I'm going to buy either Pokémon Sun/Moon or Fire Emblem: Fates.
Which one and why?
I'm going to buy either Pokémon Sun/Moon or Fire Emblem: Fates.
Which one and why?
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Buy Pokemon. New Fire Emblem is shit. And I love Fire Emblem.
I loved Fire Emblem: Awakening to bits. The first Fire Emblem I played, but I completely fell for it.
In what ways is Fates different?
Neither. They're both shit.
Too many characters leaves most support conversations really bland
The Gameplay in Birthright is pretty boring with an average story, whereas the Gameplay in Conquest is decent but the story is beyond insufferable. I haven't played Revelations, but I hear it takes the worst aspects of each campaign
The Localization in general was butchered and the voice acting is pretty bad, though that last point is just my opinion and I've heard people say the voice acting was okay
In contrast, Sun/Moon may be one of the most polished pokemon games to date. If you can stand the fairly annoying cutscenes, your rival being on antidepressants, and the low-ish number of new Pokemon it's a very solid entry to the pokemon series.
Its better than awakening in every way. Conquest had great maps. That said, Pokemon's better.
Neither, hack your 3DS/N3DS:
Go for Poke. Fates is probably the worst FE out there.
I'd say get Sun/Moon if you enjoy the multiplayer aspect of pokemon or just really enjoy collecting them, the main game offers no challenge (as expected)
FE Fates: Conquest is good gameplay-wise but falls short everywhere else. Get it if you want tougher and deeper gameplay than Awakening.
Wait...what about the voice acting? Can you choose japanese audio or are you stuck with english? This is a dealbreaker for me.
Did you play Pokémon X/Y? Can you draw any parallels between those and the new ones in terms of comparison?
this. one is a kiddy RPG and the other is censored trash. Go play a good game instead
not OP, but I'm a dumbass who updated, so no hax available for me
The Fire Emblem games seem to put up a very enjoyable challenge. I did play through Awakening on Lunatic, and even managed a couple of maps on Lunatic+. If Fates advances on that aspect it sounds like a great game.
sounds like Conquest is the game for you then, the other routes are lacking in good gameplay
Eh, I didn't really enjoy the new pokemon game that much. Sure it may be the best gameplay-wise, but having so little post game just doesn't do me well. BW2 was the last pokemon game I enjoyed.
I had fun with fates and if you decide to get it, you should get conquest since both stories are shit anyways.
Wait...are Conquest and Birthright two separate games?
not OP, I'm considering Sun/Moon but I can't defend Gamefreak's laziness and tendency to remove good features from past games and make some features retardedly grindy (like getting bottle caps to raise IVs in Sun/Moon)
I guess I could just use Pokemon Showdown instead
Yes. They're two versions that only have their designated campaign, and you buy the other campaign in game as if it were DLC. And there's Revelation which is the third campaign which does not come as a physical version and requires you buy one of the other two to buy it.
Fates is a completely fucked up game in so many ways that I'd recommend you get Pokemon and I don't even give a shit about Pokemon. Fates is just not good in many ways.
I completely hated the shit out of the DLC-system in Awakening. I hated having to buy all those separate DLC maps and I really don't want to have to repeat that if I get any of the Fates games.
Bottle Caps aren't for making your pokemon competitive, that's what breeding is for, which is much faster.
Bottle Caps are useful for the following things:
Making event Pokémon not shit
Making single encounter Pokémon not shit
Giving a Pokémon with a specific Hidden Power typing the proper Speed - you were locked at a 30 Speed IV if you wanted Hidden Power Fire, for instance
Making your ingame bros competitively viable if you want to do that
Breeding is still the way to go. Or just hack them in, who cares.
No matter how bad people say the new Pokemon is, it can not be as bad as fuckin Fates.
That game is totally garbage if you care anything about story or characters.
OP here. I ended up fucking it and bought Assassin's Creed: Syndicate instead.