Tfw (that face when) to intelligent to play anything other than RTS and RPGs

>tfw (that face when) to intelligent to play anything other than RTS and RPGs

>tfw (that face when)
>that face
You best be baiting, son.

Well, you just replied to it, genius.

what else does it mean?

>to intelligent


just check it already

I don't know that face, i'm a mouth breathing faggot that's been doomed to enjoy a huge variety of games.

Sweet thread OP, but how about this 9

>mrw I play srpgs for the first time


mfw (my face when) op (original poster) is right

That feel when..

go home yugi boy.
watch this 8

tfw (that feeling when) 2 intelligent to reply too this obv (obvious) b8 (bait)

“That feel when”

>MFW (my figure when) I no OP's feel.


> 2 intelligent to reply too
> too

Thats wrong new fag

try competitive fighting game dood.

Wrong. It's "thread's face when".


lol no it means "the fuck what"

Yeah it's bait just let it go.
>tfw when summer isn't over for some people

>tfw brain fetish


>intelligence needed in rpg
aw dear, thats what rpg cuks think. you only need time.

You are never going to make it

Strategy RPG like FF tactics

anime fighters are the master race games.

Those exaggerated brains always make me feel sick to my stomach. Disgusting.

>fighting game
>community is filled with niggers

sure thing

Obligatory reminder of mount idiot, etc.

the other day i was watching some youtube lets play videos about it. Something kinda clicked cause the retard was so annoying im now permanently angry. Its like the left side of my brain can't stop being angry for a single second its been going since then

>Your when now

I never understood this

>tfw when
>that feel when when

>your wace nen

What shitty ass board came up with this meme then?