

>It’s cool to see that Ubisoft is finally tackling issues of race, gentrification and diversity, acknowledging the fact that the protagonist is a person of color in a heavily gentrified environment that could do way more to make minorities feel welcome.

>If you’re looking for a decent GTA clone written for millennials who grew up on the internet, then this is your jam.

Here it comes, the mighty duster!

>us internet-grown millenials right? XD


>GTA clone written for millennials who grew up on the internet, then this is your jam.

>Reddit: the game

I like this picture, its funny

>the three wise men are all men
Fucking pigs.

>this nu-male has reproduced and I haven't

>shoehorn niggers into everything
>"wow dude, if you don't like it you're totally racist! XDD"

At this point I believe they only put in minorities and other stupid shit because they can dismiss criticism that way by calling everyone names.


>fellow kids - the article

>pussy nu-males knowing anything about running a farm
>not changing the manger into a booth at starbucks or something similarly limp-wristed

Half assed. Should've went the whole way.

>If you’re looking for a decent GTA clone written for millennials who grew up on the internet, then this is your jam.

it's flawless now

really makes you think.

maybe the unmanly one is you

this is the only way nu male can reproduce

>"the protagonist is a person of color in a heavily gentrified environment that could do way more to make minorities feel welcome."
>protagonist literally causes absolute chaos and grinds the formerly peaceful society to a halt
>this makes minorities feel welcome

>millenials are hitting their 30's and still think they're new and hip

Treating it like a GTA clone it's not that bad. The side objectives get repetitive like any Ubisoft game, at least this time there is some basic puzzles to solve to get collectables and stealth is viable. The gameplay is at least on par with Saints Row with an added bonus of all the hacking shit, and cooperative is easy drop in drop out which is a breath of fresh air from GTAVs shit system, but it doesn't have the same scale that GTA offers. Graphics are passable, sound design is on and off but as a whole mediocre. The writing is on and off, at times it seems like a parody or something ironic and other times like it's trying to be serious but it always fails to be, and I'm spit between wanting to uninstall after hearing some lines because they're in such bad taste or so blatantly self inserting political views, and just bewildered at how others parts of the writing made it into a AAA game. All of the meme spouting seems to be extremely reddit centric, which I guess is what they used as their target audience considering they literally link to the watch dogs reddit page in the main menu.

I'd give it a 7/10 if you can tolerate the writing and a 5/10 if you can't.


>Father of 2 / Husband to 1

At least this means that we've fully changed the meaning of the word Millennial.

Which is good, because the old definition was clunky and stupid.

Snoop dog?


>WD2 massively undersold it's predecessor
>because of this, Ubisoft and the rest of the industry will stick to white protagonists from now on

Am I missing something? He's just saying he's married with 2 kids.

You can't be that dumb. That's not how the industry will see it. The problem is that people just weren't quite ready so you have to force it further. They'll listen to their social media researchers before actually thinking about it.



this actually
we require more diversity

This shit right here is why I'm not buying the game, although I really want to. I enjoyed WD1 despite all of its flaws, but the story, the characters and the whole social commentary thing is so off putting that I'm not going to spend any money on this.


Their culture is dying

those 3 wise men look like a jrpg miniboss squad

>Let's push our ''ideology'' in our video games

What does putting more blacks in games actually accomplish. Like I'm totally gonna love black people now that I've played this black character. This changes my entire world view #ThanksUbi

What's with this tomato face

>sweating profusely
>skin going red due to a high blood pressure

wew, such supremacy.

He's just an honest water filter salesman user.

Thats what filtered water and decades of supplements do to you

>google about George Soros and Femen shutting down a while back
>suddenly have "20 of the world's greatest philantropists" ad pop up, with a pic of Soros
Pretty spooped right now

cuck, its not even a 3/10. The last good GTA clone was SR2

>Treating it like a GTA clone it's not that bad.
from what i've seen it does look like one.

err wow, would you mind not fat shaming please? Ugh.

is the baby black?

Ana is that you?

good circulation due to filtered water and super male vitality


My god it is.

Thread hidden

>assuming their genders

>based humble water filter merchant

what do you even know about infowars, pleb? how fucking ignorant are you? fuck you

>Reddit: the video game

The fucker LITERALLY wrote this in the article.

It's all you have to read about it.

ok bub

>SJW Games are selling like shit
>Ghostbusters 2016 flopped and died

We're in the good timeline.

>grinds the formerly peaceful society to a halt
>this makes minorities feel welcome

If you replace 'peaceful society' with western civilization and 'minorities' with cultural marxists/post modernists this starts to make sense.

Propaganda games have begun showing their ugly faces.

>I can't argue properly so I'll post my little strawman comic

Get around the big boy table sonny.

You'd think they would have expected this after how hard the original burned buyers with its incomplete bullshit.

I bet you said this in response to the picture before it was edited, right? You'd call it a strawman when it made fun of SJWs too, didn't you?

Never seen it before but yes, it would be a strawman no matter which side of the argument it was on.

Doesn't make it any less shitty of a response to the thread, waste of fucking bandwidth when the site is already in trouble.

>Giving these people any attention

Ever since the 9th of November I have a smug grin on my face.

It won't go away. My face muscles hurt. But I can't stop smiling.

I've had my smug grin for months now.

You get used to the aches

Almost makes me wish for a nuclear winter

But I can't tell what's sweeter.

The underdog winning against all odds or the millenials sitting on their high horses getting pulled back to earth.

Both, Anglo bro.

I am happy for you. You are happy for me.

We're both winning.

I don't 'identify' w/ these kids.
Call me a luddite call me Ted Kaczynski but if u spend more money on ur Morning Coffee than your heating oil u're probably an 'unpleasant person' to be around.

>Not going for the rustic aesthetic while keeping your 100% not-self-sufficient solar paneling on your reclaimed farm.

I'm not even Anglo, I'm german.

>call me Ted Kaczynski
WD2 truly must be the Unabomber's nightmare, in all aspects

>acknowledging the fact that the protagonist is a person of color

why does this statement sound racist as fuck?
the dude is a person
yet now hes a "real character" just because hes black

Just typical identity politics bullshit. Liberals seriously don't recognise the cognitive dissonance in it.

Upper Mid Lefties are actually abt. as racist as the pepe goonsquad.
They think black ppl can't find the DMV and that if every piece of media was the Burger King Kids Klub we'd overcome all race issues 'as a society' and enter post-scarcity somehow.
u should probably ignore these kinds of clickbait thinkpieces bb

I turned 31 this year.
I know I've never been new.
I know I've never been hip.

ur u and thats okay

No, he's in an open relationship.
He a father to his wife's sons, but he's only got the one wife, whereas his wife is Mother to 2 / Wife to 3

>tfw bara furry

>heating oil
Don't act superior because you live somewhere undeveloped

Yea, this bugs the fuck out of me.
Fucking Kenya has voter ID laws and liberals are going to sit here and act like voter ID laws are racist?
As if getting an ID is hard or as if the $5-$25 you may have to drop for a state ID is expensive.
Shit's fucking annoying.

*tips moka pot*

Because they're going out of their way to point it out.

When no one gives a shit, it's not racist. If we're pointing at it screaming "SEE HOW NOT RACIST WE ARE!" it makes you wonder what they're trying to cover up and save face about.

Millennials and Nu Males are taught from kindergarten and up that the white man is responsible for everything bad in the world and they should feel bad and apologize for it. Go figure that when they grow up they feel like they have to do all sorts of stupid shit for something they're not responsible for.

Thanks for the 24/7 twitter feed right into my Sup Forums!

So you seem to know what a moka pot is but don't leave the house enough to know that they largely aren't used in coffee shops

>white protag
>sells well
>Prototype 2
>black protag
>sells poorly
>no more prototype

>white protag
>sells alright, I guess
>Watchdog 2
>black protag
>sells poorly
>no more watchdogs
It's like poetry.

The only game that managed was GTA:SA. Sold fantastically and was a great game. Arguably the best GTA.

calm down

That's because GTA lends itself to a Black Protagonist because you're basically doing hoodrat shit the entire game, so people expect it.

>It’s cool to see that Ubisoft is finally tackling issues of race, gentrification and diversity

I agree, it's cool that Ubisoft is making it easy for me to save money by not buying their products.

Aniki voted for Trump sama.

>people still buy games from Ubisoft

You don't get to complain about that if your only criticism is "shoehorned niggers" you dense twat

underrated post

>Buying a Watchdogs game after the first one.
>Buying anything labeled for Millennials.
>Buying anything from NUbisoft.

Best review I ever saw

That what Bioware did with gays.

It worked until they started offending the gays.

>I'd give it a 7/10 if you can tolerate the writing and a 5/10 if you can't.
That's not a very objective review is it

I demand a single objective score that doesn't inject your opinions into it

It's actually really good though. And the first WD sucked ass.

Give me a standard to review by that doesn't use opinions, personal taste, or personal experiences and I'll review a game by it.

Think about it for a second, then feel a stupid for what you said.

Then you're a risk taker.
If the first game in a series sucked, I depend on people like you to risk your money on something that most likely wont be any good based on the previous title.

Kudos to you for giving something a second chance.

I don't feel stupid for shitting Sup Forums's stupid opinions back onto it and being validated in how stupid they are

>millennials who grew up on the internet
AKA people who made a myspace in 2007 and used it for 2 hours a week

That's a given, Sup Forums user.