Why are elves always the worst race for min/max when it comes to RPGs?

Why are elves always the worst race for min/max when it comes to RPGs?

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Name 5 RPGs that do this you fucking liar.

No, they're almost always best at Dex based classes

Baldurs Gate 2
Icewind Dale
Pillars of Eternity
Dungeons and Dragons
Any roguelike with Elves/Dwarves with dwarves getting con/str and elves dex/agi.

>Pillars of Eternity
>wood elves are virtually the most optimal minmax option for any caster build because of accuracy bonus

>cast a spell
>eder shits the bed like always

>ever letting enemies get past Eder or offtank

>Not playing a dwarf with 45 might

If you wanted to minmax a spellsword in Arcanum then Elves were your best bet because they had higher magical aptitude and all melee skills required DEX.

are you playing on story mode? why would you min max for that?

They are worst period.

Now name 8 RPGS, 3 action RPGS, 6 JRPGS and 4 table tops.

In vanilla WoW Night Elves were the top mitigation tank race.

Elves are for racemixing not min/maxing

You answered your own question, constitution penalty.

This user knows what's up.

Sup Forums used to be one of the most pro-elf boards on the internet
What happened?

TES memes

You wouldn't racemix a choco elf

i dunno about you but i'm talking about potd
if someone ever slips past your tanks it's always your goddamn fault, especially if there's a mage behind them spamming CC shit
the only exceptions i can think about is some DLC enemies but you always have summon charms for any kind of emergency situations and even some escape options as a caster

Are you kidding me? Half-elves are the worst of both worlds. This isn't like half-orcs, half-goblins, half-ogres, half-nagas, where there's a definitive good niche they can fill... half-elves are USELESS.

>Elves bad for min/max in Dungeons and fucking Dragons

That's armor.

Elves have been dicks since silmarillion, if not ever.

No, that's a school uniform

I'd especially a choco elf

Every TES.

Shadowrun would like a word. Elves are the best shamans possible.

oh i was just trying to troll dude i totally agree. im running a wood elf ranger rn and shes absolutely wrecking.

High Elves have always been the best min/max for most schools of magic, Bretons need not apply.


Name thirteen and one eighth games where glorious half-elves aren't the best.

Why are half-elven so common in RPGs?

Bretons > Every other race in TES for any purpose.

Breton hate is a Aldmeri trick to help them unmake man. Don't let the thalmor win motherfucker.

wouldnt you rape an elf?

>memes over objective facts

Every time with you TES shitters.

Because everyone wants to breed with an elf

FACT: male elf female human relationships have 50% lower divorce rates than female elf male human relationships

No, I wouldn't meme an elf.

because if they were, nobody would play any other race


They are statistically the worst race. Even Half-Elves are better because having no real strengths is still much better than that -2 penalty to Constitution.

Some classes don't need Strength, so Gnomes and Halflings aren't penalized. Some don't need Charisma, so Half Orcs and Dwarves aren't penalized. But every single class needs Constitution.

>-100/50% resistance to all magic schools vs +50% resistance to all magic schools

I hate playing as Dwarf, Gnome or Halfling in every RPG game. They are comic relief races. Those races are not really specific for a grand adnveture either.

No you wouldn't

You don't NEED constitution. In fact I often make con my dump stat because who the fuck needs it? Just don't get hit.
I'm not trolling, you seriously don't need con. Just get fucking good and OP.

>hide in the backlines
>archer shoots and instantly kills you
>"shoulda got gud :DDDDD"


>Getting hit by an archer
>Not having protection against missiles on

who /BG1/ here?

I'm playing it for the first time. Why is Ranged Attack so overpowered and it's the shits in BG2?

>having a higher Dexterity as a caster than an archer to go first in initiative

Sounds like someone is shit at building characters.

It's stupid OP in BG2. Who lied and told you otherwise?

archer kit absolutely wreck the first game

>Why is Ranged Attack so overpowered and it's the shits in BG2?
In bg1 enemies are slow and don't have a lot of hp/ac, in 2 they are faster, have more hp, special arrows were nerfed, missile resistance is pretty common and bows don't get bonus damage from stats

>He doesn't into arcane trickster

Remember when I single handedly slew 10 hill giants?

The only thing I remember about you is how good you were at getting mazed repeatedly.

>taking three classes with min Fortitude growth
>two of them on a d4 HP
>nerfing Constitution
>not expecting to be one-shot

Casual as fuck.

B-but muh father...

Because everyone steals from Tolkien but since they want to try and cover it make Elves flawed in some aspect

That's what i'm telling you man. You don't need HP. It's a trick DM's are pulling on you. In fact, the less HP the party has, the better.
What's the DM gonna do, party wipe you on the first encounter? Please, he wants to jerk off and tell his stupid weeb story.

Best cleric

>tfw playing BG1 for the first time
>tfw Fighter / Mage MC
>tfw you spend most of the time in plate armor and using Crossbow because you can't cast for shit.

The only useful spells I've used is Horror and Sleep. Should I just say fuck it or play this game through and import to BG2?

>Not Viconia

>What's the DM gonna do, party wipe you on the first encounter?

Yes. And next time you'll learn to make a character with more than 20HP by level 10. If you're playing with a DM that pulls punches and nerfs monsters mid-fight so you always win despite how shitty you made your character, you're playing with a bad DM.

Bear with it for a while, you'll get a massive power spike upon reaching spellcasting level 3.

shadowrun, off the top of my head

why is OP always a faggot when it comes to everything

>not playing with a disadvantage
>not waifuing your elven toon

Import, mage/fighter become really good in 2 with all the protection spells
If you're playing the EE you can get a special armor that lets you cast spells by doing Dorn's quest

Why are Elves the only race that ever gets criticized?

There are a ton of useful spells in BG1. With either the spell or either of the two Rings of Free Action, Web becomes crazy OP. And Blind is a quick and easy way to instantly win a fight against any Mage or Archer in the game.

plebs can't stand perfection


>Play as female character
>Have Anomen in your group
>Get annoyed by his constant bitching and trying to hit me
>Turn him Chaotic Neutral so he would shut the fuck up

>mfw Anomen with Two Weapons +++ and Flail++
>mfw Flail of Ages +5 and Ice Star +4
>mfw Cleric spells up to boot
>mfw Viconiafags will never know how it feels to have the best character in BG2.

Anomen is a beast.

Cause they're humans with pointy ears and "muh" elven pride. I don't really care either way though.

>Implying DF
>Implying Warhammer
>Implying TES (dark elves don't count)

Fuck you, you god damn lying ass wannabe faggot. Elves have been fucking shit on since the inception of this fucking Mongolian bathtub forum. You should never come back you pussy ass nu-elf tree hugging fucking hippy. I'm going to burn a fucking tree down tonight in your name, hope you're happy haha.

Also go to the Friendly Arms inn map and look to the south of the map near the trees, there's a ring that doubles your level 1 spell slots

>personal insecurities, can't stand a fictional race that's supposed to be better than them
>they remind them of the good looking, successful guys back in school and especially the girls that never wanted to touch them
>self-insert as hairy, loud and obnoxious midgets because they live in their moms basement

Only fighter/ranger/paladin benefits from having a constitution over 16 (and gnomes because of their racial bonus).
Even then, dexterity is more important than constitution, especially for casters (elves make for the best non multi-classed wizards in BG).

>responds to 3.X mechanical post with second edition rules

Good job.

In the Baldurs Gate games they make excellent fighter/mages, and in table top they make good wizards.

In pathfinder they're pretty much the best standard race for wizards.

You cut that shit out right fucking now, you normie bastard. That's not how that shit works.

And dwarves are short, hairy humans. Besides, I thought most Sup Forumsers were afraid of races being super different.

>pure cleric
lol no
>tfw slings +++++, righteous power and duhm

>based on the Advanced Dungeons & Dragons 2nd edition rule set

>Baldus Gate 2

If your favourite character in BG2 isn't Haer Dalis, you are a massive pleb.

Haer Dalis is the best Tank you can ever have. Motherfucker can take out Irenicus and Melissan without taking any scratch.

>Taking out mobsters with Improved Bard Song

>Boss Fight
>Carsomyr +5 or +6
>Protection Spells
>Offensive Spin
>Hue hue hue

They make pretty good bards senpai. I think there might've been another class or two they're decent in.

Unlike humans they can also see in the dark, so have fun carrying a torch.

He's also voiced by Michael Bell who is the voice of Raziel.

Because they are all high and mighty twink fuck boys who pretend to be the British queen while they play with their own butthole. Literally the Liberace of D&D.

Use a longbow you stupid fuck

A lot of times elves are described as "superior humans" or something along those lines. I think it has more to do with lazy writing than anything else. Also most people on Sup Forums don't really want to talk about elves, just masturbate to them.

Khalid and Minsc are doing that for me. Imoen uses Shortbow.

Are you implying that there are no good Crossbows in BG1 to obtain?

>Motherfucker can take out Irenicus without taking any scratch.

>get to the tree
>see Irenicus shielded
>place traps all around
>fight the last parasite
>he dies as soon as the fight start
It's cheap as fuck but i love it
>I think there might've been another class or two they're decent in.
multiclass druid, mostly because in bg elves can't be druid for some reason

Didn't say that BG2 wasn't 2nd edition, I said you were clearly replying to a post talking about 3rd edition mechanics with 2nd edition rules. Try to keep up.

He's a tiefling not an elf.

>A lot of times elves are described as "superior humans" or something along those lines
I can only think of the Noldor and Warhammer elves, aside from that they have been nerfed done for game balance.

>Are you implying that there are no good Crossbows in BG1 to obtain?
only one

>Irenicus first fight
>Play BG2 for the first time

>Die due to meteor shower
>Realize that you should have fire resistance up to 99%

>Be a massive pleb instead
>Cast Haste and run to the end of the stage and wait Irenicus' protections spells to run off
>Take out Irenicus with Minsc +Whirlwind attack
>Rinse and Repeat

*down, goddamn brain.

Well I'm fucked then. I just wanted some variety in my party. My Fighter / Mage MC is proficient at QuarterStaff++ and Crossbow++.


Shortbows are indisputably better in BG1. Shortbow of Gesen and Tansheron's Bow +3 are infinite ammo shortbows and the Tuigan Shortbow outdamages even the Taralash +5.