Where's the free Ryuji theme???

Where's the free Ryuji theme???

Atlus said Euros would get it today but it's not on the PlayStation store. Any other Europeans who can't find it? Have we been had?

lol europe cucks xd

I don't get why it's even Ryuji desu. Why not the MC?

The Europe store doesn't update usually for a few more hours.
Be patient.

Because the Ryuji theme is the one they expect to sell the least, so it's the one they're giving away for free.
They know people will buy the waifu themes and the MC one.

Where are you checking, because If its anything like when the US got it then it's in Avatars as a bundle instead of Themes.

>he didn't make a japanese account and get all the themes already


Just give up, user.

They played us like a damn fiddle.

Hey japfag!

>people actually thought getting dual audio would stop the shitposting
I miss February 2015

You actually like this translation?

I'm so sorry, user. If it makes you feel better the offer only lasted for one fucking day. I "bought" it and it doesn't even display on PSN anymore.

As long as their isn't any senpai, Chan, or ~~kuuuun every 5 seconds I'm fine

They're keeping honorifics again too.

I know but they won't be as common as in persona 4 where rise would always come to you and say >SEEEEENPAAIIII

Oh user.

Why do they only do this with Persona?

Target audience loves it

is atlus gonna give the MC a name? I really don't wanna read Charlie-kun

You mean Potter-kun.

His official Atlus USA name is Harold.

Imagine a fucking SMT game with honorifics.

>Lucifer-sama, I too believe in a world ruled by the strong!

>Ryuji gets cucked
>Persona fans get cucked


His chin is legendary.

>The artist for that one doujin with pigtail slut hasn't made another yet

Oh, that's actually clever.

sounds like a cunt

Akira Kurusu

Going to assume this is somehow taken out of context as Sup Forums always does.

its not actually, only thing you should know it thats they barely met for a few days

Actually the context is fairly similar. This is right after you meet her for the first time, and she reluctantly gets in the car with her teacher, who's trying to get her to have sex with him. The webm itself is slightly edited to look more NTR-ish, but the cutscene itself plays out roughly the same way.
If anyone gets cucked in the game, it's poor old Ryuji. Right after he gets his Persona he sees his wannabe girlfriend fawning over Kamoshida in barely any clothes, and then never actually gets to fuck her. To make matters even worse, you can romance Anne, cucking Ryuji even moreso.


It's okay user, it hasn't been up for me for years either.

It's up now, at least in Sweden.

It's not up yet in Ireland.

Ryuji was never into Anne.
If anything, you're cucking Morgana.

Morgana's more into Haru tbqh

That's completely wrong though. He talks about wanting to fuck Lady Anne all the time.

>all the time
It's a throwaway gag used in like 3 instances in the first dungeon.

We all know that cat is a cute girl.
Her cute girly voice confirms it.

>wanting worst character's theme

of course his is the free one

>talks about "worst character"
>posts anne

But she's best girl.

From the UK here, still can't seem to find it.


Why is it fucking taking so long? Why add it on the 24th if they add it 3 hours before the day finishes?

They infected Yakuza with them.

My name is Harold, Harold Cunt. Got a nice ring to it dont'cha think?

I don't fucking know. Atlus are pretty incompetent when it comes to this stuff sometimes.

It's not Atlus.
Deep Silver are the EU publisher, they'll be the ones handling the theme.

It's up in Albania

Can't find him in the US psn. Where is it?

No longer available, you missed him lad.


It's like the last result for P5 and it's PS4 only

>always name persona mc after myself
>this time I legitimately want to name him Potter

who has the biggest ass in game?


>worst character
He's the best one in the cast though

Have you played the game? he's shit only good for dps

Except I'm not talking about his stats, and even then he's really useful as a team member for the reason you just mentioned.

Name your character something-kun it's funny when they call you something-kun-kun

Maybe out of the playable characters, doesn't take much though

Still not up?

Can't see it nope, is there any way of getting in contact with Atlus about this?

No. Doubt they care.

Could try spamming DeepSilvers twitter


What the fuck? Literally an hour and a half left in the day and it's still not up.

>Inb4 it's been up the entire time but hidden away

Also, did they say on the stream that it'd be free today? The only source I can find for getting it on the 24th is Persona Central.

How much are the other themes in the Jp store?

200 yen

Welp, I know what I'm bout to do when I get home.