33yo fat nihilist with wicked sense of humour

>33yo fat nihilist with wicked sense of humour
>mom's gonna freak soon and will kick me out from her basement
>have something like 7000$ in cash
>wanna rent single room and play some vidya for the next year, and then kill myself
What gayming machine should I get?

a revolver.

Aren't you old enough to be knowledgbale at the very least in entertainment devices?
I'd say kill yourself right now, no need to artificially prolong your shitty life.

Damn you kids, the edge is real

>hurrr unless your a wagecuck you're deserve death!!!
Grow up faggots.

I'm a wizard myself who still lives with his parents, I'm not making retarded threads about that though, you troglodyte.
Off yourself.

I'm gonna ask again, which console is the best choice for the upcoming year? Or should it be PC?


But you do deserve to die if you are a worthless waste of space.

buy gym membership and start lurking /fit/

>and then kill myself
You aren't gonna kill yourself. You'll pussy out at the last second and then you won't even have your 7000 dollars. Get a fucking job.

Go to bed kid
Been there, done that and it's not worth at the end

>33yo fat nihilist
you didn't do anything fag

a gun would be a wise investment. you could have about three seconds of fun

>Get a fucking job

>33 year old manchild NEET
>telling people to grow up

so you could support yourself instead of relying on handouts

like, y'know, an actual adult

turn into a hobo.


buy a dildo so you can buttfuck yourself

>tfw i don't want to get at this point
>mfw i'm getting at this point

enough time to work

to pay my trap therapy :3

Redditors bullying a NEET
This is the nu-chan

I guess everyone should kill themselves then.


so i can stop giving you the (You)s you desire

I'm a NEET who's bullying a dumb smelly retard NEET.
If you are shit IRL you have no excuse for being shit in virtual life.
Don't strawman with lebbit now and go find some safe space if you can't handle the bantz.

NEETs with a complex

this is nu-chan

>imma better NEET than you! KYS

t. triggered NEET

it's like shooting fish in a barrel

I'm not even mad tho. Just saddened by your delusion of being superior.

I want your (you)s forever, fucking wage slave.

and i want my wasted tax dollars back, if it's going to a waste of space such as yourself

keep telling yourself that, buttmad neet

Repeating that I'm mad won't get me mad kek

because you already are mad, you delusional freak

Shut up and work harder wagecuck i need my NEETbucks for new vidya

You seem pretty triggered, wagecuck.

(you) two get back to fingering each others butts


>NEETS going apeshit over harmless (and potentially useful) suicide jokes

If you get this triggered maybe you should go to loser boards like and . Those should be great safe spaces for kissless NEETs like yourselves.

>>wanna rent single room and play some vidya for the next year, and then kill myself

>not going innawoods

I voted for Trump because he will cull your kind, parasites living off the backs of others with welfare checks.

Shouldn't you be a work?

>loser boards
Take a look around fag

A PS4 Pro.

Good luck. Now you have to go back to work.

how the fuck do you compute in da woods

Shouldn't you be crying into your onahole in mom's basement

>implying there aren't well-paying jobs where you can sit on your ass and still rake in class
Not everything is retail or fast food, user. I suggest you get into EMS or construction, because I do both and medic school is definitely easier because of it.

Keep wasting your tax dollars, I lose nothing.

Laptop + WiFi
It's current year, after all.

That's nice and all, but why should I work, if I'm getting free money from yours?

>got biochem exam in tuesday
>slacking all day, watching hxh
>open Sup Forums, see this sad thread
>motivation to study out of nowhere
>don't wanna end up like op

thank op

Why bother? The state will sustain me for the rest of my life. I'm an a simple man with simple needs.

Except your house when mom dies

Not for long, Trump wants to get rid of faggots like you, no better than project niggers.

But I'm not even American.

well according to you thats only a year anyway

>ITT: Vladimir is making wage slaves mad

Ps4 pro + psvr

I'm not OP. I've accepted my lot in life and intend to live for a long time.

you're not living at all

Isn't VR a meme?

Says who? You have some monopoly on the definition of the good life?


A toaster next time you take your bath.

Current gen is a meme, I'll wait until Vive 2 to buy it. But OP is on a budget and will kill himself in one year, so psvr is the best choice for him.

Jokes on you, I'm not bathing at all

Get a cheap pc. Not the super cheap, but a cheap one.
Use that for playing emulators.

There's no point in spending 1000s on an extreme gaming pc when you still have hundreds of old games to play that run on cheap laptops.

>you're not truly living life until you're stuck in traffic because black lives matter is protesting and you have a pounding headache after getting no sleep because you were too worried about your future because your boss told you that if you turn up late to work one more time he will can your ass and replace you with a robot and now you're about to be late to work because trump won the election and unemployed liberals are asshurt and blocking traffic

nah man i'm good

This is damn good advice for all my neet brothers out there. You can so a lot with little when it comes to video games.

So less than 1k is alright, right?

>Someone bragging about their greatest achievement in life being to spend someone else's money to play vidya and slack off
Pretty pathetic desu.

You sadly don't know the fulfillment of doing a good honest days work, you dumb parasite.

I'm living off of your money on my own, not with my mom.

Why don't you give that $7000 to someone who still has a future and just kill yourself now? It'll be the last good thing your pathetic life will have accomplished.

Someone like you poorfag?

Cool, here's your you.

don't post my girlfriend

damn i love katka

Your gal is everyone's pal.

>I'm out of arguments so now I have to resort to memes

Just off yourself now you fucking retard.

why wait a year?

>you don't know the fulfillment of slaving away for half of a paycheck while the other half goes to hormone treatments for trans military personnel to be deployed into the middle east to train mujahideen rebels on how to overthrow their democratically elected government

video games

He is saying he is going to kill himself after this is all done. How is that bragging you 14 year old dimwit fuck?

Only NEETs can be this mad.

Have another you

why don't find a part time job, making enough money to live and spend on vidya?

>you mad
you boring

he dosent have the balls to do it himself

1060 i5 6500 8gb ram 480gb ssd

I never got the wageslave meme.

I've never been in a city but I imagine things are a lot worse there. I live in rural NY/PA and live off of $12000/yr, which is minimum wage part time work here, although I work less than that.

Save up enough money for a plane ticket and come live in upstate NY where every other business has help wanted. ezpz

>480gb ssd

That's such a tiny amount of storage

How do you survive with that?

At least buy a 2tb or so hdd to go with it for mass storage

>you boring

Damn, thats actually a pretty good come back to "hurr durr u mad XD" which was an effective trump card of shitposting for years. For anyone over the age of 18 the 'u mad' bait is just boring at this point.

Well what gaems do you like? Probably weebshit right being a 33 y/o NEET looking for tendies. If so PS4. If you like non-weebshit, then PC.

>implying Sup Forums hasn't always bullied NEETs

Get a gaymen PC, OP.

Think about it. You get every game released ever on every system except the current and last generation (and they've got close-to-finished emus too), and most games from current and last gen was multiplat anyway. You only lose out on a miniscule handful of exclusives, and most of them suck.

Games similar to X-com
Grand strategies
RTS/FPS hybrids
Text based games
Dungeon crawlers

But I might try something new

So are you bb

I'm a wageslave and I still don't know that fulfillment

vive is a hundred bucks off tomorrow, get that plus a decent PC and then spend the next year fucking virtual anime girls


Get a MSI GTX 1070/1080 and a i5-6600k right now when the the gettins good.

>not being a carebear contributing to a hugbox means you're reddit
Oh the irony.