Hooooooly fuck this series is bad

Hooooooly fuck this series is bad.
No wonder the fanbase is filled with little bitches who sperg out whenever anybody points out the many flaws of these games, they're all autists with dogshit taste in video games.

>60-80 hour game
>The entirety of it is irrelevant filler besides the last hour
You literally cannot make this up. Everything you do in this game is beyond pointless besides the end.
>Bracer quests are more bland than an MMO's quests
>Awful music besides 3 tracks, all of which are rare and only played once/twice, so enjoy listening to shit for the majority of the playthrough

>60-80 hours again
>Game literally has you doing the exact same bracer shit in the exact same regions as the first game ALL OVER AGAIN
>Story is again, mostly filler shit that you don't give the slightest shit about
>Ourouboros parts (aka the good parts) are few and far between
For example, here's the formula the second game follows to a T.

>Go to an area
>Some "disturbance" is going on in that area
>Surprise surprise, it's an Ourouboros member causing it
>Do a lot of running around always being 1 step behind him/her
>Confront them finally at the end of the area arc
>A bit of dialogue takes place in which they reveal themselves before they summon some creature for you to fight before running off

I mean, what is this shit?
I can tell you right now, I know for a fact that despite being 2 games in, you're not going to be able to fight any of these guys until the THIRD FUCKING GAME.
Dumbest shit ever.

Hope you enjoy investing 240 hours into a game which has maybe 3 hours of good points with the rest being boring filler.
I wish I was joking too, that's literally it is though.

Kiseki apologists are beyond delusional, and the fact that they have convinced themselves that this is good/acceptable is comedy gold.

>invests over 100 hours of playtime into a game series he doesn't enjoy
>only to "blow everyones mind" by pointing out flaws everyone is already aware of
whos the sperg now

I sure do love Falcom threads

This is not how you make a trails thread

Now take your copypasta OP and fuck off

>whos the sperg now

There is no copypasta, it's all freshly written by yours truly.
Now either debate me or fuck off tbqh.

Nice try, retard, but this thread has been made before. It's copypasta.

And nobody cares about your autism. Now fuck off.

oh wow, a smug anime girl, really unpredictable

I already know what comes next so spare the effort of bumping this shit thread any further

Sorry OP, while you raise some good points, the objective truth is that you do fight and defeat all but one of the Ourouboros members shown in the game. You also fight them head on more than once, specifically during the four towers chapter and the final chapter.

Nice try you illiterate fuck, the thread I made yesterday had a completely different opening post.

>And nobody cares about your autism. Now fuck off.
Funny, I remember my last thread hitting over 400 replies so clearly people do care considering the majority of people from that thread agreed with me.

Let's take a look at one of your weak Kiseki threads from earlier on.

Woah, a whole 29 posts. Congratulations, please tell me more on how to make a successful thread my ass ruined user-kun.

Then fuck off, nobody gives a fuck what you think, autismo.

>60-80 hour game

Fucking how you retard

It's the Radiant Historia/Kefin/Trails/Celceta/Touhou shitposter again. Fuck off you dipshit baiter retard.

I beat each game in

Why did you make this thread again?

>392 posts
>139 IPs
Only you agreed with yourself you stupid blogposting faggot.

>that feeling when you will never be depressed and lonely enough to keep making threads about a game you don't like only to argue with yourself

Thanks for linking my other thread, now we can all see that there is no copypasta and that it's a completely fresh written post.

There was literally 10 of you crying at me throughout the thread while the other 100+ agree'd with me.

I'm sorry you're delusional after getting blown the fuck out yesterday.

>Surprised JRPGs are trash, and their fanbase are autismal permavirgin weebfags

Sad it took you over 150 hours to figure out what everyone already knows empirically.

Oh boy here we go. My fault for bumping this thread from page 8.

I want to impregnate Renne.

Why would you post a character of a game you hate?

It's actually quite entertaining to see how far this guy grasps for straws to come out on top.

Piss off MaZe, your worthless WR on an Extra stage of all things didn't mean shit 3 years ago and it doesn't mean shit now.

What can I say, I'm a slow learner.

>Implying you didn't know exactly what would happen

But user, she's only ele-
Oh who gives a fuck, me too.

Why not?

Loling so hard, holy shit. Poor Seppo, that thing is still being posted.

Why are you so mad though, user?
Better yet, why do you still have a picture of his dick saved you fucking faggot?

Every trails thread is literally just the same twenty people. It's actually sad.

>JRPG with unskippable cutscenes

It usually isn't but this guy has been pretty adamant about trying to ruin Kiseki threads for some reason.

OP. Personally i like the trails games. Lime the games, i dont love them. I agree with most of your points except the music but thats just a difference in taste. However i do agree with your taste on radiant historia and Ys. Those are some goddamn good games

>Implying you can ruin what's already trash

Maybe if your fanbase wasn't filled to the brim with literal faggots you would have more people around. Nobody likes a hugbox, and by nobody I mean me specifically, that shit is boring.

I'm basically injecting some much needed discussion into these threads.

>it usually isn't
See Your Kiseki threads are worthless and boring.

Reminder this thread is why you should play the game and love it like everyone else.

What could possibly motivate someone to make repeated shitty bait threads about how much they hate it?
Hint: They're mad they can't appreciate it. They're too bitter, too jaded to enjoy cute girls, romance and lighthearted plot.

You described Touhou threads on every board, fanbase filled to the brim with literal faggots.


>It's a rerun thread

Man, I really liked TitS & SC. Yeah, it gets formulaic, but I liked pretty much all the characters and their antics. The combat's simple but enjoyable and the soundtrack's good.

What are some other JRPGs playable on PC that scratch the same itch? So far I've played Valkyria Chronicles, Xenoblade Chronicles, Dark Cloud 2 and Chrono Trigger. Preferably not too grindy.

>Described every weebshit thread
Fixed that for you.

>You will never be this mad about your own ADHD/Autism, and your own inability to enjoy a great series of JRPGs
Thank god.

user, I like you, I give you permission to fuck my sister.

You're right, they are, unless I'm a part of them that is, then those threads become 10/10 discussion threads instead of exclusively waifu posting, just like with what happens here.

Have you played Trails of Cold Steel 1 & 2? Combat is vastly improved, and it builds on the story of FC&SC

>It's a Rennefag thread

Goddamn, I'm glad I can get my Falcom game discussions somewhere else, the Sup Forums threads have been ruined for years now.

His points are valid and well thought out. His experience with the games mimics my own as well, except I didn't finish the first game.

>Avatarfagging and narcissism
You're an egomaniac. You don't have a point. You don't really dislike TitS, you just wanted an excuse to force people to pay attention to you.
That's really fucking pathetic, but I'll admit that it's working well.

Where user, I fucking hate most discussions here too.


Nope. I thought it was only on PS3, wasn't aware there's a Vita version as well. I guess emulating Vita is the best way forward, unless you think a PC port is possible?

They aren't valid or well thought out. They are literally a word-for-word rehash of the same bullshit complaints we've heard from ADHD faggots since the first game came out in the west.


Now fuck off and stop bitching about it constantly.

Didn't we have this thread yesterday?

Same image too.

Yes. We had. But it worked so well yesterday, so why not keep generating (You)s?

Nice fable.
But even if you were correct
>"He's an attentionwhore"
>"I'm going to continually reply to him, that'll show him"

Come on, you can't be that stupid. You know I'm right.

>Rennefag thread
But I didn't even post in this thread until now.

still at it?

friendly reminder that your opinion is wrong, and fun things actually are fun

Exact same thread posted by that one autistic guy who kept saying how great he is.

I want to rape Renne!

>you will never get the pleasure of having sex with Renne in a brothel

Friendly reminder that TiTS sold like shit
Friendly reminder that the games are so bad that the few people who did buy it dropped it before/after the prologue.

It's shit, you have the classic problem of gobbling up any shit by your favorite dev.

She's probably used to it at this point.

No one cares, the games are fun.

Since OP's purposedly being an obnoxious idiot to get attention, let's salvage this thread.
Who's your favorite Kiseki? Here's mine.

>This thread again
>People are actually stupid enough to think OP dislikes the game
>People are literally new and don't know he did the same thing for Ys OiF before he started sucking its dick

I want redditors to leave

>they're all autists with dogshit taste in video games.
>hates kiseki and accuses others of shit taste

stopped reading there, fuck off retard


There is only one correct answer to that question.

Hey op where's your anime girl reaction image

I don't keep track of OPs life so I don't really give a fuck what he likes and doesn't like.

Literally the worst kiseki not named Alisa.
Even the cuck queen is better.


If they were fun, they would sell and people would play them to the end without dropping them.

They're shit.

Right here, along with my other posts.

Danganronpa's shitty spinoff.


Smug Estelle best Estelle.
It's great to see her grow throughout the two the games. She's just a great female character in general, and she really feels human.

>If they were fun, they would sell and people would play them to the end without dropping them.
So since you bought them and played them to the end you like them, going by your own logic.


CoD is the most fun game ever made

The best loli.

>If they were fun, they would sell
History's proven this untrue many times.
>and people would play them to the end without dropping them
How do you know that they don't? I hope you're not basing yourself off Steam achievement stats, because in would mean not a single game in existence is fun.

I think his argument is that an extremely niche japanese game by a company a lot of english speakers don't know doesn't sell well on PC.


>OP is repeatedly btfo in every thread because people just love the game

STILL shitposts in a baffling attempt to... what? Get (you)s?

He comes off as a narcissist so yes, he is literally fishing for (you)s

There's a pretty great discord chat, and then there's the other chan that I won't name since I'm sure this fucker would try to shit up threads there too.

Who knows, maybe it is the best FPS, I don't play them so I couldn't tell you.

I enjoy a fraction of the games. That doesn't excuse the majority of the shit in them being poor.
Besides, I'm too deep to back out now.

>History's proven this untrue many times.
Let's hear some examples of that then.

>How do you know that they don't? I hope you're not basing yourself off Steam achievement stats, because in would mean not a single game in existence is fun.
But of course, steam achievements are a decent way to get a picture of such things.

Even the Neptune games sold hundreds of thousands on steam.
TiTS has no excuse.

I want to impregnate Totori.

Anyone else really like Ys VIII? It really is the best in the series.

Someone make a real Trails thread so we can't stop bumping this bait. Complete with a cute girl in the OP.

Can't wait for it to come out in English.

Don't talk shit about Despair Girls fucker

just ignore op lol

Is Totori confirmed for being the most fertile Atelier?

I still need to play Celceta, but there's no way in fuck I'm buying an irrelevant console like the Vita.

I just bought a PSTV for Celceta, though I wouldn't recommend it. Celceta is ok but definitely not worth buying hardware for.


Calvard game when?

>TITS sold like shit compared to Zestiria and Neptunia Rebirth3

Really? I heard it was a decent step up from Ys 7.

I can somehow understand this but what is completely beyond me is how popular the Sakura shit is on Steam.

No shit, it's a sequel that doesn't have the weeb factor of Tales or Neptunia, especially since SC never goes on sale on steam.

Celceta is straight up garbage.

You heard that from delusional Vita drones.

Yeh I can agree. Sakura games are beyond this.

I would completely disagree with that statement but that is me.

These games were the only time I felt the writers actually gave a shit about the characters and setting in years.

Lewdness sells.

>Let's hear some examples of that then.
Beyond Good & Evil and Psychonauts. Two sweet games that bombed hard. I'm expecting you will reply "but those games are shit", at any rate.
>But of course, steam achievements are a decent way to get a picture of such things.
They really aren't. Go to any, and I meany ANY, game's achievement stats page and, if the game has an achievement for completing various parts of the game, or even only for the ending, I guarantee that the percentage will never exceed 50%.
For example, take Max Payne 3: 1.4M sales on Steam, and its end-of-game achievement has a 29% unlock rate.
Or even worse, Half-Life 2: 5.7M owners on Steam, and its beat-the-game achievement has a whooping 16.5% unlock rate.

Celceta is alright but 7 comes up top.

Crossbell games fucking when?

We can turn this thread into an actual iseki thread by, you know, discussing Kiseki games.

You apparently don't play many games if you thought the characters in this shit game are anything special.
Only a few stand out as being well written, the rest are walking cliches.

> I'm expecting you will reply "but those games are shit", at any rate.
You're right to expect that, because those games are indeed shit.