MMO is the worst genre in videogames
If you think otherwise you are objectively wrong
MMO is the worst genre in videogames
If you think otherwise you are objectively wrong
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You are right mmo sucks.
I agree with your objective opinion
Depends on degree of player control and community.
Games that are built and basically dependent on player input tend to live shorter lives but are genuinely fun.
Games built on themepark style wow-shit are always the worst.
did the genre evolved at all since wow came out ?
interactive novels exist, so no, you are wrong.
Visual novels
Porn platforming games
Coding based
RPG maker games that were done ore 2007.
MMO's can be comfy. Archeage was comfy before it went to shit, as was Runescape
The fuck's wrong with coding based games? They're the best puzzle games you can find.
Yeah, part of the genre became the smaller server shit like ARK.
Similar to how MOBAs came crawling out of RTS' rotting corpse.
How about casino games op?
t. indie cuck
Life is Strange was fun
Worse than MOBAs?
>At least your first MMORPG is an amazing experience.
holy shit i love mmo's now
they're fun as FUCK in pvp tho
too bad you have to grind for 500 hours before you can properly get your fix, at least in old WoW that was the case
Fuck you OP. MMOs gave me the comfiest moments of my life.
There isn't anything wrong with MMOs, the problem stems from MMOs trying to be like WoW.
How come corruption is always cyan
I'm not OP and you don't understand the reference
Which was the comfiest? I loved what little time I spent playing WAR.
Inb4 shitstorm,
But the game that takes up most of my time usually is Elder Scrolls Online
MMOs focus on socializing. and they do it poorly. the only reason they're successful is because there are few other socializing outlets in gaming.