog input works OK in most cases. This is mostly what I'm talking about. It took me a very long time to warm up, but now I don't mind it any better/worse than and actual analog for camera control. What cases are you thinking of?

I am not a fan of mouse-like or any of the other options. However, I should not have said it like I did where it comes off as unusable. It works ok for adjusting the camera in a 3rd person game where you don't need much precision, but I would really just prefer to use a normal controller. I will also point out that I really like the concepts behind what they are doing. I can't think of any game that would not be better with a track pad if games were programmed around it rather than having to emulate an analog stick.

how does it perform with emulators? Can i use it for example with dolphin or it works only with steam? Xinput? Also is it possible to emulate a dpad? How does it work with platforms?

The Steam Controller is the shit. Best controller I've ever used. Steering both character and camera with touchpads is amazingly good.

But since you play Rocket League there must be something wrong with you, so stick with your subhuman controllers, please.

>how does it perform with emulators?
Fine. It can be a chore to deal with the way the bindings are handled through steam, but once you figure it out it isn't a problem.

>Can i use it for example with dolphin or it works only with steam? Xinput? Also is it possible to emulate a dpad?

Yes. Yes. Yes.
You may want to setup a non-steam game entry in steam to launch things. This will help make customizing controls easier, but isn't strictly required, especially if you aren't doing anything strange.

>How does it work with platforms?
You mean platformers? Basically going to be up to you. At first I'm sure it will feel like garbage. 100+ hours later, it'll probably be OK. Might not take that long. Might take many times longer.

I have a separate rig in my living room so I couldn't comment on the link, but the controller is definitely worth it. Once when you get past the initial learning curve and mediocre build quality, the controls are highly intuitive.

I haven't had any problems with emulators.

Yeah, but the thing is, when you've made a good preset you can pretty much just copy it to all other games with only minor adjustments. I made my preset based off Dark Souls 3 and saved the template. It works great in most other games as well.

If you use the gyro to aim it's great. Much better precision than any other controller. I use the gyro to aim with bows in Dark Souls and it works wonders.

How is latency with the Steam Link? My PC is upstairs via wifi and my TV and router are downstairs. The Steam Link would be connected via ethernet.

Is it decent or should I not even bother?