Post you're idle animation
Post you're idle animation
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why did he release a smoke grenade at the end?
Post I am idle animation?
I'm not an idle animation though...
Ami dancing was the best
no webm, sadly
ffs post the source
>Post you are idle animation
For some reason that animation reminds me of Monster Hunter.
we give this kid shit, but he was probably having the time of his life.
no I won't
>You'll never have a game where you do sick grinds off a Barroth's crown and skitch a Rathalos straight to Area 5
that game really sucks
prety gud
ayy thats pretty good
Pretty good.
He was having a seizure.
>westernaboo acts american.webm
fucking weabs
whats this game called again?
>I wonder if they will accept me in america now
Tom Clancy's SSX
what is she a fucking dog this is stupid as shit
maybe it's a reference to the snowboard term 'white room'.
Hold up, boys and spark this, take a breather. With that reefer in my lungs, I got grapes, what you watchin’, son?
>you're idle animation
>the mother making a gesture that hes retarded
Computer, do we have any uh new sequences?
better dont mess with kojima
>add sequence: OYSTER
>Uh, gimmie a print-out of OYSTER smiling
Camping for half life 3 news
literally kenichi smith
>ywn give president Trump headpats
Why even live?
This is what weebs look like to a Japanese person (except hugging your daki isn't impressive)
I miss balloonshop.
Please tell me this isn't an actual pokemon.
my dick
Oh, it's real.
fucking snowed in here
I hear that.
It's an Ultra Beast, so technically not exactly a pokemon.
uh well technically uh nah
>But really I'm a girl! ;3
I unironically had fun in this game and enjoyed it a lot
I only got to play 2 hours because I had missed the past 2 days of the open beta and thought it was just starting...
Is SNOW good?
don't you ever fucking reply like this again you redditard
It was a lot of fun with friends, mostly because of how open the world was. Can't wait to pick it up a year from now on the cheap to play it with some buds.
Post Battle Start animations.
>tfw I am still straight up disappointed that I'll never get the chance to shake Billy Mays' hand
Fuck Final Fantasy, fuck anime, and fuck (you)
>bump head on headboard when getting comfy
>shotgun drops out and discharges into wall
That would be awkward during sex
I want to bully this triangle-bodied little slut!
>A dropped gun will go off
You know guns are specifically designed not to discharge when dropped, right?
That game really disappointed me in the end. I started off really enjoying it but the more I played the more I noticed what it was lacking.
-Sent from my iPad.