>''brb bro getting the door''
>Last Steam login was 3 yrs ago.
''brb bro getting the door''
>brb funeral
>last login 3333 days ago
He probably got tired of your autism and changed accounts.
He was probably thinking of a way to avoid your crippling faggotry and autism...good for him.
instead of being straight with you?
now whose the autist?
>instead of being straight with you?
maybe he's gay?
>"brb bro, shoving a carrot up my ass to simulate a cock while my parents are out of the house because I've been curious about it for a while now"
>last login 9 months ago
Exactly, it's called being let down easy. Women use it frequently.
Some say he is still getting the door today
being straight with people is a sign of autism
Fucking vegetables
His house has a stair case that ranges from 20 galaxies away right towards Earth. It'll take him another trillion years to answer the door.
>brb gonna shove an effigy of my waifu up my toosh and wank the willy
>comes back online 3mins later
>Yeah ill play a game with you just gimme 5 mins
>Removes and blocks you
maybe he got stuck
>talking to grill
>think things going well
>she calls you affectionate names and sends lots of smiles and says you'll get together on the weekend
>starts ignoring you then blocks you when you send a message asking what's going on
every time
Shouldn't be the opposite?
I have never had online friends.
I have no idea how to make any or if it's even worth to try.
I'll be your e-friend user
It's not worth it.
You always end up deleting them after 5+ years or they delete you.
Life happens eventually regardless of whatever you do.
Stop this feel hurts
>Get mad at friend and delete him
>Last Online: 4 years ago (day after I deleted him)
OP he's dead
>>think things going well
I'd reevaluate my way of thinking if I were you.
>Play with guy in a few matches
>He seems ok and gets your humour
>He adds you afterwards
>Turns out he's a suicidal clingy faggot
>Complains about how all his "friends" abandon him
>Want to remove him because he's fucking annoying but don't have the nerve to yet
I got a package
>friend gets new friends
>he plays with me less, doesn't invite me to play with them and eventually forgets about me and deletes me
everytime, why
>Furfags ruin thread again
Kill yourselves.
So true. I used to make friends easily online, but ever since I've been on here it feels so weird and wrong and have barely any online friends now.
Naw, I'm coo. Thanks.
I bet you really liked growing up on the internet. It was epic and full of memes. Gave you a bit of adhd but you always had videogames. You just don't like the other side of the coin? Deal with it.
what is your purpose, really?
Well, fuck me. I'm always honest and straightforward with people. I thought it was a good quality.
>"Doctor, heavy will go now. But do not fear baby men on other team. You are good doctor. With you, victory is always good. Heavy will join in future."
>last online 1 year ago
Passing the time at work, mostly.
People dont hearing the truth. People want to live in denial of reality.
>brb bro gonna drink 10 red bulls
>last online 20 hours ago
god damn
Just be yourself
No you aren't. Kill yourself you worthless piece of shit or I'll strangle your faggot ass myself.
well go to Sup Forums then not here
more like
online for 20 days
this has literally never happened to anyone
Naw, really, things have been going pretty well as of late. I don't wana kill myself.
>tfw your Steam friends list is full of people you haven't spoken to in years, but could message or invite and you'd pick up your friendship like you last spoke yesterday
Nah, desu I knew for a while there's something off about me. I'm not full blown autist but I'm socially undeveloped and awkward.
tghis was my favorite one so far
>he's a wagecuck
>on thanksgiving
>made friends with a Canadabro around my age in CS:S long ago
>played PC games, console games, everything together
>irl friends included him in all their games too
>two years ago he messaged me saying that he was having complications with his kidneys
>haven't seen or talked to him in a year and a half
Knowing someone for 10+ years and then they just vanish, it hurts. Miss you Joseph.
You're alright, quit your whining.
I'm still here bro lol
Dinner isn't until after work anyway. Figured I could use a little extra money to get christmas shopping done with.
>last online 9/10/2001
Woah He's good
>last guild member online: 8 years ago
>brb drinking 4 4loko
>last online 6 years ago
>on and off make friends with a furry
>most of them only want to talk about their fetishes or post pictures of furry porn.
>Bring up movie or show, they talk about the sexy raccoon or cartoon fish
Shit. I get it, but to talk about this or bring it up every time is fucking annoying. They literally had nothing else to talk about. But to the two I still talk to are alright. Good taste in music, too.
>last online 3 months ago
It was confirmed he died after getting hit by a car. Still hurts man. Rip Slarty
tfw no dickgirl furry gf
I got my Christmas money with my bonus. Why don't you poor people revolt and destroy corporations? Your lives always sound terrible.
i'll be your dickgirl if you be my sugar daddy
>all these faggots ITT sad over their internet boyfriends
Adachi was right.
are you Airaclya?
Nope but I know him. He's part of the same group
>tfw have had a circle of internet friends for 7+ years
>we all get together in Ohio and party for a few days
>planning a trip to Grand Canyon in the summer
Honestly, wouldn't trade my internet friends for anything, probably going to be friends the rest of our lives
>used to talk to a guy on steam nearly every day for two years
>he had some issues with being involved in drama over stupid shit he did in the past
>every time he suspected that someone from the past has found his steam account, he'd abandon it despite all of the vidya he owns
>has done this 3-4 times
>one day he removes me randomly for the third time and never comes back
You are a mysterious man, palkora
>he's so antisocial he can't even make friends on the Internet
Sissy white boys general?
>Add some person on Sup Forums
>nice person; discussed vidya and talked about anime
>one day he asks if want to play a game
>tell him I'm eating
>goes on an asperger rage about how I hate him and unfriends me from steam
To this day I still don't know what the fuck I did
>brb dude im gonna make america great again
>last online: 8 years ago
You ever upload the new stuff?
what happen, someone post porn again?
Are you that user who had a dropbox filled to the brim with these?
>meet guy in high school
>he's kind of weird but i still hang out with him
>one time he mentions he has problems at home
>add him on steam
>halloween comes, don't see him for a while at school
>he doesn't show up on steam either
it's been over 5 years and i haven't see him go online once.
i hope you're ok, rev
All we know is, He's called The Stig
>meet literal bro online
>constantly talking
>usually try out new games together
>have similar taste in music and memes
I hope he never dies. I value his companionship more than my family.
Could you share it with me? For scientific purposes of course.
because you're an unmemorable piece of shit, obviously
why is it every time i get interested in a thread it gets spammed by furry porn and derailed
fucking furfaggots i swear to god
I love dickgirls so much
>last login 2 years ago
Who doesn't?