Modded or unmodded?

Modded or unmodded?


no matter how bad game is you should play it the way it was planned by developers or not play it at all

what If I know better than developers how to make a game good?

It depends on how good the mods are and how bland the game is unmodded.

I haven't played vanilla Pokemon in years.

Then make your own game, then some faggot on Sup Forums will make a shitty mod of your game and say "he knows better than you how to make your game"

play both, stop limiting yourself.

And you can piss right off. Why should the devs give a shit if you play modded or unmodded? They get their money either way.

>comparing espresso to candy soup in a cup


>obese americans in need of another food analogy to understand the idea.

Except a lot of games aren't released "the way the developers planned", they're released with maybe 3/4 of the developer's plan with the rest cut out due to publishers pushing deadlines and budget restraints on them.
Then there's the issue that maybe the developers are idiots, or talentless, and dedicated modders can often do better work.

Sounds like a plan, wish me luck.

If the game is crap unmodded, then no amount of mods are going to magically make it not crap.

>food analogy
you're so smrt :^)

Wrong metaphor kiddo

I wouldn't be surprised. My game or not, someone definitely knows how to make it better.

You could reverse those depending on the game.
Just sayin'


there's nothing that shows how retarded Sup Forums is quite as much as modding threads

These, too.

So basically the entire point of remakes and remasters? Fixing stupid shit in at least decent or good games to improve them?

It's funny how the "mods ruin the developers vision" was never a thing until Bethesda said they wouldn't be able to implement them on ps4

Modding is the open source of gaming

Nah, Open Source is the Open Source of gaming.

Post more legs

Sorry I don't have a Playstation 4.

God forbid I allow a consumer to find a way to better enjoy my game.

I thought it started with paid mods?

>normies calling free software "open source"


He cannot improve on your idea, he can make it different.


Like horse armor dlc?

Free software=Shit
Open source=Shit
Free software=Open source=Shit

I never said anything about banning modding you autistic sperg.

>hating on geoff

Unmodded. Modded look disgusting.

>it's a Sup Forums thinks it's Sup Forums episode
inb4 win10

I an guessing you mean that picture as an insult but if you've ever had that drink before you would understand what a massive compliment you just paid to modded games.

>bloated with so much shit that the base product is now unrecognizable under layers and layers of easy to produce crap that make it more appealing to people who can't enjoy something unless it's been tarted up with mountains of cheap frills that don't add much substance but look fancy and make it feel like they got more value

That image is pretty accurate

> doesn't taste like shit, looks better, lasts longer, is more fun while still maintaining its original purpose

seems like modded is way better

>food analogy
>anti-mods fags
Gayer than denuvo shills.

>denuvo shills
People shill for Denuvo? Are you making stuff up or do you not know what a shill is?

Mostly depends on the game. I can't imagine how anyone can play Terraria mods when the base game is just so good.
On the other hand it feels almost impossible for me to play Skyrim without shit ton of mods to make it an enjoyable experience.

For the first play through I would say: at least try to play vanilla. If it sucks then don't bother modding. It won't help. If the game seems at least good then a modding community can make wonders.

Lol. People shill for DRM all the time. Have you not been in a Hitman 2016 thread

Mods are getting way overblown ever since rebbit shitters got their pcmr hangout. Maybe one in a hundred games ever gets mods at all, unless you count reshade.

>Have you not been in a Hitman 2016 thread
lol no

depends on the game and the mods available.

I've been replaying Fallout 4 and the Nexus is filled to the brim with unrealistic, waist-less bimbos with fake tits. CBBE was a mistake. then you have all the absurdly high-res weapons that, albeit cool, don't fit in with the rest at all. looking for a decent ENB/reshade to complement the vanilla atmosphere? too fucking bad, here's some bloom, sharpness, DoF and chroma aberration.

literally every screenshot is discolored and overbloom with some cover model sporting the same hairstyle as the previous, catoonish body (and I don't mean hentai, I mean Hanna-Barbera) and a Barrett molded after IRL pictures.

it's a fucking travesty.

Put the coffee on Modded and pic related on Release and you have the current state of video game.

unmodded the first time, then modded (unless the game has a lot of replay value in which case i replay it unmodded a few more times)

>food analogies

Has there ever been a good one? 10/10 is moving goalposts.


There is literally no reason you shouldn't mod a game.

I'll take both.
Play it through unmodded and enjoy what's given the first run around.
Then throw caution to the wind and turn all the bunnies into poo bots while I partner up with master chief to go kill Gargamel from the smurfs.

>drinking dirt water

Hnnnngggg, that right side mana from heaven, infused with thors semen i want it so bad

this is only true for your first play through. mods should add replayability upon the game. if you can't play the game through unmodded then the game is just bad.

anyone who says they would rather play unmodded skyrim over modded skyrim is deluding themselves.
The no spinning death animation and physics/ragdoll tweeks make the game better.

I can not play skyrim with the spinning death animation in the game. it is awful.
also having the player be vulnerable to kill moves is retarded and should be modded out as well.

Starbucks is the worst normalfag meme

That's not what I was saying either. There's nothing wrong with modding, and why would you get buttblasted because someone found a way they could enjoy your game more? Sounds like you're the autistic one throwing a hissy fit over someone playing something differently.

Honestly you should play the game how it comes first and then mod afterward. It adds new content to play and just makes the all around experience better imo.

Left: something a human being can ingest

Right: bloated mess for fatasses

>Paid software = shit
Forgot one, user

This, claiming things about developer intent is always stupid because of the constraints the developer was working with. They have deadlines to meet, budgets, console restrictions or performance targets, and the game is the result of countless compromises. Just look at the massive amount of cut and dummied out content for any modern game.

Do you think Bethesda's intent for their games is to be buggy pieces of shit? Do you think they left out the hair texture on the first zombie enemy in Oblivion deliberately?

The perfect example is New Vegas, where one of the developers released a mod after it released ot try to bring the game more in line with what his intention actually was.

Basically this is saying mods can't fix a shit game. Although they can enhance a good one. But the best games only need a few mods. Metroid games get randomizers and dragons Dogma fixed some of its shitty stats and augments with mods

In first playthrough
>Fuckall mod dat shit
In the latter playthroughs
Also, if the game has annoying shit or some aspects you don't like who gives a shit if you mod that.

Paid software works because the devs have a vested interest in having stuff working (because money), thus they have actual tech support and shit.

'Should' is a fucking dumb word and you should kill yourself, user

No because hitman 2016 is an episodic game. They gutted their image for that game from the start.

Someone recommend me a good sweet drink. I usually get a caramel macchiato with two extra pumps of syrup and breve.

Milk and mint syrup

I will

Not a drink, but I think this might be your speed.

Glad we're on the same page.

... Want to be jump-buddies?


>you should play it the way it was planned by developers or not play it at all
or what faggot?

I tried modding only once.


It was a real pain trying to find something that actually fixed anything without also injecting some amount of terrible taste in either graphics, writing, or balancing.

I have not modded in over ten years. I keep being confirmed in my belief that modders are the people with the worst taste in existence.

Modding is best when the game is a sandbox with a lot of potential that wasn't realized by the developer due to time, resources, incompetency, whatever.
See: Mount and Blade, Skyrim
Even something like STALKER: SoC or New Vegas which is great on its own, can be made into something more dynamic and longer lasting with mods on future playthroughs.

like from the birdge?
I was thinking about shooting myself

Dear merciful god.
I want to try it but i don't live in burgerland.

>It was the developers vision for Skyrim to be buggy as shit! Don't install any of those mods that improve stability!

That's too easy, man. I don't want to be another reason for gun control. Plus, by jumping you get to feel like a bird for a second.

If modern dlc and microtransactions say anything (and they do) then paid software means fuck all anymore. Devs and pubs will fuck a game to hell and just advertise what normies want to see until everyone makes the day 1 purchase and then gets but they for being tricked again.

>Our animators spent alot of time rigging those skeletons to be as janky and unlifelike as possible, don't disrespect that!
>The UI was also supposed to be horrible, it adds to the atmosphere!
>And the quests are supposed to be uninspired go to x kill y drivel. Its a crafted experience!

Is this new anti-mod shitposting just a single salty console cuck steaming over how much of a shitshow the console mods release was?
