ITT: biggest disappontments of 2016

ITT: biggest disappontments of 2016


If you are 12 or never played Deus Ex 1, probably.


>no conspiracies
>shit story and ending
>only one hub
>shitty characters
>hamfisted racism plot

It has nothing on the original

dishonored 2

>all the conspiracies are related to Deus ex 1 directly
>all the story serves to feed the story of Deus Ex 1
>A lot more references to the first, for example the Bob page actions and scenes mirror exactly his youth as narrated in the first game
>Only one hub that is so big, they have to divide the city in two
>Good characters, because the main villians were all in Deus ex 1
>hurr durr making shit up
>short, but needs around 50 hours to complete everything and see everything

Yeah, no.


So you haven't actually played the game.

2016 was the year i realized miyazaki is a fucking hack

Except Deus Ex 1 was a full game rather than half of one

MD is about 35 eurosheckels right now and I was wondering if it was worth picking. Have a few reasons
>really liked the original
>really liked HR
>am poor as fuck and can only afford like one game every 3-4 months

Any cool opinions from the people who played it? Or should I stick with my 10th run of XCOM 2

Why not just pirate it and find out for yourself if it's worth paying for?

Download and play the cracked version and see for yourself?

>being this dumb to understand the ending of MD

Kill yourself.

failed to mention that I'm playing XCOM 2 on a cheap used PS4. My old toaster can only handle lightweight indy games.

>>really liked the original
>>really liked HR
then fucking pirate the game. to hell with square enix and jews.

MD was a disaster at launch on PC, but it is very playable now. As for the game itself, I had a lot of fun and a lot of the side missions are good, but just know there will be a very abrupt ending where it feels like there should be at least another 3-5 hours to the story. Its worth it at that price.

I have not played the DLC yet, so no comment on that.

>expecting a proper prequel to DX1 after HR set it up
>it's just another set up except with a less self-contained plot
Seeing some of the original characters again was cool but it doesn't really advance the story very much, I was expecting to see more of Page priming for a coup.

Get on it, the world and the side missions are its high points. You should get at least two playthroughts out of it.

>Demon's Souls
>Dark Souls
>Dark Souls 3

How is he a hack? His track record is still sparkling.

>just pirate it
If you buy from steam you download it 10mb/s and can finish the entire game today.

This. It felt like a lot of pieces of levels put together that dont blend together very well. Also, can't he make new NPCs and stop recycling their stories and even their voice actors?


>downloading from TPB

You have only yourself to blame.

>Demon Souls

>Dark Souls


>Dark Souls 3

Fuck off shill.

ITT: People lying about having played these games

>ITT: biggest disappontments of 2016
every single sabotaged pc port

Nothing wrong with MD. It is a solid game, just a bit on the short side.

mindless shooting and repetition. that game is garbage.



You still being alive
me too

How could you be disappointed when it was obvious it was all a big sham? unless you somehow was so blinded by fandom you genuinely thought it was going to be good. In which case you have bigger problems.

didnt like doom too.

You can't understand something that isn't there dumbass

It was alright, but could've been so much better. Combat just became spamming melee while jumping about like an idiot, the multiplayer had dodgy netcode, and the ~viral online marketing~ was abysmal.

The Cyberdemon fight was fun though.

Fuck you.

>nms will suck they haven't shown or said anything beyond the base three activities of walking shooting and waiting
game releases
>see it has none of the shit you people touted as guaranteed when trying to justify your preorder

Having been the same way right down to the 35 euroshekels I definitely enjoyed it. Worth it just to see young Manderley and Bob Page fucking around a bit.

This thread.

personally I didnt find much replay value after beating the campaign once.

"Dead Rising" 4