You've played it, right Sup Forums?
You've played it, right Sup Forums?
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The phone version.
No because I don;t have a DS
Yes, probably my favorite game on the ds
It's a handheld game, so no, I haven't.
I surprisingly did in 2008
my friends hyped it to hell and back so I snagged a copy off ebay
it...honestly didn't live up to the hype. it was okay but didn't blow my mind on anything.
No, I don't have a DS. I tried it out on emulator but the touchscreen input wasn't sensitive enough. I'm waiting for 3ds piracy/homebrew to evolve to the point where DS games can be played without the need for an R4.
Probably never. SE is too busy shilling XV, and then after that they have to hype up the FF7 remake.
>DS games can be played without the need for an R4.
Literally never
Yeah it was alright, the dual screen battle was weird but doable, not particularly fun though so i wonder why they even bothered
The intro made me cringe so hard I turned it off before I got to gameplay.
I played through it a bunch of times, mostly for the music. It's my favourite game on the DS desu.
What are some games just like it?
Really? did you not know this game was made by Tetsua Nomura ?
Just get a DSTWO if you have the money familia, I got mine for 50 clams and it was well worth it.
>What are some games just like it?
It's one of a kind.
I'm diggin' it!
I owned it before I knew it was rare.
One of the maybe 4 reasons I don't get rid of my 3DS. One of which being I don't know if my old DS will work if I find a charger.
Played and enjoyed it greatly, though I will readily admit the battle system is fucked to keep track of.
Great game. One of the few single player RPGs that have a decent endgame. Spent 100+ hours on it and i still have stuff to do. It's good.
Been so long I forgotten how to play.
One of the best games ever and arguably the best DS game.
I usually replay it every year or so.
I never played it but I remember the hype back in maybe 2009?
I wanted to play it but my ds top screen stopped working and in 2011 I got a 3ds.
I think I've been spoiled about Joshua being some sort of god or jesusbecause of Kingdom Hearts 3D, if this is true fuck Squenix, why would you do such a thing? I hope not but since they did the same shit with Auron in KH2 I wouldnt be surprised.
fuck you
Of course. One of the best portable video games ever, utilized the DS to perfection
>dat soundtrack
loved it
Dude, you could throw a rock and find a r4 for 3 euros
Jet Set Radio is the thing that comes to my mind, but the tone is vastly different
every time i play it, i just stop playing. i got farther last time, right at the point where i had to turn the lights on for this punk guy and beat this thing.
Yes, a few years ago. My DS was perfectly new and shiny before playing it, this fucking game made me scratch the touch screen like a mad kid. Great game.
I played it on PC. Really loved it.
Caaaalling, someone is caaaaaalliiing...
¿Por qúe?
I did played it, but then I drop it.
Yeah, like 5 years ago? Didn't think particularly highly of it. Why does everyone like it so much?
Next 7 Days never.
and then nomura has to make kh 2.999999
Literally never
I'll never not be pissed about the sequel fakeout.
Game was fucking great.
Delete this.
Who was that girl even supposed to be?
That soundtrack tho
Was never made clear, the fact that she has Shiki's stuffed animal and those headphones led to a bunch of theories about it being the daughter of Neku and Shiki.
I don't think we were eve told but it's very common for japanese devs to show off character designs when teasing sequels. So she was probably a character for some kind of sequel.
Nigga, the advantages that the DSTwo had in the DS days is now built into the 3DS.
The only thing you're doing with a DSTwo is drain your battery faster.
Post your favorite song
Really enjoying solo mix more
>TWEWY is 10 years old
>there'll never be a TWEWY 2
I was in this fucking thread, it even got stickied, it was the hypest day of my life
And then FUCK
hey man, khux, a square enix mobile game, is having a twewy event. They havent forgotten it
Sure have, it's in my top 5 games too.
no, but I want to. Is it really that good?
Yes, it's one of my favorite games. Top 50 for sure.
I can't watch 2 screens at the same time. I want to try git gud tho and play it.
is it playable on DeSmuME ?
it's even better.
Just keep playing.
>mfw only two states when playing vidya:
>shit until decent
Just keep playing.
just play the phone version then.
Once you get the grip on fighting on two screens, it's fucking heaven and the most exciting battle system I've ever played.
A little tip to train : start with Josh, he's pretty slow and weak but his combos are really easy to do.
yes but the controls are painful on the pc
nah, the coverart alone with all those edgy urban chinese hipsters is too much for me...
Nah I don't play shitty games
Homo x2 appears
Yes, it was fucking garbage.
I finished the game but I still dont get the meaning of the title.
Of course, it's my favorite stand alone game.
When you end so does everything else. Be appreciative of what you have and broaden your horizons while you are here.
I would if the overall design and aesthetic wasn't godawful.
I've played Solo Remix.
theres a mad here that supersedes all things to have come before
>The world ends with us comes out
>only reaper is coco
would you buy it?
It hurts.
It's so trash. I hated everything about it. The controls, the gameplay, the art style, the story was all garbage.
>so trash
way to fail super hard at fitting in you reddit faggot
Because squeenix expects their fans to be playing everything they make, and twewy was hugely successful. so they assumed most people played it, and it's not a huge spoiler to a game that came out 4 years prior.
ofc, both the DS version and HD version in android.
Great gem of game. Refreshing world, story and gameplay. the ending isn't on par with everything but at least it's still a positive ending unlike FF XV.
have a Shiki' butt.
what's the best song and why is it three minutes clapping
for fuck's sake Nomura