Thinking of getting pic related. What am i in for?

Thinking of getting pic related. What am i in for?

Pretty fun levelling process your first time through, then realization that there's no end-game followed by trying to level something new and realizing all classes are very similar and abandon it.

Diablo 'it sort of has potential to be as good as D2 but lacks the budget, the expansion may save it, I dunno but got 400 hours in it' 2

The best ARPG on the market.

hand pain

Mindless right-clicking from start to finish.

the best arpg on the market which isn't saying much but I've had as much fun with it as d2 plus you can mod it, this and titan quest are about as good as it gets

im being optimistic but i imagine it'll only get better with time, my only qualm is it seems alt unfriendly because that zodiac shit is a bitch to backtrack and get even if you manage to remember most lay outs which for the most part are static

in for a great time.

Everything about it is superior ASIDE from the fact that it stutters constantly on any visual settings no matter what the fuck I do ever. Also the game blackscreened my computer before I lowered my video cards output by 1% and that is just stupid. God I want to love it, but it's unplayable as of the last patch.

You'll need hot coffee and tight shoes to help keep you awake. The combat combos are so uninspiring.

something something path of exile

It's great, did you like Titan Quest?

I played 200 hours of Grim Dawn, I am very excited for the expansion that they are apparently working on

Before you do look at the humble bundle, same price but with other (somewhat decent) shit too.

If you're familiar with Titan quest it's like that.


new outdoor aetherial lore-filled dungeon next month, fellow taken


Pay attention to the ground you're walking on. They love to place damage-floors everywhere that quickly become invisible during fights.

Grimdark Titan Quest 2 and poor man's Path of Exile.
Save the cash and put it towards PoE stash tabs and play the real man's ARPG.

had the same problem bro, I used a program called steam mover to switch the install directory from a normal hard drive to my ssd and the problem was solved

Great arpg. Awesome class options and the devotion system encourages exploring by providing character progression incentive. I beat it on veteran a couple days ago. Still have six level ups, one post game dungeon and at least two super bosses to attempt before new game plus.

>falling for the SSD meme

The first playthrough is great. But after that it feels like more of the same. Which is true for any ARPG I suppose. But for some reason this one especially feels stale

That said. I started playing again with the DAIL mod. And it has made it a much more fun experience

So I'd probably mod it after the first play. It really needs the variety in classes

ugly version of tq which missed the chance to actually polish the needed parts.

Didn't work for me. using ram as a storage drive does. That is equally stupid.

>Thinking SSDs are a meme when storage companies are phasing out production of the HDD.
>Totally ok with a game reading a hdd at 142Mb/s when my new PCIE ssd does 3.4GB/s.
I haven't seen a loading screen in 7 years sense Intel released the x25-m

>not path of exile
explain yourself

That would be lying. I am not a liar.

Explanation provided.

are you literal shills or trying to defend the useless hours you put into gear and currency?

it's just a fucking grim dawn thread nobody is saying it's better than poe even though it is

when i was young i stacked health
now that i'm old i wish i would have stacked resistances

also becoming a lightning god feels great

should have stacked both pham

8K hp is good enough when you're maxed out on resistances

10k is standard if you're doing HC ult
12-15k if you're melee.

you could probably get away with 8k as an arcanist/whatever in SC ult

PoE would had been a great game if it had an AH.

Having to browse a 3rd party site and then hope the autist I'm trying to trade with is either online, or doesn't suddenly forgot what he listed it at, and overcharges for it.

>25k hp reflection build
>enemy boss only casts spells and never physically attacks you

fuck i meant retaliation build

Just personal preference. I loved everything about Grim Dawn, atmosphere, lore, leveling system, skills.

Path of Exile simply didn't click in that way for me. I also hate playing freemium games.

best arpg you can get atm.

You cant ask this question on Sup Forums as it is full of PoE fanboys.
I played both and I'd say that Grim Dawn is the superior single-player game.
It has no economy to speak of like PoE does, so PoE obviously is the better online/multiplayer experience.
It all depends on what you want from the game.

PoE is better

I was very disappointed by GD

time for a new build
dual handed stormhearts with shaman
what should i add to it?

Sadness really. I went 50h into it, NOT PLAYING SOLO! I was in coop, still. It kept me only for 50h, Afterwards it's boring, boring, and more boring.

Currency comes naturally as you play the game, and it doesn't take hours to gear up your character.

Nobody said grim dawn is better? How about "Best arpg on the market"?

>It kept me only for 50h

Only 50 goddamn hours? We live in a truly weird age.

A strong contender against PoE in the "slowest most boring ARPG" category.

A bad game

I don't even get how you can compare PoE, which is just a RPG game, much like Baldur's Gate was. Whereas GD is an ACTION RPG. Diablo style. This comparison is just invalid.

>no new ip
poefags in full defense mode i see

I bought it but haven't played it yet because I'm playing through Titan Quest first, which I'm enjoying a lot. I'll probably play GD after I'm a fair way in to my PoE character for the new season.

Do you control your character in this? or command them?

Can't help it, I guess my ARPG sense burned out after years of Diablo 2, then PoE

Because PoE stands for Path of Exile here... Honestly.

So yeah, Too much ARPGs, If you're starved for that, go ahead.

Path of Exile

>discussing ARPGs
>doesn't realise PoE refers to the ARPG


Get the fuck out with your weak bait.

Who here is /demolitionist/ here?

What's up with all those victorian gothic ARPGs?

I have a demo/arc ammunition magician.

1600 poe hours here. 50 hours in a ARPG is nothing.

Make sure you grab it on humble bundle. Its cheaper than steam sale and comes with other games.

can you make a necromancer in GD yet

This, I heard nothing but good things from Sup Forums when this game originally so I bought it on a steam sale, it was boring and disappointing and I ended up just going back to Path of Exile, even tho that game seems to have terrible optimization issues.

How embarassing.

^This so much!
I love the game, but the lack of endgame turned it from possible 3.000h game like I spend in PoE to a 200h game, kay I'm bored now.

It's still way longer than your average single player game, so I was using that metric.

Anyway, if you enjoyed those 50 hours, that's pretty good already. If it was only about keeping your friends company, oh well.

yeah, there's a mod out there that lets you have a bunch of skellingtons. It's either DAIL or Grimarillion

huge amounts of fun, but once you max out one mastery at the first half of the game you then start to feel bored since you know that THAT is what you'll be doing for the rest of the game, just bigger numbers.

>just bigger numbers.
so literally every arpg then?

Boring as fuck, looks hideous as hell to boot. I wouldn't bother.

usually arpgs are balanced so you max your skills somewhere near endgame, but once you see how your playstyle near endgame will be only half way through the game, you start to get bored.

fair enough. i usually play arpgs for the loot rather than builds so i don't have a problem with that

Total pleb here: How's controller support?


The best, though I seem to get a lot of drops that would work better for a demo/occultist

Best single player friendly ARPG. PoE is alright, but its like you get nowhere in that game without some serious grinding and trading.

Too bad the engine is old and not optimized for multicore, it runs much worse than it should

>can retain data without power
>giving HDD 10 free irrelevant points just to say that it's better

jesus christ, we got a genuine Seagateā„¢ shill over here
how are those 15% annual failure rates treating you?

Constellation system is EXTREMELY fun.
Pet builds are awesome, and the caster has plenty to do.

Shaman is best tree overall, wendigo totem is insane.

titan quest with guns

as i said, titan quest with guns

>Shaman is best tree overall
no that would be soldier

>not demolitionist
baka desu senpai

Waste of money. Game is only fun for 1-2 playthroughs on hardcore, trying to stay underleveled. Past that its a joke because the item progression lacks interesting uniques and the build progression is heavily limited by the talents that are being given to you, of which most arent even good. Graphics and great but holy shit is the art direction, gear in particular, utterly horrible. If its on sale for 10 bucks I'd say its worth it, otherwise a waste of money.

I liked the base game, and am really hoping for a shapeshifting class to come out with it. Or maybe a class that offers heals for self and allies to diversify things a bit.

I'm not the OP. So, I just bought this game on Steam. I know nothing about it whatsoever.

What's the most overpowered character class / build? I don't play ARPGs much, so I don't want to struggle.

Without needing specific gear, Shaman + Soldier is pretty dope, as is Demolitionist and Arcanist.

Some late game builds that focus on specific items include the occultist a lot. Check the build compendium on the forums.

Get DAIL if you want OP characters
Playing Ranger/Elementalist is fun
DW pistols shooting 36 bullets with 1 click , exploding falcons and meteors raining down on your enemies
Enemies with damage reflect will kill you as soon as you touch them

>Controller... for a fucking ARPG!
pleb, pleb indeed

I'm in a situation where I really don't feel comfortable playing in KB+M right now.

>So both of your hands are cut off, you are a mouth breather, and this is your dads PC?
There is NO excuse for playing ARPG, RTS, 4X or any other similar game on a controller, it just makes it 100x worse.

another user here

15 years of D2 has destroyed my wrist so I'd love to play with a controller

It's fucking shit.

The enemies are incredibly generic and boring.

The graphics are absolute trash.

Path of Exile does it way better. It has cool-looking enemies and interesting lore.

the best

Played it 2-3 years ago, was pretty boring: bland locations and lots of kiting. Has it improved at least to Titan Quest level?

Its great and has a realy nice artstyle and lore. Much, much better than PoE.

PoE is fucking shit.

The enemies are incredibly generic and boring

The graphics are utter ass.

It's also buggy as hell.

Your last 3 statements apply to both games

I can't even play Grim Dawn without crashing every 5 minutes. My screen turns black, but I can still hear the sound in the background. It works with alt+entering a bunch of time to get it back but fuck that shit.


Welcome to Sup Forums.

ARPGs actually play really well with a controller, only downside is less hotkeys but for a lot of builds that's not a problem.

Sequel when?

Lol no. Path of Exile has interesting enemies that fit its Dark Fantasy aesthetic really well.

Grim Dawn is just uninspired and bland in both its enemies and environments.

Got it right.
