> Suspect is jewish
> Protagonist threatens him with a gas chamber.
Whoa there. 2011 was fucked up.
Suspect is jewish
It's been a while since I played this, but isn't there a twist in the game that basically reveals Cole is a piece of shit or something?
Has it really been that long?
No, he wasn't. He just wasn't a perfect ideal hero (that would be Kelso).
>released may, 2011
how? what the fuck have I done with my life for 5 years?
Same guy who straight up claimed an ambassador touches boys.
Yea he cheats on his wife
He was right, though.
>tfw no sequel featuring kelso
>tfw roy gets away free
Why would you want more of Kelso? Literally the worst character in the game, and it has Elsa in it.
Never gets old being a dick all the way when you conversation options.
Also the only way anyone should play Telltale games.
He cheats on his wife and it's established that he's a massive glory hound. It's kind of hard to judge him for the cheating though, since his wife has like 10 seconds of screen time in the entire game. I don't think they even ever say her name. And you only find out he has children when he mentions it once and then he never speaks of it again.
He a good boy
He threatens him with a gas chamber because that's where criminals and murderers go. Stop mixing race into everything that has nothing to do with it.
eat shit you goy mother FUCKER
So now you support race mixing? you cuck
You must me friend with that MOMSER Gage, goy!
So you're against race mixing? You stoneage level cuck.
such a hilarious game when played incorrectly
I just want Roy to face justice somehow desu.
Why does no one like Roy? He was a great partner.
He is a rare case of a character betraying the protagonist, getting away with it scot free and, in fact, being rewarded for it.
I need to play this again. I really wish Whore of the Orient didn't get cancelled, This kind of investigation/conversation based adventure game is really cool.
Sounds like a smart guy.
He pretty much committed a war crime and got his whole unit PTSD'd due to wanting to stick to the rules. Lawful, but not good.
Traitorous Jew detected.
It's been too long since I played. What was the war crime?
It's not really his fault, though, he had no way of knowing this cave had civillians in it and not soldiers. And if I remember correctly, Kelso wanted to blow up/collapse it, which is a marginal improvement over burning to death.
Not that Cole's flawless, but calling him a war criminal is a bit of a stretch. He just ended up in a shitty situation.
the game isn't set in 2011 idiot
Who was the best partner and why was it Rusty?
>have the worst case scenario in your hands
>rules and hierarchy are there for these situations
>still has a bad outcome
War is fucked
Sup Forums incarnate.
And I don't even remember if there was already a Sup Forums at the time or if it was still /new/
Cole did nothing wrong
That picture has never been more relevant than today. It's almost like this game predicted the future.
This is one of my favorite games of all time and I don't think a sequel could ever do it justice
Both come as a tie fire me.
But gas chambers were a common for execution
California was one of the states that used gas chambers for execution and back then, the death penalty was given more liberally than it is today.
What he said isn't pol inspired though, back in the late 40s, it was the beginning of the Red Scare in the US, what he said fits within the context of post WW2 USA, the Hollywood "blacklisted" writers, and the beginning of the Cold War era.
it would be nice if somebody said this to a reporters face
The issue wasn't that he cheated on his wife, all men in the 40s did that. It was because she was a German and this was directly after WW2. He was labeled a traitor to his country.
>> Suspect is jewish
well shit. can't even charge them with a crime then.
He burned a cave full of civilians gooks
>Predicted the future
>game is set in the 40's
Is this a new meme
He was threatening him with gas and calling him a commie to get him angry so he would fuck up and incriminate himself
Cole was ivy league grad japanese sympathizer he wasn't a poltard
> Rusty meets a socialist suspect
> "Nice to meet you... COMRADE."
> mfw
>my men have your men in an enfilade
What did he mean by this?
He means his men are in cover, but can still shoot Cohen's men.
>that pedo and the little girl
>about your size
idk but it sounds delicious
>(((Mickey Cohen)))
He's actually a real life jewish gangster, user, look him up on wikipedia.
man, fuck kelso
Cole is a fucking madman.
>Sister tries to play it
>Jewelry store guy runs away
>She stands at the counter because she doesn't know how to vault it
>Second try, gets to the part where you have to fire a warning shot to shot him
>Just draws and shoots him in the back
Even Cohen's impressed by that remark, just look at his face.
>Second try, gets to the part where you have to fire a warning shot to shot him
>Just draws and shoots him in the back
Your sister would make a great cop
I've tried shooting the air near him.
Literally the absolute madman
Agitating the people you interrogate is something cops do all the time. They stick lights in your face, threaten you with jail, even lie about what happened to trick you into "correcting" them and accidentally admitting to knowing something. Being interrogated is no cakewalk.
Incidentally we both intend to do that
>TFW Cole threatens to rape the girl a second time if she doesn't tell the truth
It was a different time.
>mfw the kike calls Cole a goy
the irony here is that a lot of people consider jews to be white and it shouldn't even be a racial issue to them.
I fucking love Cole's god-tier bantz, but the shitty ending and actual game always puts me off replaying this
Shining a light in your face isn't just to pointlessly aggravate you, I don't get mad when they do it to me because I understand why.
First off it helps protect the officer from somebody who is planning on attacking by temporarily impairing their vision before they can pull shit.
Secondly it helps to tell if you're drunk by watching your eyes
Did anyone else really enjoy the alternative costumes you could get.
Busting the dregs of society while looking fine as fuck is fucking awesome.The only thing missing is a SS uniform you can only equip on the first case.
It's great. But really is depressing. Realistic, in some sense.
>there will never be a sequal
you speak as though that were an uncommon thing
It wasn't even good.
I liked how one changed your 1911 to a Browning Hi Power as well IIRC
You shut your whore mouth.
>wasn't even good
idk, I liked the investigations and interrogations but the rest of the game was filler. I think it would have made a great adventure game.
Driving around was the worst. Terrible physics and nothing to do except listen to the radio. Open world was a mistake but the finding clues and interrigations were good.
Sam Raimi should do more video games.
>A giant shootout in a sewer culminating in Phelps just allowing himself to get fucked by a tsunami of shit and rain
I also hated that it wanted you to sign up for Rockstar Social Club
>That one partner who talks about how he's never had to use his gun on duty
>Get to any street crime and the madman sprays .38 all over the fucking place nonstop
> Game is all about carefully observing suspects and finding evidence
> Final mission has neither
> Final mission is a shootout with gangsters with a flamethrower
> The ending is choppy and uses the same clip of running water three or four times
> mfw
sounds like vtmb all over again,
>you're off the hook
>for now
don't need turkey today, just my sides up.
>No sequel set in the 80's busting druglords
It's not like vtm at all, though. In VtM, the game gets worse gradually - Santa-Monica is god tier, LA is slightly worse, Hollywood is worse than that, Chinatown is worse than Hollywood, and then comes the shit ending.
In LA, nothing like that. The final mission comes right after god-tier Nicholson Electroplating, and the drop in quality is painfully obvious.
>Tfw no modern LA Noire: The Harry Bosch Story
but they both throw you into shitty combat, when you want to focus on the good parts of the game
>tfw no narcos-tier sequel set in colombia trying to bust pablo escobar
Like other user said, he was a massive glory hound, which is what made his war pals hate him. Always taking the spotlight and trying his best for glory.
>game is story-based
>story is often trivial or plays itself
>often has weaknesses or doesn't make sense in part (e.g. you magically found all super-secret boss passwords in the nignog druggies apartment even though they're low-end of the chain)
>enjoyable, but not outstanding
>glorified on Sup Forums
In VtM, you get used to it, though. There's little to no mandatory combat at first, but it's amount is rising with every location you visit. There's little to no difference between the endings or the Hollywood sewers.