Demolish someone in multiplayer

>demolish someone in multiplayer
>I-I had lags!

post the best

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Cancerous, retarded frogposter


Said weeb

>destroy someone
>they start to throw a tantrum on all chat about how bad you are for the rest of the game
i know its just kids but thoes mental gymnastics seriously hurt my brain

On a weeaboo imageboard

LOL ebin comeback bro *sigh*

id rather have weebs than facebook tier shitposting.

there are multiple weeb boards there is no excuse to post cancerous shit for little kids on a video game one

Pure irony

>Annihilate some guy
>Weeks later everyone in his clan claims I'm a cheater and start spreading that bullshit in every server they go
>Me and my buds become infamous because of it

Sup Forums was created as a board to discuss "weeb" videogames, tho. Lurk more.


>play so good that I get accused of cheating
>morale boost
>play even better

this happened to me today

>beat some Ganondorf main four times in a row
>he keeps trying and failing to Ganoncide me
>fifth game I switch to Ganon myself, destroy his first stock and Ganoncide him at only 15% on my first stock
>he tells me to "Get Good"

pure pottery


Kek, that's actually pretty good.

>tfw formatted PS3 and lost my treasure trove of fanmail

And Australia in was used to dump bad prisoners. It's almost like things change over time!

>comparing several thousand years change of a civilization to a few years on a ching chong wariness site
>also fucking up your grammar along the way

>being pedantic about a grammar
>essentially admitting defeat
Good one chum

>tfw had to think for a couple of seconds which was which

>get thoroughly rekt
>nothing but ad hominem responses

>macro vs micro
>things on a smaller scale aren't allowed to change at an accelerated rate because I SAID SO
Quit being a retard spouting literal nothingness.

>get pissed off because retarded team thats losing
>team including you all of a sudden gets really good and manages to beat the enemy team

>things on a smaller scale always change at an accelerated rate because I SAID SO
Face it nerd, this place is still weeb central



>some weeb was autistic enough to make this

>some normie was autistic enough to keep getting butthurt over weebs

But you are literally the one saying that this isn't a weeb board because you say so

Am I a weeb if the only game i've played and enjoyed and a guilty pleasure is neptunia? I like to believe I'm not, but by official definition I am

>Out-play someone
>"I-I would've won if you hadn't *insert strategy*"
>Rematch them
>Still win without it.

Yes. Now pick your waifu.

Retarded Noir poster

>not liking best girl

Kek, what a nice fella

>fuck you you lagswitching motherfucker

That's the day I learned what lagswitching is

>Lol took 3 of u to kill me :)

I consider this to be the ultimate form of ass-pain since it's pretty much a "1v1 me kid, let me get on my main" Runescape-tier excuse but the guy isn't memeing

It's even better when it's a team based game that emphasises cooperation.

Noire of course

Leave my shares receiver alone

this pic is absolutely beautiful

too bad buddy, i applaud you exquisite taste though

Noire is absolutely stunning!

>FaN/Bonk Scout keeps trying to push past and enter no-man's land around the mid point
>Presumably wants to assassinate the dudes running from spawn to last or maybe spawncamp
>Instead just draws everyone's attention with mid-range FaN shots and missed stun-balls
>Sprayed down by the team's burst of Smg, minigun fire and my own glancing rocket
>No one even pauses as we march on
>'Hurr took 3 of u to even kill me [lennyface]' every time.

Because TF2 isn't a team-based game and the f2p hatless heavy is going to hold his fire amirite

Please explain, I'm stupid.

>Play SFV semi-regularly with a friend
>When I'm beating his ass, he claims it's lagging.
>Start going easy on him
>"Oh the lag seems to have fixed itself"
>Wait until he almost Perfects me
>Stop sandbagging and unleash my full powerlevel at him, taking him out with ease.
>"Oh that was the laggiest match I've ever played what the hell man"

Fucks sake. He does this in any other game that he's losing in, with anyone else in our group. It's NEVER his fault for being a shitty player. I call him out on it and he takes the huff with me.

Is his name 'Phil' by any chance?

there's nothing to explained. the guy who recieved the message got roasted.

I live with my Dad and stepmother and my stepmother has a 16 year old who spends all day playing shit like CSgo and Dota and other shit.
I hate him mostly because he is loud as fuck and blames everyone except for himself for him being shit at videogames(he has literally 1K MMR in Dota and thinks he is actually good)
and here is some of the type of shit I have to hear him screaming and yelling when I am on the other side of the house I would even say that he is legit worse than DSP tier
>Fucking team what the fuck are you doing
>Woooooooooow that the fuck
>him screaming at his teammates and blaming them for him dieing
and a whole plethora of different shit like that, and you can always hear him from the other side of the house as if he is right next to you.

And not only that but he is a colossally inconsiderate cunt, I once baked a cake for my real mothers birthday and was going to take it to her place the next day, and he ate the fucking cake in the middle of the night and his response when I got pissed was that he casually and insincerely said "oh, sorry" without even turning around when he had a fucking slice of it right in front of him

dark souls servers are shit and there is a delay, what the enemy does already happened a little before, and what you do gets delayed, so if you are slow enough, the enemy will hit you even if you see your charactes is not there anymore

Nah, Chris.
But he looks like a Phil.

Fucking hell how have you not broken him in half after the cake thing?

Wow, thank you, guys! Didn't even notice that was DaS.

Dude, i abhor violence but i want to beat the fuck out of that little cunt just from reading this.

Find an excuse to kick the shit out of him somehow, you're saving the world from a future DSP.

But Australia is sill a shithole full of criminals. Bad example

I prefer other methods of vengeance than raw violence.
For example I made a 2nd cake and left it where he would find it, only this cake had a little bit of poison in it that left him throwing up and unable to do much for a few days.

>Halo 3
>Due to circumstances end up in a 1V5 scenario with 0-4 score
>Refuse to quit because fuck those cowards on my team, I will die a MAN
>End up turning into a god for the match and start utterly destroying them with about a 4/1 Ratio despite them being mic'd up and coordinted.
>Get a triple kill stick on the the bridge while passing them on the mancannon
>eventually one ragequits and sends me hatemail
>Then the same happens with another player.
>Finally end the match with a crotch shot
>Get 2 more pieces of hatemail

My finest match. Still have the replay but lost the hatemail on my second bout with RRoD.

>owning some scrub
>nice aimbot

>destroy someone
>passive agressive comments, :^) and HAHA everytime he kills me for the whole game


wasn't directed at me but it was too good not to cap

I always wonder what goes through peoples' heads when they go out of their way to declare themselves the moral victor after they lost.
Like, what do you think it will accomplish, you know you lost and so does your opponent, by acting salty you're only going to make your opponent's victory sweeter.

>fighting game
>Lose because enemy is using Niggernet
>Fix your lag please

People who have shit internet and expect others to deal with it need to off themselves

>tfw I've been accused of hacking in Chivalry multiple times
>an admin was present one time
>he states I'm not hacking
>they still try to vote kick me
>60% votes yes
>50% is probably the enemy team voting yes because of butthurtness
>the other 10% probably always votes yes or they are jelly of my sick skills
>bro-tier admin deletes vote kick
>kill and teabag the guy who started the vote
>he leaves the game

Your just as much of a faggot for letting him get away with it.

>People who have shit internet and expect others to deal with it need to off themselves


>games where shitty connections are favoured
this is the real issue

Example? I've never heard of this.


>write "try something newer"
>get critical lag
>carma is a real bitch

but I didn't let him get away with it, I just didn't use violence because I am a scrawny ass weakling who can barely lift my PC for more than a few minutes at a time and he is wide and plays football on weekends.
he could kick my ass easilly

should have slapped the shit out of him right there after the cake indecent maybe it would even put him in place a little

>kill someone who's trashtalking
>they stay silent
>they kill you

its not 2010 anymore
this place is more diverse

Only game I've experienced where lag is favored are FPS (which they need to make it so you lock in place if you do) and Assassins creed online use to favor "lag switching"

>playen trieb ascend
>im p well known and usually top frag in servers
>people all pissy at me bcus only hitscan sniping flag carriers and such
>start a meme and act like im hackin with the phrase !enable trace
>they sperg out and ask me about what i just typed
>i just ignore them and let them accuse me/madness ensue :)

>call someone out for being an obnoxious faggot
>lol u mad bud
>they still shut the fuck up
>they're on the opposite team next game
>dominate then
>they leave

Is Demo ok? It's been over half a year since he uploaded a video.
Not my video but I've ran into this guy at least a dozen times on PS4

>beat someone

>play Junkrat
>be extremely awful because O haven't played in a few weeks
>guy continually insults me as we start losing
>payload gets almost to the final point
>get sick of guy calling me a faggot
>something clicks
>almost single-handedly keep their entire team back
>game ends
>prove im a faggot and yell on the mic "OH IM SORRY DID YOU SAY SOMETHING I COULDNT HEAR YOU OVER MY 4 GOLDS"
>mfw Junkrat is the best class to have ever existed
In retrospect, he might have just been insulting me so I'd do better. Regardless, now I shit talk teammates every game just in case.

>demolish someone in multiplayer
>get reported by my teammates for using suboptimal strats
>get banned

>play a game you dont like and are shit at but friends play it
>top of the ladder

Why over 90% of the people in most of mmos are shit?
Like, I don't even play well but all it takes to not play like them is common sense

And as Sup Forums will tell you, diversity is a bad thing

Favorite occurrence in rocket league.
>enemy team takes 2-0 lead
>proceeds to talk shit
>we tie it up
>radio silence
>someone scores and they go nuts

>"FINALLY somebody killed me!"

>Beat someone in Multiplayer
>He calls you a "tryhard faggot"