What went wrong?
Fire Emblem
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Kill yourself faggot
Here's your reaction.
The localization.
North American "translators."
Awful story, even for a series that doesn't have the best stories.
Focusing on the self-insert shitty MC.
Pandering to fat, dirty, ugly and smelly waifufags.
Birthright repeats the same mistakes Awakening did in terms of gameplay
Conquest's gameplay is overrated as fuck
> waifu bullshit
> appealing to muh west by removing optional elements
> retarded FAMILY OR LOYALTY plot despite the character being kidnapped for 10 years and not even related to the others
>dumb story on either ends
>stupid characters that make idiotic decisions
>some characters are just plain shit with their growth rates
>shitty MC that doesn't want to kill anyone
>terrible children mechanic
Other than that some maps were pretty good, and I did like the changes to the weapons system.
>there are people on Sup Forums who think the NoA localization is even close to being the biggest problem the game has
That doesn't magically exempt the translation from any shitty things it did, not one bit.
>What went wrong?
Shit writing for the story, and an insistence on using the marriage/child mechanics from Awakening even though they didn't make sense in context.
i hate digital so i didn't buy it when i was not able to get a special edition with all the shit.
worst story in the franchise
worst protagonist in the franchise
DBZ tier explanation for why you have child untis
>Pandering to fat, dirty, ugly and smelly waifufags.
Your series would be dead without them anyways, so it's dead either way.
> fe9, best game that made it overseas, only sold 150,000 units
> fea/fates sold 300 and 900 thousand copies
> worst games outsold best game because of waifus
> every fire emblem henceforth will retain waifufaggotry and pointless shoehorned kids
Oh god it hurts
Better dead than this
Nothing. Better story, maps, characters, gameplay than 聖戦の系譜.
I actually cannot believe how bad the story is, and the gameplay in Rev + Birthright is meh
Revelations was boring.
That was it. Aside from that it was pretty much perfect, despite what nostalgiafags and story autists
>Good story
will tell you.
>muh waifus saved FE
I keep seeing this, but its bot entirely true. Why are fe9 and fe10 ao rare and expensive? Because Nintendo barely advertised them and barely shipped any copies. Awakening and especially fates were marketed out the ass making more people aware of them and vrining in more casuals.
>fe9, best game
No Japanese voice acting.
Cut content.
God, I should've hacked my N3DS or get better at Japanese.
>I think I've fallen in your """"""""love trap""""""""
Who is you are waifu?
I'd honestly say that's worse because now you can't even discuss FE without those faggots defending the shitty direction it took
Pretty much everything, people vastly overestimate how good the gameplay in conquest is, and everything else is embarassingly poor. One of the clearest examples of 'bigger budget =/= better game'
It's really sad to see the series fall so low, FE used to be one of my favourites and going back to the older games feels like a completely different series.
The fact that the story and characters rotates around the shitty MC is what made me stop playing.
Threadly reminder that FE was always entry-level casualshit fueled by waifus.
Threadly reminder that map design was never good. Inb4 muh big maps in FE4. Big =/= good you morons.
Shit writers. Conquest is one of the best fire emblems gameplay wise but has one of the worst stories I've ever seen.
revelations was fucking shit. Literally kamui emblem until you get takumi. All the units you get were underleveled and it makes it worse if you are doing a no grind run
Haven't played this (these?) game(s). What's wrong with the child system?
They wanted to add a children mechanic like Awakening despite the story not accommodating it so they added what is literally a hyperbolic time chamber to allow them to be adults instantly after being born so you could use them
They skip the loli phase and go straight to old and busted.
Azura exists
In Awakening, the whole plot of the game was that time portals were opening up and bringing stuff from a destroyed future into the present. You had the Rizen running around, you had future-Lucina running around, you even had the big bad guy as future you, possessed by the evil dragon, coming back to allow the evil dragon to conquer in the past.
Fates wanted to do all the same stuff that Awakening did, but didn't have a story to support it. The story for that game was that you were wandering around, collecting some followers and eventually talking everyone onto your side. But they still wanted the kids and a new castle home base. So, the logic for it all way that one of your maids was secretly a dragon the whole time, and turns into a trans-dimensional castle courtyard which you can reform and manipulate however you want, and since time doesn't pass while you are inside, you can just leave some newborns inside and they'll all be instantly full grown in a few minutes.
Serious. That's the logic behind it.
Shut up and marry this maid.
Camilla is best girl.
Her english dub maid her more endearing than it should've been. Which wasn't a bad thing.
>didn't expect that, did ya?
Conquest is fun but not enough to save the game from how bad everything else is. Maps are good, but FE9 and 10 had amazing maps as well.
I like the new team up mechanics and the weapon penalties instead of durability.
Just who the fuck allowed this?
I legit muted the game whenever she started singing after the first time.
I muted the dub a couple of chapters in. It was painful to hear.
Treehouse gutted most of the plot that was given to them. Fates had A LOT of potential, but they decided to drop the ball hard because no one is competent. Like I'm pretty sure they tried to sabotage the waifu VAs so that Azura's would be "the best" because she's their waifu.
Nothing it's a much better game than before, makes several improvements to the formula and made proper adjustments to the game mechanics that were a long time coming.
It's much better than when they were too afraid to change anything.
Hoshido bias.
There was so much potential in Conquest's story. Fuck there was potential for the story to be good.
>FE14 is better than the GBA games
You are either trolling or have incredibly shitty taste
Not all that much. Sup Forums just loves to complain.
The problem with FE9 is that the difficulty is piss easy even on higher difficulties. Would have been solved partially if they bought over Maniac mode from the Jap version but they didn't. Conquest is consistently hard throughout even on the lower difficulties.
I'd place Conquest next to Radiant Dawn, Shadow Dragon, New Mystery, Thracia, and Sword of Seals for being an actually difficult Fire Emblem game with good maps. I like how varied the maps were too in Conquest. Lots of great defense maps and tons of really strong enemy reinforcements that can really fuck you up make Lunatic really interesting to play.
I seriously found weapon durability annoying. I'd understand it being present for certain weapons like the Brave class or forged weapons, but for even the weakest one? It just cluttered the inventory, for real. Rather than sell the 3 use thing for like 5 gold, I'd just add the durability to a similar weapon.
Weapon penalties were a sound choice. And if durability returns for all weapons, at least allow the option to combine again.
And yeah, the new team-up mechanics do away with unnecessary RNG. A very welcome change from Awakening's.
Seriously, don't even get me started on Azura.
Waifus were pretty bland in comparison with Awakening, indeed, and I'm partially blaming Corrin for this. All of his dialogues felt so fucking generic and shallow, to a point that I felt more like pairing the good girls with someone like Silas or Kaze rather than him.
I miss Robin so much.
So do the maids and butlers take care of all of Corrins needs? Including physical?
Lucina not only being unavailable if you don't have her amiibo, but she can't be s-ranked or face rubbed.
It was alright. An improvement on Awakening at least. I enjoyed Awakening so I enjoyed Fates Birthright.
Why is Azura even a romance option given certain spoilers in Revelations?!
Seriously that's fucked up
They say Robin is a super Gary Stu and flow, but I somehow warmed up to the guy.
Specially considering the first part of the game. He's just a stray dude, shows his tactical prowess, and becomes important on merit alone, not being a SUPER SPECIAL SNOWFLAKE aside from his tactical skill. He also doesn't take shit as easily as Corrin. Or... at least female Robin doesn't. Gets Frederick and Chrom good when they start acting like asses.
He's too much of a beta to do that.
no, it wouldn't be. all Awakening had to do was do as well as FE7 or some of the other games in the past and the series would be revived by Nintendo. Honestly, any other game in the series could have done it with the proper advertising that Awakening got. All Awakening truly did was make the series mainstream.
Fire Emblem Fates is significantly better than the GBA games. I enjoy the entire series but there's not joke FE7 - FE10 was a period of stagnation left the series in a wheelspin of no direction that was killing the series slowly.The games basically all played the same with the same metagame. anything that was new was intentionally underpowered(Knives, Laguz, 90% of PoR/RD Skills) or nerfed into the ground(Luna) one game later instead of actually balances.
Fates atleast implements fresh new stuff(e.g. Shurikens, New Skills) in a way that shakes up the core gameplay and is actually relevant addition. While rebalancing things(Javelins, Hand Axes) in a way that they managed to make Bow Users useful.
Even though Felicia and Fiora are basically waving their slatches at you.
I prefer weapon penalties over weapon durability that Fate introduced too. It made stuff like handaxes/javelins more balanced and gives more reason to use dedicated ranged units.
The Javelin honestly needed to lose the ability to double and needed other penalties applied to it. With a Javelin that could double there was no reason to use a lot of ranged classes in previous FE Games since a Cavalier/Peg/Wyvern could do it just as well and get to the battlefield a lot faster. Especially with forged Javelins.
Well said. They not only presented Corrin as the Dragonborne but also gave him a Ultimate Sacred Legendary Sword with "unlimited" evolving potential. Robin felt so much more human, it was way easier to get into character with him.
That's not fucked up at all in FE.
Incest is a tradition in Fire Emblem.
Mommy would of course.
Conquest is great. Birthright is garbage. Story is garbage in both.
Most of the other games had good or okay stories. Just because they never gave extraordinary stories, doesn't mean that it's alright for Fates to give one that horrendous.
All of the routes had their fair share of bullshit. Rev and Birthright were boring. The former had horrible unit balance and the latter could be soloed by Ryoma with zero hassle. Conquest had a few good maps like chapter 10, but it had a habit of throwing bullshit at you and gimmicks that just weren't fun. The kitsune chapter and Fuga's wild ride especially come to mind.
Camilla is a broken shell of a woman who dotes on others to fill a massive hole in her soul.
>Just who the fuck allowed this?
There are probably a number of reasons as to why this happened.
From what I heard, Nintendo hired an author to write the plot for Fates. They didn't give him any instructions past "go wild" and never bothered to check up on him. What he sent back was effectively a novel, not an outline or anything that could reasonably be used for a game. Nintendo then needed to hack apart the story to turn it into a game - you can probably see this, what with the really interesting premise and setup with some situations, but the complete letdown in execution.
And then you throw in Treehouse, who apparently thought some aspects were problematic or at least thought they could get a bunch of overtime working with Fates. You then see stuff like every one of Kana's supports being exceptionally dull ("because s/he looks too young for that") and completely changing support conversations to be more "funny" or "what people like", or the one character whose support dialogue was butchered because they thought she was a lesbian.
Here's the superior mommy
Especially with each game being a toss up whether or not Mages and Archers are garbage or not
So when are they going to introduce muskets into the series?
I bet it'll be an enemy infantry thing and rather shit
oh and used by an evil white piggu enemy faction
I'd call those two just about the only annoying ones. The Valla chapter was a free ride, so I don't know how to feel about getting Gunter, Azura and Corrin free EXP even on Lunatic.
As for story, it could've had Mystery of The Emblem's Book 2 drama, but decided to use the Medeus scapegoat for the entire storyline in Conquest, instead of doing the "someone has betrayed us / is pulling the strings" stuff that happened in Book 2's first chapters.
she's bland as fuck.
But she's DED
You know the story may have been kinda mediocre, but the final level in Revelations was pretty hype.
Awakening was a game that was make or break and wanted to either revive the franchise or be a send off, so it reflected on the rest of the entire franchise to turn into what it did, and you can actually feel this in some ways.
Fates feels like a game that's trying to be a sequel to Awakening but doesn't even realize the rest of the series exists.
>Want to marry Scarlet.
>She dies literally a chapter later.
If what I read on the translations is accurate, Treehouse's translation was probably a blessing.
Apparently there was a lot of cringe if not problematic content in the original language, and certain changes Treehouse made actually improved the plot in minor ways. (It's still shit, just less shit than it could have been)
But fuck Mozu's supports conversations
I wasn't expecting a real answer, but holy shit user, thanks for your insight.
And yes, as you mentioned, there are many things that simply don't fit well together within the game. The Dragon Courtyard is one of them.
It still bothers me how easy the choice between Hoshido and Nohr is if you only take the plot into consideration. King Garon is a terrible, terrible villain, as he falls into the "Evil King" cliche just for the sake of it. I wish they had developed the prologue better in a way to make the choice feel really hard even for the player.
>Camilla probably invites her handlers up to her chambers for fun.
Takumi was a little bitch.
Can confirm. I had no cares about being spoiled when the game released in Japan, and I remember the story coming out to be absolute ass with some of the laziest and most ham fisted "twists." I was one of the few hoping for some rewrites in the localization to at least mitigate how retarded everything was, but you can only do so much to fix a totally busted story frame. At the very least, they made Corrin a bit less of a wimpering faggot than he was in Japanese. The only shit they did I completely disagree with is what they did to Effie.
>The only shit they did I completely disagree with is what they did to Effie.
What you don't like Squats and Oats?
Let's not even go into how broken stacking crit on Javelins that could double was with options of having Armor Killers and Horse Killers was. It meant your cavs could run up 1 guy weakens with double from jav on a knight/horse and another could ride in and finish with a effective weapon. That's if the Jav didn't land a freak crit and kill the target.
Taking away crit+doubling on javelins and weakening a lot of weapons in general I think was a great idea. Pass, seals, wary fighter, savage blow - the enemy skills really helped Conquest. They need to return in future games. Add more too.
I'd like to see actual bosses with hundreds of HP in the future whilst dealing with waves of enemies like Shining Force. Leave a couple guys to fight the boss whilst everyone else prevents the army from attacking you in the rear.
Why did best girl have to up and die in two of the routes?
Conquest could have been good if it did more shit like the pacification of the Ice Tribe, and play up tropes like Corrin becoming a Noble Demon/Lawful Evil or Neutral type character.
I did like that in Conquest the Hoshido siblings acted like cunts to you, Ryoma and Takumi in particular. I wish there were more instances of Hoshido actively provoking Nohr or just anything really to make the escalating conflict between Hoshido/Nohr better.
Oh and fuck "neutral" territories like the Wind Tribe and Izumo, they were just filler bullshit
Why is male Kana such an annoying shit? And why can't I just choose what gender my child will be?
I agree for the msot part except
>RD skills
Speaking of neutral tribes
We never saw hide nor hair of the fire tribe aside from Rinka
You're guaranteed a visit to at least one of the tribes in each route, but nothing of the fire tribe
What happened to Effie?
They're nonexistant, just like her STR.
Don't believe her abs.
She's basically a dudebro that's obsessed with working out. And almost all of her lines are either about working out, eating or about Elise. Her english voice is meh, but it definitely contrasts with the gentle giant vibe you get from the JP version. And I imagine her lines are different there too.