Tell me a single videogame that nobody on Sup Forums will argue that is shit
Hard mode: modern game
Tell me a single videogame that nobody on Sup Forums will argue that is shit
Hard mode: modern game
Other urls found in this thread:
pacman championship edition
WarioLand 4
inb4 the contrarians show up to shit on every game ITT.
Mass effect 3
super meat boy?
Doom (the original DOS game)
Metal gear Rising
Team Fortress 2 (in retrospect, but not as it is currently)
>Needs facebook account validation to get the classic level and skin
Nah fuck that.
Ghost Trick
Lurk more.
/vg/ have a perma thread over that one single game.
No such game exists.
You have to use softer criteria like 90% instead of 100%.
Cave Story
nig have you even HEARD the Warioland 4 OST
Fuck off
probably a mario kart of some kind
elite beat agents
I don't think I've heard anyone say Ghost Trick is shit.
I fucking adore the game, but there's no way everyone can agree that it is good with the controls it has
Any of the psx spyro games. Pick one.
That fucking ending
God it was so fucking good
why won't they make a sequel
>taking bait
Rocket League
ids shiddd ::DDD
seriously though, I found the gameplay pretty boring
Melee is a broken shitty unbalanced mess hat faggots insist on killing the only fun it has
Good answer
Ghost Trick is shit.
Because barely anyone on Sup Forums played it.
The controls were fine. I honest to god don't understand people's complaints.
The controls aren't even that bad in my opinion. I got used to it in the tutorial stage.
The other characters in 3 weren't very fun to play as.
>want to try it
>I get horrible hand cramps when playing litterally every 3ds game after only 5 mins, even the ones without touch controls
Roller coaster tycoon
get your hands checked baka
The World Ends With You
Cave Story +
Metroid Prime
Golden Sun
Demon's Souls
Ouch, sorry to hear that user. Do you have a problem with your hands?
>nobody on Sup Forums will argue that is shit
you mean everybody agrees its shit, or nobody would say its shit?
You can't prove me wrong.
>Fem Dom
It sucks.
A game that nobody will say, with arguments, that is shit
Try sitting in a different position.
Lay the thing down on a table and play like that if you have to.
They won't argue it is shit.
They'll argue how shit it is.
Memeptunia is the same but better
>He doesn't remember all the content that got cut from Spore
>Take 2 minutes to make a fake one
>Delete it right after
Still a fucking chore for a game that's kinda outdated
Spore is the only game I played 1000s of hours of besides TF2
to me it sounds like
"nobody would argue if someone said that it is shit"
Cookie clicker
Doesn't matter what it sounds to you
Artificial difficulty shit
Tetris maybe.
Good choices.
Dwarf Fortress
Crash Team Racing
Skies of Arcadia
Love those games, but I gonna call bullshit on that, I've seen people complaining about them and calling them shit
TWEWY because the weeaboo meme
Cave story+ because it tries to get money from freeware
Golden sun dark dawn for no fucking reason that I can remember of, same for metroid prime
And demon souls is just too slow, the gameplay is impossible to get into after having played III or bb
Everyone shits on the always online and episodic practices, but it's generally agreed that it's a good game.
Nigga, if everyone shits on it then it fails
Everyone shits on the publisher's decision, not the game tho
To be fair a lot of people didn't like TWEWY because they didn't play past day 2, or they gave up because the combat was too confusing.
There's some truth behind cave story + but Metroid Prime and Golden Sun are just nitpicking.
The greatest "Fuck you." made game.
If your eyes are dry after "You're the inspiration" then you're not human.
Trails in the Sky
mountain blade
Dark Messiah
Ride to Hell Retribution
>Hard mode: modern game
Fallout: NV for some reason. I mean I like it a lot, but I wouldn't argue that it's better than Witcher 3 like some of the contrarians on this board.
Might be a game with a niche appeal (although I actually think the game has extremely wide appeal, it's just kind of a hard sell), but the only thing you can really argue that is wrong with is that there could have been more of it.
It's a work of art, so incredibly good at what it aims to do that it basically renders every other title in the genre meaningless.
People only compare New Vegas to The Witcher because it's double the fucking bait. Also, the meta has changed a bit on that with the release of Fo4 and general decrease of Bethesda's credit, but for five years we had an ENDLESS war of Fo3 vs. New Vegas and there was a massive number of people who despised New Vegas for not being Bethesda and Fo3-like enough.
What about the freeware Cave Story?
Fucking hell I've recently been looking into this game again and here I see it mentioned in a thread not about rhythm games. There's a word for this I know.
Are they ever going to make another Elite Beat Agents game?
Aliens never pose a real threat unless they covering 90% of the map. Multiplayer tech is shared.
Great game though.
The aliens could have a bit more going for them, shared tech in multiplayer never seemed like an issue to me, but I assume it's just a temporary thing with the planned eventual versus and competetive multiplayer mods.
Both seem to fall into the "there is just even more to do with the game, unexplored potential" territory though.
Any game that they've never heard of.
jackie chan 4
Kirby Air Ride.
Nobody hates this game
Space station 13.
>unless they covering 90% of the map
And then eventually become a mere nuissance, even before that they are only a threat if you neglect defense.
I will never be not upset that there isn't a way to legitimately throw money at Treasure for this to be playable on a modern system in some way.
>And then eventually become a mere nuissance, even before that they are only a threat if you neglect defense.
It entirely depends on the starting map settings, really. At least with Bob. Make the alien bases large, frequent and rich in size and they will get out of hand incredibly fast.
It's not their attacks that are a problem, but when their bases start to merge together, expanding anywhere is incredibly difficult. Plus their evolution progresses several times as fast since you HAVE to destroy the spawner to get anywhere. I had to deal with the fire AOE worms well before 10 hours into the game which made turret creep impossible.
Still, I would like to see more with them: better A.I., more complexity to their behavior, more agency of their own. They are very predictable, that is the biggest problem.
Kero Blaster.
Shovel Knight: Plague of Shadows. Vanilla Shovel Knight is fair game, though, because that's the one that got popular enough for people to try and be contrarian about it.
Stop trying to bring ACfag into this thread, you fuck.
Dante must die mode: Name a videogame that Sup Forums can agree on about anything in the game.
>Shovel Knight: Plague of Shadows
What went so goddamn right?
>plague knight is infinitely more entertaining than shovel knight
>mona is infinitely more interesting than sheild knight
>gameplay is trickier but infinitely more fun and FAST that shovel knight's once you get it down
>plague knight and mona's relationship is way better than shovel and sheild knight's
A better question is: Did anything actually go wrong? Aside from the lack of actual new levels, though. Damn shame there, I'd love a solo PK game.
That game is just "slash around and hope you get a parry"
you can't even reload the rpg either, for some fucking reason. I don't get why people suck the game's dick
>hope you get a parry
You know how I know you're bad at the game?