>join server/guild
>"kappa", "elegiggle", "brb smoke" etc.
>leave server
Join server/guild
ur so cool lol
Anyone that thinks twitch memes outside of twitch is funny should be gassed
they aren't funny in twitch either
>those people who use twitch memes in real life
smoke breaks are real, fuck you
Smoking is dumb, fuck you
come on
I used to know someone who would frequently use twitch memes as punctuation.
they eventually blocked me because I pointed out that it was kind of weird after they were literally talking to themselves for minutes on end with just a constant stream of kappa
yeah but taking one flags you as the kind of shitter who smokes
what does being a shitter have to do with smoking
the only problem i see is making people wait but brb bathroom or brb getting a drink are the same
>join server/guild
>"cuck", "meme-", "mfw" etc.
>leave server
This nerd Doesn't know what Kappa means Kappa.
Fuck you Kappa
>tfw you'll never be so autistic you get literally triggered when you see a grey face
I'd say kys, but you already are. maybe do it a bit faster, thanks.
>join server
>everyone is pro skub
smoking exposes the weakness of your character
smoking is a weakness
Tell that to volcanoes.
i realize i am slowly killing myself but why does it bother you so
They hate when other people enjoy themselves even a little. Are you new?
Fucking gross, skub fags are the worst.
no, im bored so i decided to reply to this thread
>join server/guild
>"kek", "dank",
>leave server/guild
Yeah... These are the gay folks that fap over men with tits and dicks.
>B-But it's not gay!!!
They aren't healthy in any way, shape, or form. I wouldn't really take any health "advice" from then with any amount of salt.
>join Sup Forums server
____________(complete this blank)
>"Sup Forums"
>leave server
it will either be chill and fun or some autistic erp
>waaah wahh they don't act like me so bye bye
Grow the fuck up. Not everyone is a virgin autist like you, so stop judging other people and try to make friends.
I'm going to start taking random breaks on purpose.
>brb, juice break
>brb, wash hands break
>brb, breathing break
>brb, break break
>brb, mcdonalds break
>brb, internet break
>brb, life break.
Each of those is just as stupid as taking a smoking break.
calm down user
have you never taken a break to shit or piss? to eat something?
>twitch.tv-chat emote spam
>grown up
its the easiest way to spot underaged faggots/retards from a mile away
The Kappa emote represents sarcasm or being facetious.
So if someone says "We need more DPS Kappa" they are just memeing, as an example.
>join server
>play game for a few rounds
>leave server
Why do people suck so much at life?
>join Sup Forums server
>some people are moaning through voice chat
>join them
I've been in games with fags like you. You know what kinda breaks you nerds take?
>brb fap break
>brb mom's in shower
>brb dragon dildos just got delivered
>brb big brother needs to use his pc
One of my favorites:
>baseless assertion
>(others)prove it faggot
>brb gotta look something up on the internet to just totally REK this nub
They usually just leave the game once google tells them that they have no argument without saying another word.
Everyone knows PogChamp is the best Twitch emote.
Kek, like a shitter browsing Sup Forums is without weakness of character
Please teach us, oh stoic paragon of mankind
>brb piss
>doesn't come back for the rest of the night
what the fuck are you talking about
>if you don't willingly breathe in noxious fumes from cigarettes, you are a nerd
I didn't say that. I don't smoke. Not that guy, but I know the annoyances that come from both smokers and weebs. It's about equal.
These are the things that I've seen - 4channers specifically - say into server chat. You are equally annoying as the smoke break guys to the people like myself that play the game round all the way through because we have a better attention than someone that consumes anime or cigarettes all god damned day.
You're both a fucking annoyance.
oh boy do you have some stories of him?
>those people who greentext in game chat
they are always 6-12 too
>join server/guild
>"honhonhonhon", "wkwkwkwkwk", "brbrbrbrbrbrbr", "jajajajajajajaja", "huehuehuehue"
>leave server
elegiggle is da shit user
>join server/guild
>"vrmmm vrmmm"
>leave server
Sounds like you grew up grandpa
I'm using the Kappa Everywhere add-on
What is kappa and elegiggle?
>play the game round all the way through because we have a better attention than someone that consumes anime or cigarettes all god damned day.
I smoke and I never leave in the middle of a match. Do people really just drop everything for a break?
Why do they greentext when there is no greentext
Twitch cancer is actually fun unlike the Sup Forums cancer, because there is no capchthpchtpca on twitch and meta shitposting about twitch.
my negros
anele and trihard makes me giggle
t. Sup Forums
>ilovememe94: kappa lol gg ez kappa
>me: can you please stop spamming that
Dude, I guess so. It's fucking infuriating. I know smokers that DON'T do it, but it's a common occurrence in pubs for every game I've played.
I thought brb smoke was some gamer speak so I've been saying that in games since I was a kid when some unexpected shit happened and I had to get up
Kappa is the new XD
to show they are >hip and >cool and can use Sup Forums >maymays
A well timed emote can be funny
because they're children that use Sup Forums and they don't know how to express a green text in the form of an actual sentence
I'm glad I don't play games so I don't have to deal with shit like this or faggots like you guys.
It's been used in e-mails since the inception of e-mail to indicate a quote.
Not everything online originated from Sup Forums. Jesus, children.
smokeing is sooo khool thouw r u ghey or somtheng??
Yes, 15 year olds playing counter strike are >quoting because they're so used to e-mailing people, that's a perfectly logical conclusion to make.
It's always funny to see someone the jerks off to anime children all day call something out for being "uncool".
I could build a WWII-era German tank with the amount of irony.
>Work at various restaurants
>Smokers get to take 5-10 minute smoke breaks while I get to eat a dick and handle lunch crowd by myself
Literally the only reason I hate them.
Is it also perfectly logical to assume everyone on the internet playing video games with you is 15, you moron?
>Work at various restaurants
You should hate yourself instead
Someone's getting defensive, get called out for green texting in team fortress or something?
>I should hate myself for working to pay rent/college when I can't work my comfy full time government job in the summer
NEET fag please go.
You're making stupid assumptions repeatedly, and I'm calling you out on them.
>implying I play that garbage
It's almost like you've no idea what you're talking about.
>join server
>all is well
mommy forget to change your diaper this morning or something?
>join guild
>no memes, no politics, no religion talk
I got lucky
>spamming memes is fun
Back you go
>open mic
>rip bong
>breathe out in mic
>gets called out on his bullshit
>NO U!
Never change, neo-Sup Forums.
I temper my self on the ninja art of the kitana to steel myself, real inner strength those chads will never understand
>assumes 15 year olds are the only people that play counter strike
>le le le neo-v!!!
Like, really?
The ebin comeback these days is telling them they are salty.
Are you retarded? Really.
I'm the guy that DIDN'T make the assumption that everyone I play with is 15. If you can't follow that simple line of comments I feel sorry for you.
>le le le
What the fuck are you on about?
neo-Sup Forums has nothing to do with le reddit memes, faggot. I used it properly
I tell them I'm going to the bathroom or to get something to drink but I'm really going to smoke.
Holy shit that backtracking, why do I even bother with retards like you?
You're just saying random words now, you idiot.
Get off the internet.