How come there are no JRPGs about the zombie apocalypse?
How come there are no JRPGs about the zombie apocalypse?
Because they'd end up turning it into Dragonball Z where zombies combine to become mega-zomb that shoots lasors and also you shoot lazors and fucking Biba ruins everything, just like Baba.
Fire Emblem Awakening is kind of one
This basically, unless balancing the game to fight hundreds of enemies in turn-based (just making generalisation, maybe there isn't turn-based jrpg) they would have to put in stupid fucking super zombies with mega health and dumb special attacks, instead of just zombies being zombies with the main strength of immense numbers
Oh, and FFX
the concept of zombies offend the Japanese intellectual.
It's a cheap way to bring in the subhuman wide audience
Raidou 1 has Raidou fighting some zombies
>stupid fucking super zombies with mega health and dumb special attacks
So L4D2?
Well, for all intents Musou games are people vs. zombie hordes.
I was thinking games more like State of Decay, which has really dumb super-zombies but yeah, L4D2 can apply too.
You can even summon them and some skeletons and save the world with your undead army.
Oh yes, we certainly need more zombie shit
japanese cant into zombies they end up making shit like high school of the dead
Sorry, Japanese are very dishonoured to disgust you, they will continue making samey generic waifu masturbation VN shit for you now.
They made the first Dead Rising, zombies in that are pretty good, despite some quirks.
Fucking ferals man.
Not quite.
Yeah, for a game where survivors generally can't take much punishment among other things which make the hordes a challenge enough to have to take on which I really like about the game, it's terrible to have super zombies in there anyway because fuck. I don't even think they're given justification, they're just there.
Resident Evil?
It's american.
Wasn't initially though, although back then it wasn't really about zombies and more about viral stuff and mutations in general.
Better that than another generic-zombie- survival-shooter #94352
Don't you have a DayZ match waiting for you?
Also Japanese games defined the vidya Zombie genre so lol.
It still had american characters. Japanese can only make good games if they are set in the US and start to think like americans when they make something set in Japan it always ends up just like Japan itself - weird, uninteresting, a pile of shit.
Is this what you tell yourself to convince your frail mind into believing you don't have terrible taste and need mental gymnastics to justify it?
>Better that than another generic-zombie- survival-shooter #94352
Where did that come from, you idiot. OP was talking about fucking zombie jrpg, unless you're shit for brains and think jrpg means generic zombie shooter. Piss off and inb4 merely pretending.
>talking about terrible taste
lmao go back to playing your turn based linear jrpgs about 14 years old swordsman who has to defeat God who turns out to be his father or something
Why can't Japan make a proper western rpg with serious enemies and characters and also animu waifus?
You mean like Dark Souls?
It's called Dragon's Dogma dad.
>muh waifus xD
kill yourself
and as for serious rpgs they made Dark Souls and Dragon's Dogma so kill your mother too
I'm not sure what you want now, Japan can't make good games unless it's based in American, and then it isn't a Japanese game despite being made in Japan.
There is kind of one on the PCengine/turbografx called war of the dead, its old as shit and kind of bad, but somewhat interesting since it predates the zombie craze in vidya and is pretty obscure.
The only other rpg I can think of that involves undead as a central theme at that time was sweet home, and that inspired resident evil of course, but wasn't nearly as fucked up as war of the ded
>western RPG
I enjoy breakdown but I'm getting around level 8 and it's getting to be annoying seeing bloaters and ferals everywhere.
Yeah, get ready for basically nothing but special zombies later on, Breakdown stops being fun very quickly.
If you're on PC, I think there's a mod that gets rid of specials, probably makes the game much more enjoyable.
It might as well be a genre, since japanese make very similar rpg game, they use thing like turn-based a lot more than western rpg.
Isn't that a vampire?
zombie genre doesn't have even one good game or a movie and most people dickriding it just go ''HURR LE BRAINS AMIRITE XD'' despite the fact that zombies only ate brains in Return of the living dead which was a comedy.
Zombie ''fans'' literally have no experience with the genre they supposedly like.
Zombie games were invented because lazy devs didn't even want to try to program AI anymore.
>this amount of bitterness
did a zombie kill your mother or something?
And Japan already has Musou shit for that.
Because zombies are fucking garbabe, worst genre of anything ever jesus fuck how much I hate zombie movies/games whatever literally the most boring crap, give me something original for once.
I'm glad the zombie meme is dying, 2014 was cancer.
Not even him, but the media is saturated with zombieshit, if you don't like it sucks to be you because it's fucking EVERYWHERE
But a zombie JRPG would be totally unprecedented.
its wouldn't be, resident evils fucking inspiration was a zombie rpg
Which one?
>Because zombies are fucking garbabe
What's a garbabe?
I don't know why but you made me laugh with this
sweet home, its better than the shitty movie its based on, and its format is basically just a resident evil mansion + JRPG battles
wait a minute, those bones
because it would likely end up being either completely retarded or a necrophiliac's wet dream
Why can't Japan make a proper skeleton game?