
>not playing the Battlefield/Dota/Everquest/Baldur Gate/Chess of the hero shooter genre

What is your excuse, Sup Forums?

Other urls found in this thread:

I like to play good games and enjoy my time playing.

Get the fuck out.

>poor man's Overwatch
I didn't know this was a LOL thread.

>Not playing literally anything else

some interesting mechanics but it feels like cheap shit to play mechanically so there's really no point

PS it feels like cheap shit because that's what it is

>that faggot who chooses Viktor IMMEDIATELY then starts begging others to go healer and tank
>ends up whining the whole match telling others how to play

>What is your excuse, Sup Forums?
Fernando does no damage and relies way too much on a healer to even be useful, and I'm tired of picking Pip and Viktor and rekting shit up.

>he doesnt know how to get kills with based nando
blame yourself, casual

Played it for around 15 hours, ran out of content. I might give it another try when it comes out of Early Access.

>use flamethrower
>the walk slightly back while firing you
>they get out of range
>do your charge attack
>remember is horrible
Fernandito needs something more than what he has. Currently, his best ability is to heal during shield time by himself.

>let me list some reasons why Im terrible at Fernando
k, friend

Fuck Viktor. I get that he's an all rounder but still annoying to see him fit into any comp.

Not too mention the ones that just hang back and try to be Kinessa.

>the ones that just hang back and try to be Kinessa.
latest patch altered his damage falloff so he does less at range (not sure how much)

>“Viktor is filling the role we expect for him, but is effective at too far of a range. Bringing in the range at which his damage starts to fall off and adding a slight additional recoil to his Iron Sights by default means he will be less effective fighting from a sniper’s range.”

Assault Rifle
>Weapon falloff damage now starts at 90ft instead of 135ft.

Updated firing sound.

Iron Sights
>Increased vertical recoil when firing during Iron Sights.

Come on, enlighten me on how to chase an opponent with his shitty flame range.

git gud

I'm asking you to tell me HOW to get those opponents that get out of range, m8, not to give me a loadout.

>loadouts are irrelavent
lol, enjoy being terrible

>putting words in my mouth
How sad are you that you cannot tell me how to get those opponents even though you are "so good"? Are you really that pathetic that your only advice is a bunch of loadouts that don't teach me how to properly kill somebody? Come on, put some more words in my mouth, my autistic friend.

We agree that
>cancer, zero skill Tier
Skye, Viktor
>most fün one
Androxus, evy

It's kind of funny but I suck as Skye. Got into a mirror match with one and kept having bad luck of running into her after fights. Also kept getting headshot across) across a nice distance which seemed like bullshit on the killcam.

Makoa, Pip, and Buck are the most fun though.

>the irony

i play it some times, usually with a friend or someone on the discord server
maybe it's just me but i'm enjoying it more than i enjoyed OW on free trial

>Give your King a BIG HUG!

he's a tank, not a flanker, he's not supposed to chase down kills

But he can.

sure, so can ying, doesn't mean that she's supposed to do it in every situation

1v1 Nando is annoying to deal with, and he can kill people if underestimated.
>short range hair dryer actually deals decent chip damage over time if the enemy stays in range, which he probably won't
>fire hadouken of death deals decent damage at a range that his hair dryer lacks, and fucks healing skills so they don't regen as much health
>charge is shit but it helps by getting closer so you can slap more hair drying shenanigans, and you can slap a card that shields you while doing it
>The shield is your "fuck you", once you notice you're losing you pull that shit up and you stop receiving damage, one card can even heal you while doing it, and by the time your foe breaks it the cooldown on charge and fireball must have been refreshed
>Your fuckhuge health pool gets bigger if you buy damage resistance cards
>ult-denying ultimate

The only thing husbando doesn't do is running after people, if they decide to run away all you can do is charge and fireball and hope it kills. If it doesn't, you should get your fat ass back to the objective and let other champion deal with them, such as the 233 credit Kinessa shitter

>no one is arguing over which game is better
well then ill be damned

also evie is fun as fuck to play as but her shitty projectile speed fucks me as I used to be a liberty fag on tf2
Guess Ill just have to git gud

>F2P Game
Never ever. Whenever I see F2P I immediately think of a steaming pile of shit.

well it was the third post that was a SJWatch baby. You Tumblrtards used to be faster in shitting on non-progressive games

I don't have any reason to play this game when I have TF2.
It feels very cheap, it LOOKS very cheap (seriously, character design is simply awful), and, I don't know.
It's just another F2P game.
Played for a few hours and is very boring.
Maps are very empty too, and people simply don't play as a team.

I enjoy so much how legitimately angry some obese neckbeards are at Overwatch for the sole reason it exists.
Seriously, read this post, this isn't just a shitpost, this guy is actually feeling ANGER towards OW.
It feels so good.

>30 posts in 3 hours
Oh look, it's almost as dead as the Paladins general.

I'd rather just not play anything and do something else Tbh.

Cassie is my waifu

If you actualy would read the post, you would realize that I was mocking the poster.
Also there is no way in hell I could get angry, Im still feeling euphoric after Trump made cuckolds like you cry like the bitch that you are. Seriously, I broke my 3DS last week and all I thought was "Well whatever, I have the money!"

>the Vegan treehugging pro-islam SJW is my waifu
Consider killing yourself!

What makes you think I don't support Trump?
I just like seeing Sup Forumseddit angry because Sup Forumseddit is a place as bad as Neofag.
If Sup Forums is angry, it means the industry is doing good.

I mean, if TF2 was a paid game, you'd have a reason, but they are both free, TF2 is balanced, it seems like they put effort into it, unlike Paladins, map design is great, has shit tons of maps, a server browser, the graphics, for some reason, are better even though Paladins came out 10 years after TF2...

I don't understand the purpose of this game, or why it exists.

I was going to try it but then I saw it had mounts.
I hate fucking around with mounts in games like this.

better than Overwacth thread
>emergherd X is OP..nerf pls
>muh sexy waifu
>whining about chat censorship
>porn gif


Even death is better then OV threads

>let me tell you how shit the userbase of Sup Forums is while Im part of that shit userbase
the irony is T H I C C

Yeah, the Paladins general is much better.

No, I will never be part of you, I come here to laugh at your pathetic existence and meaningless opinions.

@ 358615359
>litteraly reddit tier trolling
get better, not even deserving a (You)

>reddit-tier trolling
I'm curious, what would be Sup Forums-tier trolling?

Also, how is Sup Forums better than Reddit when Sup Forums is the one that can not stop spouting memes in every single post?
The catalog is always formed mostly of

>Really makes you think
>What did he mean by this?
>Now that the dust has settled can we agree (insert contrarian opinion)
>it's a X episode
>le facebook frog
>mfw PCfags will never, EVER play X
>I just bought/pirated this, what am I in for?
>APOLOGIZE (insert pic of game everyone hates)
>Wow, this game that everyone hates isn't that bad
>e-celeb garbage

Seriously, how is this place not a Neofag-tier shithole?

every general is bad tbqh

they run out of stuff to talk about relating to the game and devolve into shit posts

It exists to make money.
Through some weird kind of jewery they got a huge amount of the ASSFAGGOTS normie playerbase, they somehow manage to be worse than the TF2 playerbase post F2P release.

>ying muhammed al bashiri commander
>not gettimg kills

Because hero shooters are absolute fucking garbage?

I just unlocked competitive, is it better than quickplay/normalls? What do paladins players usually queue when playing?

why are you here on a daily basis if you consider yourself better than everyone who does anything of the shit you just listed?
Hypocritical faggot, but whatever makes your 300 pounds heavy ass sleep at night

Your game is trash and there's much better alternatives, it's not my fault, it's whoever hacked this game's.

>and now after finaly understood why he was retarded reddit trolling, he picked a different, unrelated topic
No (You) for you!

>No (You) for you!

So, who's the obese Redditor in here?

It's enjoyable laughing at Sup Forumsedditors.

>playing post-CB29 Paladins
I fucking hate you you ruined it

>No (You) for you!
This is exactly how a redditor types.

>each post is 1 minute off

Epic, right?

>What is your excuse, Sup Forums?
None of them are handsome husbandos

>Sup Forums hates Overwatch so much they tried going back to TF2 and then tried switching to another game purely out of spite
What else compares?

goddamn you're retarded
learn 2 flanknando

drogoz a best
anyone else might as well bend over for the dragon dick that's about to fuck them

Did you not look at the picture?

Yeah, it's terrible character design.