Would you buy Neon Genesis Evangelion (Nintendo 64, Ban Dai, 1999) for $10 if it came out on the VC?

Would you buy Neon Genesis Evangelion (Nintendo 64, Ban Dai, 1999) for $10 if it came out on the VC?

nhnnn... nrhgnnn... Dad... I hate you, Dad... nhn


Eva is fucking trash. All of it.

I can tell you're very young and weren't there when Evangelion was new.
The whole "eva sucks because its 2d4u" argument is a post-millennial thing.

Eva was never meant to be hard to understand or deep, quite the contrary. If YOU thought it tires to be deep, then that's a problem on your end. Maybe it IS too deep for you?

>I hate you, Dad

I swear Final Fantasy X is the only one so far that doesn't do this in a fucking stupid way.

Evangelion is old as shit, my dad watched it in his teens.

Get with the time, gramps.

How stupid do you have to be not to get that Shinji doesn't hate his dad at all? He fucking loves his dad, like, way too much. He just wants to spend time with his dad but his dad is more into making him pilot his mombot.

>sees that x is popular
>damn i hate x

Is this the most technically impressive game of 5th gen?

He doesn't like his dad. He WANTS to like his dad, he says so to Rei at some point. That becomes impossible once Gendo practically makes him kill his friend.

Gendo pushes Shinji away to minimize hurting him (of course that's hurts him in big ways anyway). Meanwhile he keeps Rei close because of her role in the Instrumentality Project as well as being a Yui fuck doll.

Why the fuck did NERV make Shinji attend school? To make friends? Lol he is a loser. To learn shit? Lol world is ending anyway.
If I was (((they))) I would hook him 24/7 into the simulator until he stops being a pussy.

The deepest bit in Evangelion is the part where they get the philosophical definition of individuality in episode 16 right. Better than most post-modern liberal western thinkers do.

They rounded up all potencial pilots in one class room for easy protection and vigilance, it literally is one of the episodes main plot. I think it was 17 or 18

>If I was they
Fuck iff Tyrone

>Let's put all these one in a billion pilots in the outside and therefore less protected part of the city and about half an hour from their combat stations, so when the angels strike they can casually walk here.

There is nothing impressive about that game in any way

>old as shit, my dad watched it in his teens.
Holy fuck, how old are you ? 12 ?

>1995 was 40 years ago


The graphics are really fucking good.

I'll go as far as saying the Eva 3D models on Eva64 look better than on any of the PS2/PSP games released later.

virtual console

Thay are N64 graphics, nothing that crazy specially when you consider how few models the game has, there are no big levels or anything just tiny confined areas so makes sense the models it has are above average

>Thay are N64 graphics

Which is why it's more impressive, Eva 64 might be the most impressive 5th gen game in terms of graphics

>there are no big levels or anything just tiny confined areas so makes sense the models it has are above average

Yes, this is true, but doesn't make my point any less valid.

To compare, this is Eva-01 in one of the PS2 games.

Isn't this game a half ass mini game generator?

Most of the missions are battle missions (which play similar to the Ultraman games, it's gauge bar-based, synchro ratio in the case of this game).
But yeah it has different kind of gameplay depending on other missions, some of them are QTE-based, others are about aiming (Ramiel, Arael). I actually really liked the Sandalphon/Magma Diver mission.

I wouldn't say it's half assed, but it's for fans of Evangelion only, someone who hasn't watched it probably won't enjoy it.

>Eva 64 might be the most impressive 5th gen game in terms of graphics
But does it count when your game has like 4 models?
I think how they managed to compress audio and anime into the cart is more impressive

Oh shut up. I first watched NGE in the 90s on sub 240p copies. It's OK but it's not some incredible masterpiece neo-weebs make it out to be.

>4 models

Have you seen the gallery in the game? They made models even for small vehicles and even weapons.

>It's OK

Then the post you replied to wasn't aimed at you. The problem are the posers who never actually watched Evangelion (but got spoiled to death due to internet) and parrot the whole "eva sucks because it's 2d4u"

On the other hand, there's people that also never watched it but overpraise Evangelion solely because of the girls.

It's hard to find a genuine opinion on Evangelion in this day and age, everyone who gets into Evangelion will be inherently affected by exterior matters such as fanbase, and both the positive and negative opinions.
Evangelion is controversial and nobody can deny this, but because of that, it's hard for people who are new to it to get into it "virgin", without having read other person's opinions first, or getting spoiled.

The game was shit

How so?

Because the anime MC has to attend something that resembles a Japanese highschool alongside his multiple love interests.
It's not even a cliche at this point, it's a rule.

The mental health of the pilots is important, so they retain somewhat normal lives outside of the Eva program.

I think never completed it because poor emulation, that was years ago though, I should try and play it again.


Asuka best girl.

Remember that time Asuka was about to get her shit pounded in by the MP Evas but then some mysterious nameless man showed up out of nowhere and went on on a speech about heroism and justice and then all the Evas died?


That's from SRW? I only played SRW F

Eva is shallow as a puddle. Deep art doesn't sit the main characters in folding chairs so they can talk to the audience for 40 minutes about what everything meant.

Still love it to death.

Don't fucking start with this

My favorite scene from Eva is when Shinji's in the hot spring and the penguin looks at his erection.

Da best

How hard it is for you people to just talk about OP's game instead or arguing about the TV series?


Start what?

Unless you're a tiny manlet pedophile we all know misato is best girl



Misato is literally a paedophile though.

Enjoy your used goods

Best girl is Mana, anyway.

I have heard good things about it.
Maybe if they do an english translation like with Sin and Punishment.

Best girl thread? Alright then

Wasn't that thing just a bunch of minigames and mediocre 1on1 fights?


Depends on what you consider "mediocre".
The battles are similar to the Ultraman SFC game.

They work in a "giants battle" way.

I just want a good eva game that isn't like twenty years old

Even if it's just a simple fighting game I'd be okay with it

Rei is for fags with mommy issues.

Asuka is for men who are emotionally weak and seek to be lead, ordered, told.

Misato is the actual superior woman for the well-adjusted and self-actualized.

>cardass masters

The EoE wide cards are fucking awesome. I miss collecting all that kind of shit.

Honestly, as long as you don't pick Asuka I don't have anything against you.

Asuka only acts bossy towards miserable betaboys, she is submissive to normal men.
See: Kaji

Used goods
Daddy problems

The best Eva pilot

Same, because she is mine already.

Sure, Id get it just for the novelty as a decoration

>emotionally weak and seek to be lead, ordered, told
>Still like Rei

>The best Eva pilot
>wins like one fight without Shinji's help and gets BTFO hard in every other one

>some Sup Forumsermin trying to participate in claimshit
Fuck off underaged faggot.

>The best Eva pilot

That's not Shinji or Kaworu.

And I'd say even Rei is a more reliable Eva pilot, Asuka is too unstable.

Back to rebbit. Once all three pilots are assembled, it was obviously unwise to force solo missions, not to mention the highly unconventional angels appeared later in the series after all the pilots were introduced.

>Sup Forumsermin
You're here too nigger.

Shinji's Eva did all the work for him and Kaworu doesn't count because he's an angel.

I come here to shitpost only, so eat shit and die. If you unironically post in this board you're underaged. No bones about it.

Misato > Asuka >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Rei

This doesn't serve as an excuse. Asuka always bragged about being the best and was undeniably the worst pilot of the three. Rei did actually -die-, but she did take out the angel in the process, and allowed it to happen because she knew she was expendable. This is also not to say none of the other pilots had difficulties, because they did.

>Shinji's Eva did all the work for him
When it went berserk. Again not an argument, Asuka's did too.

>i-i-i-i'm just here for the s-s-shipost, i s-s-swear.

I don't recall Rei killing Zeruel, Sup Forums kun.

>not an argument
Figures that a Sup Forumsermin wouldn't know shit about sync ratios.

And for the offtopic threads. Enjpoy the ban, anyway.

>Kaworu doesn't count because he's an angel.

Technically the Lilin are also angels though.

>Figures that a Sup Forumsermin wouldn't know shit about sync ratios.
I took that into account, Asuka had her mother inside of her Eva too. Not an argument.

Except Yui's full soul was in there, Kyoko only had half you fucking mouthbreathing Sup Forumsermin.

>Kyoko only had half

Not him, but when is this stablished?

Rewatch the show.

I don't remember this and Googled it. Couldn't find anything.

>New Evangelion game is released
>It's a musou

Do you buy it?

see/v/ shouldn't be allowed to watch anime

I have, please state when this was stated, specifically. Otherwise I will assume it's not true.

I can't see how that would work unless you're playing as angels swatting down military vehicles.

How would this even happen work.

Anime 90% trash anyway.

I've done that like 3 times this year, I don't remember

No, you haven't. Rewatch the show. Especially parts where Kyoko is mentioned, Sup Forumsermin.

Whenever I spend my summer at gramps I would take my laptop with the holy trinity of vidya to play without internet.

>EVA64 on Projekt64
>Rollercoaster Tycoon
>The Sims
Glorious times.

>mfw I somehow learned how to play despite of moonrunes
>mfw I somehow managed to learn all the special moves and combos
>mfw I got all the endings
>mfw I unlocked all the assets
I spend hours just checking out the gallery and being absolutely blown the fuck away by the animations.
This game is definitely a hidden gem, it deserves to be called a tech demo for the N64.

mainly because ive never played an eva game before and im fucking depraived until 4.0 comes out

Yeah unlocking every single animation during the battle missions is fun, I'm still missing a couple of them.
The game definitely has some depth to it when you realize how sync ratio works. I also love how the game allows for different scenarios, for example if you don't miss any input during the Zeruel mission, Eva-01 doesn't lose his arm - in order to see this cutscene you need to actually fail one of the commands and let Zeruel chop Eva-01's arm

>well-adjusted and self-actualized.
>used goods who offers a child sex

Meant to post this one

Well, as far as Evangelion goes.

The only sane person in Evangelion is shinji's military-geek student friend. And the class rep.

>tfw theres a dating sim
>tfw the best waifu gets squeezed outta the competition midway

>was a mute for a giant piece of her childhood
>fucks guys that reminds her of her dad
It's not as bad as some characters get it. But it's still up there with the others.
She's a good character, but Asuka is my girl.

in exchange for that child to motherfucking save the world. what a fucking non-issue. seriously, they plied that bitch with as much pussy as he could desire, of all makes and models, and they still would of had a better shot at genetically engineering a spine to transplant into him

That's not Kaji

heahaha shinji is a FREAKING pussy XD

You mean Girlfriend of Steel?

posting best girl