I don't see it. With that said, I'm sure now arrogant twats will wreck my shit but can anybody give me an actual factor which makes these games good?
Why does Sup Forums like these games so much?
their fun
It's fun.
I didn't enjoy BB until I got to Rom. After that I was having a ball.
the gameplay is engaging
the levels are fun to explore
The settings are neat, the music is good, the combat requires you to be careful and it's fun to replay the games using different weapons or builds.
they're fun
Exploration, collecting everything is fun, pvp is somewhat unique and intertaining in ds1 and 2, and the worlds are interesting.
The rest of the aspects of the games are outshined by other action games though.
>moonside lake rom was piss easy
>mfw chalice dungeon rom
they leave you to your own devices and are pretty much just pure gameplay with little interruption
Oh, and making different builds is fun and rewarding in ds1 2 and bloodborne.
First time getting to him had me so fucked up
>jumping off that ledge
>landing in some water place
>big ass ugly spiders everywhere
that shit was so cool
>le dark souls 3 is bad meme
when will ds2 apologists fuck off
They're overrated, and at least 1/3 of their praise comes from boring pvp faggots whose response is always ad hominem a la "git gud" etc. Some of their praise also comes from starved weebs who don't really like western games and they want a Japanese game to be really popular, since they identify with the Japanese game industry more, so it's a little of a "toot your own horn" kind of deal.
That said, despite how grindy they can be sometimes (mostly due to the all drab color palette and repetitive dungeon theme) they're still pretty creative, and if you like exploration and subtle storytelling that isn't delivered directly through cinematics as well as the simplistic combat, they ARE fun games. Good if you want something to sink 80+ hours into.
I just bought DS3 last night and so far it's WAY fucking better than DS2. The soundtrack alone turns my dick into diamonds
Gameplay just feels right
The atmosphere is top notch
There's a huge attention to details
Backstory is actually very interesting
Bosses feel like actual bosses.
It's not without its cons, but it's still the game of this gen for me.
Literally nothing in the first paragraph you wrote is true.
Please learn to form your own opinions instead of spouting shit you picked up from Sup Forums next time.
the shine will wear off once you realize how pathetically weak 90% of the weapon classes are and how one track the game is on repeat playthroughs
Bloodborne was the best experience I have ever had in a console. When I take off my nostalgia goggles I am able to recognize that Bloodborne did what the games of my childhood did aswell, but added onto it. This game literally made me start reading. I fucking love it so much I wish they would release 50 more DLCs. Everything clicks and I absolutely adore it
Even with all of its flaws or awkward pacings and lack of NPCs (for my taste)
Are you me? Killed lake Rom first try but chalice one had me repeating a lot.
I personally dislike dark souls 2, but they hit a gold mine with BB. Especially in the old hunters. I can't believe that no one told THIS story in this specific way with Kos, the church, the tower full of patients, the lovecraftian experiments.
We have endless games trying to replicate something like that, but BB does it right.
I played and finished my first souls game, DeS, very recently and I was surprised by how much I liked it, because I also thought that the only appeal was MUH DIFFICULTY
Some people are more into the RPG elements, but I was really into the combat and level exploration parts. As someone who likes fast 3D action games (DMC, Bayo, NG), I actually liked the slower-paced combat encounters and the games actually have good attack animations and better combat than a lot of other action games.
Also, it was not absurdly difficult, some parts were easier than I expected. It mostly abides to the 'tough but fair' rule
>Please learn to form your own opinions instead of spouting shit you picked up from Sup Forums next time.
Sure, see That's from my experience talking with friends and strangers online. A lot of the fanbase just wants to feel hardcore. Do you really think it's all people who play them because they appreciate exploration and lore? 1/3 is a fair estimate of that type of person praising these games.
This, but also goes for DS1
both of those games reignited my gaming drive.
DS3 is fine, way better than 2 but failed to do so, it's miles below 1 and BB, even DeS imo.
chalice rom is actually easier than the regular rom
regular rom is easy now after the nerf anyway
That is.... a correct opinion, my dude. Are you me? Can you list your experiences of each game?
DeS = That weird obscure game I got in a second hand store, strange and magical.
DaS = A revolution that made me play videogames again. (and even watch videos about the game)
DaS 2 = I just couldn't get into it as much as I tried.
BB = A revolution that filled me with passion again. Made me start reading
DaS 3 = A tired, familiar experience. Good, but that's it.
I fucking hated Bloodborne so much.
>Every single setpiece is a cathedral or ramshack village leading to one
>Every single track in the game is just choirs hitting earsplitting high notes
>Switch weapons are cool but fewer unique weapons because of it
>Armor is more or less for fashion only, no practical application
>Fewer "armors" in general
>Hardly any build variety
>Dex and Str play largely the same way
>No shields, yet another playstyle gone
>A lot of bosses suffered DaS2 syndrome for being pointless, like Emissary
>The story and lore was embarrassingly pretentious with its symbolism
>Tried to take inspiration from Lovecraft but failed to understand what Lovecraftian horror actually is
I understand why some people would like the game but I dropped it just after starting my second playthrough, record time for a Souls game.
>assuming BB only wanted to do lovecraft
>assuming that you know what it actually entails
>embarrasingly pretentious = shit you just don't understand
>no shields listed as a negative point
>hardly any build variety: LOL
>fewer unique weapons; when all trick weapons ARE unique, that's the whole fucking point
0/10 see me after Byrgenwerth class
basically what you wrote, but I did play DeS after DaS and DaS2(didn't have a ps3) unfortunately
It surprised me how good it is but I still prefer DaS.
BB singlehandedly made me get a PS4, was not disappointed.
3 was fun but lacks in many departments, does some things better than BB tho.
Because they're fun.
I understood the story, but the need to crowd it with symbolism and DUDE, BIRTH AND SHIT. NO DUDE LIKE, REBIRTH, HEAR THE BABY CRYING? IT'S CRYING BUT LIKE, YOU CAN'T SEE IT BECAUSE WE'RE #DEEP was fucking retarded.
Lovecraft entails eldritch abominations you can do nothing about. You can't do a proper Lovecraftian game because the horror partly revolves around futility, not fisting the alien beings until they die and you become Eldritch Supreme. The only game I've seen kinda do Lovecraftian right is Dark Corners of the Earth, where the player character is put in a mental ward and then kills himself at the end.
No shield is a negative point, fuck you. I understand if you like the new parry-only playstyle but taking away features is NEVER a good thing and you can't convince me otherwise.
There's little build variety, yes. You can pump points into whatever the fuck you want but it'll hardly change the way you play, you'll still either be swinging your weapon wildly or swinging it wildly while using a bit more bloodtinge/arcana. Game was made for lowly dex faggots and it shows.
All trick weapons are unique but the weapon count was more than halved from previous Souls titles. Trick weapons essentially being two weapons in one doesn't make up for this, because those two weapons will always be tied to one another. Dynamic choice is stifled.
>Bosses feel like actual bosses
not in DaS2.
>Taking features away is NEVER a good thing and you can't convince me otherwise
Stopped reading right there. No point in wasting my energy talking to someone so stupid. Examine your beliefs, man.
>>Every single setpiece is a cathedral or ramshack village leading to one
Yeah, except for the town, forest, lecture hall, and castle areas.
>>Switch weapons are cool but fewer unique weapons because of it
As opposed to the copy and paste the other games have with their weapons and movesets? Not to mention that every weapon in BB is viable for both PvE and PvP, and the fact that you can attune any weapon you want to fit your build.
>>No shields, yet another playstyle gone
You get two shields though. Just don't get butthurt if you get punished for using them.
Examine yours.
They have everything a good game--particularly a good RPG--should have.
-Gamplay is prioritized over all else
-There is lots of exploration and a great sense of discovery
-Combat is very engaging and skill-based
-Interesting world design
-Good variety in gameplay, you can technically beat the game with a variety of play styles
-They have interesting story elements which are completely optional if you don't want to bother
They're essentially 3D Metroidvanias and pull off the idea really well. Even the lower points of the series are still considered great games.