Is Witcher 3 the pinnacle of Videogames?

Is Witcher 3 the pinnacle of Videogames?

Other urls found in this thread:

>Shit story
>Shit combat
>Boring open world where you just complete the same tasks over and over again
At least it looks pretty, right?


No. It's worse than the original for starters.

its game of the year


I think you're talking about Fallout 4

I loved The Witcher 3's story, I loved that all the quests felt different minus some similar feeling witch sense / monster contract stuff. The combat was fluid and reminded me a lot of Dark Souls and is definitely the best real time combat in an RPG by far, i can't even go back and play Skyrim's combat because it's so fucking ass minus the archery.

And yes the game is gorgeous as fuck, definitely my goty for last year and absolutely a great game, it's so good that i feel bad for people who won't be able to experience it because their autism gets in the way :(

It's the pinnacle of console video games.

lol this is the same person.

Witcher 1 and 2 are better.

Fallout 4 doesn't look pretty

>Fallout 4
>looks pretty

Choose one

Agree'd, such a fucking amazing game. One of the few games I wish I could go back and replay all over again.

>mfw Blood and Wine has received a GOTY nomination in VGA's
Funny thing is, it actually deserves it

Not the original poster but Fallout 4 looked good to me.

Wait for march

>its the best pile of shit we've gotten this year!

ummmm fallout 4 looks good lol and the witcher 3 is a great game anyone who disagrees is retarded as fuck

absolutely deserves it.


>zelda game
>on shitty hardware
>competing with the witcher 3

oh fuck off. the witcher 3 is the zelda game you faggots always wanted with the boobies and violence too. plus it looks even better than that shitty wii game.

>Is Witcher 3 the pinnacle of Videogames?

no. but it's the pinnacle of RPG

>shti combat
>cant climb that mountain
>shit plot
>empty boring world
Yeah no.
And its funny you mention hardware when zelda looks better.

I hope not. I'd like to think better games can be made in the future.

>Witcher 3

It's the worst witcher game.

Witcher 1 is vastly better, so no.

No but it's a good game anyways.

Stop this bullshit.

>Stop having a different opinion to mine!!

Better story, quests, areas, and combat (yes, rhythm based combat is better than Roll and Backstep Simulator 2016). kys

thebull94 how are you?

Actually replay the goddamn game instead of riding on pure nostalgia goggles.

TW1 has way, way more jank and bad decisions than 3

>better story
>bring me 10 drowner teeth
>bring me 5 ghoul brain
no, quests and contracts are not better, they are mmo-tier
walking back and forth in same areas, also novigrad+oxenfurt>vizima
nope, just clicking game

it's the pinnacle of making me feel like my decisions actually have some weight to them and making me actually think hard about my personal morals and justify them relative to the decisions I have to make in a game

it's how an open world game should be, what you think will be simple fetch quests suddenly open up into wide paths of dialogue and exploration. Characters act like someone that I could actually believe would act the way they do, with their own goals and morals as well. Exploration was engaging (although I feel like there are a few too many places to explore for little reward, especially in skellige, getting the smugglers caches is just a pain in the ass, and going up and down huge mountains burned a lot of time as well) and I felt an honest desire to actually do side quests and learn more about the people and the world that the game takes place in, something that hasn't happened for me since FFXI.

it's got shit combat though, Especially if you are playing on some of the harder difficulties. It's just not fun because there's really only one or two ways to succeed and not get one shot because the dodges are incredibly unreliable, and they are both incredibly repetitive.

The ending felt lame, but I can only think of two game's endings that I've actually liked, so I'm probably being really picky here.

It's not even the pinnacle of RPGs.
It's not even the pinnacle of 2015.
It's not even the pinnacle of its own franchise.

Seriously I've played this game and even bought the DLC which I usually hate to shell out money for but there are just too many things missing for it to even be a 8/10.
>repetetive everything
>loot system making crafting useless making exploration useless
>unengaging main story beside a few bits in the first 2 chapters
>zero replayability
>limited build variety
>very limited roleplaying options or choices
>reskinned enemies everywhere, sometimes only renamed
>zero variation in combat due to limited builds
>very limited range of voice actors
>retarded gameplay bits with Ciri
I could go on and on and elaborate on every point. It's not even the best game from 2015.

t. TheBull94

thebull94 how r u? ur opinions suck kill your self faggot

I don't know who that is, care to elaborate?

bloodborne didn^^t win GOTY. stop crying. get over it

Seriously what the fuck are you talking about are you just a bunch of cocksucking redditors just because someone makes a few valid points about the game you have to shill for?

This sounds exactly like somethi g thebull94 would say

And who the fuck is this thebull94 or whatever? Some e-celeb with a yt channel or what
Seriously even if the game is halfway decent the fanbase is just a sad bunch of crybabies sucking slavic cock for free.
On the one hand Sup Forums hates the open world meme yet you guys LOVE the empty "open" world of The Shitter. Fuck it's not even a real open world and it's emptier than fucking Skyrim. Just as combat is shallower than in Skyrim. Just as even fucking roleplaying than in Skyrim. Good job CPR you've capitalized on making a game like Skyrim look full with life and roleplaying in comparison and people love it.

Calm down Todd. Fallout 4 may have won zero awards but i'm sure skyrim 2 will get some

It would have been if Ciri was a romance option for Geralt, or Shani was a full romance instead of a little fling where she fucks off afterwards. I dislike both Yen and Triss.

Calm down bull.

Don't know about games, but it's the pinnacle of waifus.

It's almost like Sup Forums isn't one person.

At least Skyrim 2 or Fallout 5 have the potential to be a better game. CDPR shat out a game which was marginally better than Fallout 4. Your franchise won't get any better than that.

Its a great game

But i feel we are only scratching the surface of whats possible in vidya

It's almost like you're no faggot. Almost.

>potential for anything


>At least Skyrim 2 or Fallout 5 have the potential to be a better game

Let's not kid ourselves here.

>they will praise bethesda only so they can shit on witcher

its also the best Action RPG

>zelda looks better.

There really is no limit to Nintendrone retardation.

Pinnacle of interactive movies maybe.

Shit, I must have missed the day ''pinnacle'' started meaning ''the absolute worst thing ever to happen''. Also, fuck poland and everything polish.

Yes, for now. I expect Cyberpunk 2077 to raise the bar further.

Great story
Great music
Great characters
Great side quests
Great visuals and performance
Greatest DLC ever made in history of video games

Combat could be better.

Yeah it's GOTY and easily one of the very best games of the decade.

Salty sonyniggers are always trying to shitpost about Witcher 3 because they are jealous with their single mediocre BB slasher game with no plot, characters or quests.

not even the best game of the year

Triss is the pinnacle of waifus

this is truth


>ciri gameplay is abysmal corridor shit
>can go in about as few buildings as gta5
>can't interact with any in world items except lighting and turning off candles every 2 feet
>cant even sit on chairs
>cant sleep
>end world state is so retarded even guards yell long live radavoid long after he's dead

its a great game for the 150hrs you'll put into it, but it has no replayability and the end world is dog shit.

>New Vegas and Alpha Protocol
These games aren't even that good you pseudo-intellectual pillock.


Things that never happened like you never played the game because you are a poorfag with a toaster.

>post deleted

Good riddance, retard

>Not good


Fuck no.

Be real with me, Sup Forums. Is the Witch 3 enjoyable?


Combat is shit so no

In what way is new vegas good? Horrendous gameplay, voice acting, writing, visuals, bugs out it's ass. Explain how it's a good game.

Is CD Projekt the pinnacle of video game devs?

>fallout 4
>looks pretty


The writing was good though

It's really just easier to disregard any opinion, about a witcher game, that someone has, as soon as they mention the word "combat".

I love Witcher 3, but if a game doesn't win GOTY, it doesn't mean it's bad. Goddamn, is this a meme or something where Sup Forums's only defense for W3 is it winning GOTY?

It's fun to play

Nice manlet controller, bro.

>CDboys defended this

>playing on easy
>complain that it's easy


He was playing on death march

AS a witcher and Zelda fag: fuck off

The first one is the worst video game I had ever played. So I guess I know not to get #3 if it's as bug ridden and awful as the first

Defend what? All the video proved was how fucking tiny ps controllers are.

The Witcher games always have had shit combat, a perfect game does not, in fact exist, prove me wrong you cunt

Nigga Skyrim 2 will be released in at least 5 years and even then people will still think "why can't Bethesda top Morrowind anymore"?

CDboys getting a little aggressive today, that time of the month I guess

lol no

lol good one Sup Forumsro xD he mad amirite?

>shitty story that resolves around saving mary sue who tells you its not your story at the end of the game
>le powerful sorceress womyn
>awful combat, just roll and spam quen
>nothing to do in open world
>every ebin monster hunt is press tab and listen to boring monologue until you magically deduce whats the monster
>garbage alchemy system and drinking potions in combat instead of having comfy preperations like in previous games
>none of stuff you did in TW1/TW2 matters
>bad guys are bad just because
I mean the game had it moments and the graphics are pretty but its still 5/10 at most
You should just probably replay witcher 1 instead of this shit

Cod 7 was better.

Overrated slav porngame for fantasyfagging manchilds who have never played more than 10 video games in their life. Also 1/2 fans of this "game" have read all these degenerate books and unironically pround of it, quality literature.

Not a fan of the first one myself. But Witcher3 is really great. You should give it a try.

Settle down master chief, you're trying to defend a terrible RPG here

I'm not defending anything, I just want someone to point me to some better games because everything AAA now is garbage, and between sex with my gf there is nothing else to fill the void.

>having sex
get aids, both. and die

>no games
You really showed me.


Not him but the writing indeed is good however it's the boring type of good.