Just bought this yesterday with the pre-Black Friday sale going on, what the fuck is this mess of a sequel...

Just bought this yesterday with the pre-Black Friday sale going on, what the fuck is this mess of a sequel. I'm enjoying some of my time with it but it's missing a lot of what I loved from TF1.

There's some obvious fixes from the first game, like the smart pistol being something you have to work for instead of given out to any retard, as well as titan batteries giving a reason to rodeo beyond hoping to kill the pilot with a satchel charge, but there's some seriously questionable decisions here too.

From forcing online single player so you can actually end up with lag in a fucking single player campaign, to the netcode seemingly taking a hit, not sure but it definitely feels like it, titans no longer having shields without batteries which don't get used often, the questionable weapon balance, and so many more small things that get in the way.

Is it just me? How are you guys enjoying it? I want to make it clear, I don't hate the game, it's just not quite the sequel I was looking for. Kind of like Shadow Warrior 2 in comparison to 1, except I actually like this one

The smart pistol was shit anyway.

Is it true though that you always board mechs in third person? And you can't change that at all?

Yes. It has a variety of animations depending how and where you are entering the Titan.

I personally love it.

>It has a variety of animations depending how and where you are entering the Titan.

Yeah the first one had that. But it felt much more smooth since it didn't force an arbitrary third person camera onto you.

Yeah unfortunately all of those animations are in third person for some reason, and the animations are much lower quality as well, including the animations for finishers on titans being clunky as shit

Another thing you can't turn off is Depth of Field for some fucking reason

Respawn seems like experts at sabotaging themselves.

For every one thing they do right, they always manage to throw in a fuck up. It was that way with the first, and it's that way in the second.

It's a shame, because both were ALMOST awesome games.

But why did they feel the need to change that?

It was fucking PERFECT before, why would they do this?

I have no idea, I thought it was stupid in the beta too but I guess not enough people thought the same way to get it changed, not to mention only having the beta on X1 means no one could complain about no depth of field option

>on X1

I played it on the PS4.

Ah, didn't know it was on PS4 as well, point still stands

Honestly I didn't even notice the DoF because I was too busy trying to aim well with a controller.

And I can imagine that consoles need that DoF so that they don't need as much rendering power used at once. So you're saying that there's no option to turn DoF off completely? Not even via console or .ini settings?

There might be via an ini setting but a patch disabled turning it off via the advanced launch command arguments, which is pretty annoying. Also DoF actually increases rendering power needed, as it's an extra bit of blur to render, but like Motion Blur, the hit is usually traded to try to hide framerate inconsistencies

>giving EA money

>a patch disabled turning it off via the advanced launch command arguments

Jesus christ. mfw

>as it's an extra bit of blur to render

Actually user, blur doesn't require more processing power to render. Since the point of blur is that it's not pixel perfect, it can just "guess" where the appropriate colour pixel goes, so it doesn't need to calculate as many details as normal.

It's the reason why ages back Grid 2 needed more graphical power to run without blur than even Crysis.

1st person titan entry was awesome as hell, i'ts one of the things I really hate about 2

>Blur doesn't require more processing power to render
I don't think you get how depth of field works, the scene is rendered in it's entirety before post-processing effects are added, things like lens flares, motion blue, depth of field, etc. After the scene has been fully rendered, the extra effects are rendered ontop of the original image, things what was previously mentioned, also FXAA. This is why effects like FXAA and Motion Blur are panned so hard, because they effectively just blur up what would normally be a clear screen, and also take rendering time, they detract from performance while making the game look worse.

If you don't believe me, just look at DICE games for examples of what I'm talking about. Things like post-process AA and motion blur/depth of field are wrapped up into general post-processing effects, named because they're added ontop of the original image. They do take render time, and it's common practice for developers on console platforms to use Motion Blur and Depth of Field to hide framerate inconsistencies

Here's an example straight from Nvidia of Depth of Field impacting the framerate of a game, due to the fact that's rendered ontop of the rest of the scene, DoF usually isn't this taxing, but it's also not free

>From forcing online single player so you can actually end up with lag in a fucking single player campaign
Unless this is a console-specific thing, you don't need to be online to play Singleplayer on PC.

>the scene is rendered in it's entirety before post-processing effects are added

Why would this be necessary user? It doesn't need to be necessary at all. It's not like they have to render the entire view outside of the window, and then fog up the window as a separate task, they can simply not render the scene accurately at all.

This example is just blur done wrong.

My bad on that one, I guess I assumed it was always online, but that said I was using a command to show FPS, and some of the metrics shown on screen were detailing the connection to a server which fluctuated as though it was a multiplayer match, and had multiple instances of myself and other characters rubber-banding across the screen, so it looks like that's just something that activates online, or I'm getting fucked over by a glitch, which isn't out of the picture

>Why would this be necessary
It isn't, you can render Depth of Field along with everything else I suppose, but the point remains that it eats at performance regardless, and that includes Titanfall 2. While it's to a much lesser degree, keep in mind that the DoF disabling option in the graphics settings only turns it off for ADS in some scenarios, not all, and it keeps it while not aiming. Bottom line is DoF negatively impacts both performance and image quality when it's not necessary at all.

>giving (insert company name here) money

>single player lag

Source is anecdotal, like I said here if you read the thread, I could be wrong, it might be just a glitch, but it sure as hell didn't feel like it

What will the Angel City DLC be about? A new map and mode?

My copy just arrived yesterday (PS4). Haven't played it yet. Maybe after I eat later on today and get nicely buzzed. Games are most memorable while buzzed (31yo).

>level lock autopistol
>OP as dick shotgun also level locked
>removed titan behavior commands
>change rodeoing to some stupid battery stealing bullshit
>nerf titan dash to shit, even removing it entirely from some titans
>somehow make the pilot movement feel awful despite it being perfect in TF1
>lower TTK to near-CoD levels

Titanfall 1's multiplayer was nearly perfect. It just needed a bit of spit-shine. Why did they change everything

At least the campaign was fun. BT is a fucking bro :( rip

>removed titan behaviour commands
I agree with a lot of what you said, but if you hit V while out of the titan you can still tell it to switch between guard mode and the active follow mode, and I personally still like the movement, but the rest of what you've said is on point

I didn't play the first one but I'm really enjoying the game so far.

I think the campaign is meh and the gameplay is mostly whatever but the customizability of your character and the mobility of movement are seriously imppresive

I must've missed the part on titan commands. Good to know for future though.

As for the movement, it's hard to explain. It just feels like I'm moving through mud a lot of the time whereas in TF1 it was a more smooth "glide"

Best comparison I can think of is Infinite Warfare's movement vs Black Ops III's

I personally like most of the changes, but its really dumb that you get a giant fucking marker on you if you steal a titans battery, makes it almost impossible to get away, or to keep harassing the titan. Is it even possible to rodeo an enemy titan if you already have a battery? Tried yesterday but i couldn't stick to the enemy titan when i carried a battery.